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IPPRICES fioM Baking MOST PERFECT MADE. In all the great Hotels, the leading Clubs and the homes, Dr. Price'sCream Eaking Powder holds its supremacy. Dr. Priee's The only Pure Contains Cream of Tartar No Ammomn, Baking Powder. No Aluin, Jts Purity Or any other Has never been Adulterant. Questioued. 40 Years the 0 Science ! ♦ sES. MEDICAL jj3írn SCIENCE J . ET-at triumph n i ' mg X e production of i iBEECHASYTS! 1 O III C whleh will curo Slok i ■ fci"W Headache and all Nep-] I TOll DlMirdrri ftrising from Impalrfd ! I lHiritl"!i. Conatlputlon and IH.or. i ' drred Lirer ; and thoj nill qaickly I 1 store nomen to complete hralth. Covered with a Tattelest & Soluble Coating, ' Of all druKt'istj. Price 25 cents a bo. ' '. , New Vork Depot, 365 Canal St. ■ T tre4tment a nio. go I uw IV 1 ƒ zhauitod bv alimrnu tht I could Dot] Btfort. AfUr. Lott. 00 wiv wort. Th Kcrompwivinf; Wetght 24S Ib 196 Ib 50 Iba art Áow thra]t nf 3 monthi' treat-lButt in. 37 In. lila. ment. I now M liki n. t.fing. II!. NV .ut... ■ In. Min. lite. ■ad pltn rf 11 ion. My friends rtlHlp .... 57 Id. 48 Id. 9 lo. mrprhtd. WUI chterfnllV reply to lnqmrte wlth lUinp todowd." FATIENT& TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIOENTIAL. Htrmlffi. No Stirrtng Sf ri i 6 cenu in lUmpi for partlcalin (o 0. W. F MYD. MVICKER $ ClIUtO. IU. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savlngs Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeale and easy to take and no prostrating effects follow, while teetn are extracted without pain. Chas. W. Voel, Dealer In all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor. THE DETROIT (Founded in Eiyhteen hundrtd and forty-nine) A General Family Newspaper. CIBITLATION 65,0(X), Proien Postoffloe Krreipts. Republicnn in Tolitics .and the champion of the Old Soldlers' interests, it is a model general newBpaper, with its departments of Agriculture, Fiction. Fashions, Household News, Sporting, Relig ñus, Commerciali Etc, together with the lBtest news of the world, rewritten in a most attractive manner. The Weekly Tribune Won the position of the largost circulation in Michigan many years ago, rnd has kept it beeause it is always reliable, enterprising and full of original matter, not stille reprint from the dalies. BBTTEK IH&N EVER. One IDcllax per Tear. SPECIAL OFFER. Good only untü Jantiary 15, 1893 A copy of Bill Nye's New Book of 500 pages. with 150 illustrntions.sent free. post pald,together with the Weekly Tribi'.ne foroneyear upon recelpt of only $1.10 One Dollar and Ten Cents. Sl.ft) . . . the . . . New England Magazine At the Front. The fine Hterary tllustratcd magazine of Boston. Able crltics say It Is one of the most interesting magazines pubUshed In América. A great favorlte with New Englanders, and they are everywhere. Local only in name. It ín the people'K Cavo rito. To see this is to want it. lts rirrulation lias doubled the past year Itls unlquc, contalning AMERICAN LKGEN'DS TRADITIüNS, HISTOIÏY, BTOBY and POETRV A consplcuous feature of tïio Maga zink, the treatment of the GREAT AMERICAN CITIES. will W contlnued. sosse op the ,:::.,::::■: ron iss3, Harvard CollAge Kift) Vcurs Aeo, ) By Tiev. Edward New Knclaml Towns Fortj Years Airo. Everett - ' Halt. Villar Cidlftfi'. Society ],lfc In Amherst Colleg. Manual Training In Anieric. lilioili Islam] in the iicrolution. Brother Jonathan and Hls Home. Whaling and Kluherles of the Initeil States. Baeb number contalns several interesting stories and poema. l'rire $3.00 a ïcai : -.'."i ( ents a Copy. Samnli' copies Bent to any address kskk. AGESTS WAKTBD. Addrcss Nbxv England MagazinB, Boston, Mass. i Scientiflc American I MÍTRADE MARKS, Mfi 0E8ICM PATENTS, "s" COPYRIGHTS, ato For Information and f ree Handbook wTlte to MUNN & CU.. 301 BKOAUWAY, Niw YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patente Ín América. Kvery patent taken out by us Is brougtat bef ora the pabilo by o uut ice givcn freo oí charge ia the jfóettöffc JKvtattt Larccst circulat Ion of any sclentifle papr in the world. Splendidly illustrateü. No lntelllsent man ehould be without it. Weekly, 83.00 a ycar: tl.SOBll monthB. Address Mük.N A CO, PUBU8HEB3, 301 Broadway, Hen York City. How to Get Something For Nothing. If you liave not seen tho Mammoth Illustrated Premium List just Issueil ly the Farmer's Friend, ot South Bentl, Ind., eend for it immediately. It costs you nothing, and you wlU be nstonishat the lare variety of artielee offered and the low prioee. A postal card with yoiir name and postoffioe on, {iddressed to the Farmers' Friend. South Beml, Tnd., will bring you the premium list by return mail. tí.


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