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That fíooil roeda are very mu -h Deed sd the pres of the state are of opinión. Uailroads wlll take are ol Niemselves, but wagon roade need the care and attontion of the people. Hear the opinión of the prees: Iet "ffood ronds" be the constant Míeme till they are secured.- L,ívíhiíhbon Beoord. Improved roads furnish one of the most direct aids of agricultura] developmeiyli.- Coldwater Cowrier. There is ik need of a governmental department of roads, but we need tno good roada themselves and cannot too soon set about makiiiK them.- Muskemm ( liroiiic-le. AVlicn a resident of the city has oc■ .■ i s i 1 1 1 1 to go into the country a distance of ten or twelve miles he undersiainls it is the newspapers are airiiating tlie subject of road improvement.- Grand Rapiils Herald. Blcycle riders nave done a vast deal to promote the good road movement and the memberehip of the league contstitute an effective force upon which friends of good roads come to rely.-Flushinj: Observer. Let us have better roade, by provlding a better highway uystem, ie the cry gioing nip from every part of America. If the coming legislatura talla to provide for sometihing to satisfy the demand dt will fall far ehort of Ita duty. - Leslie Looal. After forty or fifty yeare of taxatlon and waste of money and worlc, Michigan common roads are llttle better than they were when first begun, often mot eo good as they were years ago. We want a system tiïat will oompel every dollar raised by taxatlon to le expended so as to effett some permanent good.- Grand Kapids Eagle. One of the most important questions which bears directly on the matter of prood roads ík that of tires. Of all eivilized coiintrics the United States is unique in that the importance of passing laws compelling the use of wider tires is entirely ignored. In an exchange a Freoch gentleman thus expresses hiniself : "America can never have cxxxl roads iintil they get broader tires on their wagons, aa the narrow tires on heavy loaded veliUles tut np the roads too much," mul M. Oarpnud i erainently correct. In Framce, freigtoting two wheel wagon sliave tires (rom three to ten inches wile, while four wheelers are rarely lesg than six inches, ancf aBthe rear nxols are alKmt 14 incJies loniger than the forward axels ; two feet of road is thue rolled instead of being cut up ly the narrow tires ueed in this country. Verily they do eome thing better in Burope.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier