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There are 10,000 membera of the .-ate range. Pundee üias a city hall all its own now, tana paid lor. Tlie fine Kleighing is leing improved by tlie young folks. l'lainficld now lnos a cornet band of fourteen members. Tlie scarlet fever has been palnting the children of Clielsea red. Kabbit pot-pie is said to le the ■ f the elite, now-a-days. St. lfruyi c-hurch of Chelsea, made $100 by its Cbristmas festival.Ed. I'hrips s huw superintendent oí tlie Oongregational Snnday school In w'ciister. A choir of fifiy volees is one of tlie lililíes propoaed at the Tpsilantl Htgh 9cbool. Oraoge Judd, for many ycars famous in agricnltaral JoornalUm, died on Dec. 27, in ('liieaigo. Tlie G-ood TemjilarV at Dexter are raisinir iiKincy to send u patiënt to Vpislanti's Keeley cure. E. X. Ball, of Hamburg, has been ehosen seeretary of the state merino fheep breeders assoeiation. AVm. Bcrnfaam, of Webster, aged 72 pea, ïormerly an extensive cattle dealer, died on the 29th uit. James E. Eagan has resiigned liis place in the Dexter (schools and wlll enter into business life in Colorado. The most common song sung on our fctreets now, is ; '"Bob ! 15- o- b !! R o b ! ! !"- Fimkney IHnpatcli . Twelve members of the Ypsilanti liiiht Gurd were dischnrged last week tor perslstently refusing to attend drill. The next meeting of the Webster Farmer's chib will be held at the residenee of Mr. an 1 lire. AVooster Hlodpet, on Saturday next. There are now 80 pupils in the High School. This is the largest number the school ever had at nny one time. -Tpsilantl Commercial. Ex-Senator Thoe. W. Talmer president of the World's Fir, ie to lecture in Ypeilantl for the benefit of the I-adies Library Aesoclation. Sharon is famous for getting up the best sociables of any township in ihi8 county. That's because John J. Robison lives over there. ■Mrs. Wm. Stevene, of Dexter, expects to vi8it lier dauighter Maud, in Southern California, soon, réturning vin, Texas to visit her daughter Mabel. The farmera are takini; advnntaije of the excellent sleighing and are hauling a large number of logs to the saw milis in tihis place.- Fowlervillp Observer. , The L. S. & M. 8. Jly. Oo. has paid Art Retan, of Hudson, the snug gum of $32,314.05 for ctitting off his lege at HmlKon wtth their fast train.- Clinton Local. Norrliville has 41 persons who pay er $75 in taxes. Tlie largest taxpayer is .T. 8. Iaphara $647.87, followed closely by the Globe Furniture Oo., with $042. Dr. I). I'. tfcLacblan, of York, took away the prize for the lst, 2d and 3d pullet in the 8. C. Brown Leghorn lae, at the Detroit poultry and bench show this Aveek. Wonder wJiat the Ann Arlor Conrler wants un to wait a few montlis for ?- Northville Record. Some of tliat fartli may mingle witli the water by that time. Sacb thinir-s fiare been known. One of tflie lienefits from good roads 8 illustrated in Indiana, rbere t ■ ■(►sis to keep fin in first-elass reIair but fifteen cents B mile for cvciv hundred dollare Inveeted in roads.- lielsea Herald. D. C. ("ook, of Salem, died last l'iiday, of Imenmonia, aged nearly 70 years. Tlie deoeased was one of the pioneers of tlie eoonty, and a man greatly reepei-tod 1y liis noighV)orR. h was the father of E. P. Cook, of tliis city. Wfl lcarn Hint Cny ShertTOOd, son of George S'herwood, of tliis village, lias been promoted to a conductor of a train running from Oeceola to Des Moines, Iowa. His friends here wfll le glad to liear tbte.- Manchester Khterprise. Notwit.hstamliiiír the arp atmosphere f Tuc-day nioniiiijr. B. M. Sny,1,.,-. of Webtfter, wbb on th Btreeta of Dexter ae ír.-sh m o lUy, al an early ii,,ur. Inepite oí hta tow-score aed-eev,.n yrars. and nine miles gpace trom home.- Dexter Leader. Chas. I!. Patlison. íonm-rly OÍ VpMlanti. now ol l'.ustis. Fia., lias pregented the Ladlee' i.ibrary Associat'.on ,,í out nelghtKwlng city "f ïpsflantl, witli the ïHiiind tiles ol the ïpallonti Commercial during hta twenty yearg ov more of owncrship. TIn' Wasiitcuaw kennels a1 rpsllanti, took away a íariíi' number oí the dog trtHn the Detroit bench and poultry ,-in.w. F. E. Fteher, of ïpsllanti. al-. won scvcral prliea, whili' ui si price tor st. Bernarda went boL, Ttóhmer, (hcisca. Midi. The Forty Hours Dcvotinn will open in St. M.iry's tlnirch, Clielsea, on Bunday Jan. 18, 1898, at 10:80 a. m. The paetor -will be assisted by Kev. Fatliers Buyee, of Jakson, Temes of Maiuliestr, Fleming of Dexter, and otilar prlests.- Chélsea Hernld. Ourcitizens have been nnosually active this winter in building and improving their placee. There has been a (iemand for carpentera tims tar Ihis winter ïmd we know of more work to done if tihe weather will permit.- Manchester Bnterprise. Byron Bdwards went off to New York (Unistmas week, and forgot to hang up lite Btocking ; but he fonnd a bnby at liis lioiise all the saine, wlwn he carne hacl;. S.-uila Claue doean'1 gkip Btxxl h(.vs 'ikt' ".v011 lOT a little for.üetfiiliu-ss like tliat.- Yislantia.n. Itere are 250,000 words In the BngUefa lainjuanc, and nmst ol thein were u.-ed on Sunday liy a woinan w'ho (iisi-overcd after COmiog out of cliurch tliat her brand new eloak was adt.riied wifh a tair on whi-h was written, 'Priee redmed (ine-half."- Commercial. Editora Who liave a big list of delinquent subscriben! need not jiive up lïope. The Portland Observer man was a few days ago, given ■ fit of lieart palpitation by a subsoriber settling lii bill, wh was 13 years n Hrrean. - .Stockbridge Sun. Wliat was the Obeerver man doini? all thoe yrars ? Sleepinjr '' Probably the most general cruise of failure of the schools to make more strikimg succeeses lies in the ffcCt that Providence hae not gifted all children overplentifully witli brnins. Any system of edwation must run up upiinst this tact, and the eystem is not to be blamed for not acoomplishiiiii the business.- Chelsea Herald. Tlie newspapers seem to be Imsy at work building gool roads while the farmer bits by the stove and 6moke8 his pipe.- Manchester Enterprise. Next spring tlie farmer will puiff away while attempting to get out of a deep rut In one of hi favorHe m-ud ïoaüB, wfliile the newgpaper man will walk- and talk- as usual, And now tomes Ijester Palmer- and he is a Stinday school teacher, too- and eays that he is ready to make atffidavit that a eertain Plymouth Rock hen in his employ did, on rhristmas day, perform the miraculous feat of laying two able bodied eggs. We are glad that the time for turning over new leaves is close at hand.- Livingston Democrat. A good teceipt for keeping horses Leet Irom balling up wltfa snow is given out by a prominent horseman in Mi ie wise : Talie a dlsh of soap and a paint bi-uch at the barn and juet before gfarting out with the horse take the brush and apply the soap to the bottom of the shoe. Once a.mtiiiL of tlie shoe will last for alout ïalf a day.- Wayne Review. The editor of the Ypeilanti Commerial is responsible for t'hls item : "Wa liappened by accident apon ;i page trom tlhe account book of one of YpsiLanti's fir8t young ladies. Following are a few of tlie actual iteras : Gloves $ 2.25 Mapsüi Mallows ... - .8Q Dress-maker 12.00 (Miarity .01 Pi-rfumery 1 .."() The many Triende of J. E. Forbee, forroerly of HudKon, but now of Grand Rnpids, will rememler that he liad au ankle liicli has bothered him for years. Last Aveek he nnderwent an operatioa on t lic ankle and Hie doctor took out, leHides pietes of iükrnsril boni', B piccc of rusty n.-iil one and öne-luilf Inchea lonir. The naü has been lodged In the ankle for sèventeen ycars - Dexter News. One of t1ic larncst clips of wool as wi'll as one of the lx'st was sold and delivered to L. D. Lovewell last day by Hjou. J. B. Bamber, of Hiirhland, Oaklanrt roinity. contalnlng :is:i fleecee. TV'eiglit, without Uijts, 4,450 lbs., being au average of over 11 1-2 lbs. per slieep. Mr. I... is confident that it will run as large a per cent. of Delaine wool as any clip of havy wool he has bought this year. - So. Iyon Ticket. Actirog on tJie euccei of the man who blemled potatoes and tomatoes and had a combination by wbtcb he 0UB iotat(H's from the rootfi und plckel tomatoes from the vinos, n man i s.iiii tiiis year to havo gnccewfully itrown ready made BOOp by planting bogetiher jiras and potatoes. An old and raccesafol auriculturist wtoo reniciiiiM'i-s wtaen enlckens nuraed, now propoeee to plant cora wit peas and raisf hot sucootaeh. - Dexter News. A movement to entlrely remodt 1 the Pre&bj terian dmrch In tute city, or to builil a.ncw. i'.as been u fooi for Borne mouthe. The matter vrfll !■ comddered and probable declded at a spc-iai meeting called (or thai pnppoee mi Mimiiay atternoon, Jan. 10. it can bnt ! boped tliat the society willeëe bheir way clear ti go anead with thlB matter. Srarely every public Bplrited Citizen wnold be glad k help, as aiiDtlK-r ni'W chmvh efllflce WOUld 1' a !i!cataddilion tci t attracttone m' onr city.- Ypsilanti Commercial. Tlie following' relativo tü the nirinler of congrem trom ttaie district, is taken from the Detroit Journal : ■Mr. Gorman lia BTied wit Mr. Younians in linding an out of-tlic-way place in wlik-h to live. His iiunrters are op on O st., between Nitith and Tenth ; and Ufe in 1hat MCtiOO ouulit to allow him to ])Ut by hall liis salary aoS yet have considerable pocket money. Mr. (orinan is a sociable man in his nwii set. Here in Washington his friends are not in conffress. This is mi tunnatural Wtten one considers What a BtrODgnold 'f Catlioli -ism W.-ishinii'on i. and tlial ono may öake his cholee between the Jesuíta .,u the, ist and tlie l'aulists on the cast."


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Ann Arbor Courier