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The Dadies' I,ibra.ry Asso.Mation ', ared $130 at their sale before Christin as. The Onyx wlll give their first nias]uerade bal] at the rink, Thursda.v evermig. Jam. 19. Tlie Wolverine Cyclere give thelr 3d nmiual masquerade Ivill at the rink next week Thursday. The Mioliifiaii Furniture Co. has re?e.iv(l a vf.y haiulsome order. It is to furnisli a lintel at Elyria from top tó lKttom. The Young People's Society of the Preebyterlan cliureh vill give a tea a.nd social in tlie ehurch parlors toniOTrow evening-. The yoinijr people'.s societies of this city, will bold a. unión meeting at the M. B. cbmrch, StHuïey eve-ning from 6j30 to 7:30 o'eloek. The date of the pilprrimnge of Ann Ail ■! Cmnmander.v, No. 1., K. T., lei 'hclr .Tackson fraters has been cbanged bo i'cb. 8th. Tlie Ann Arbor Brewlng Co. have ent the Beoond erop of ce off lts pond. It was of better qiiiility than the beiug 18 in -lus i lick. The now Detroit l'nion Depot will be formelly opened Saturday evenlng 01 this wek wlth a concert by the Port Wayne Infantry '.and. sinco the student have returned, the daily gafi coneumptlon in the city Ie imreasiiiir. Durini; the vaca I ion "iily 70,000 f?t per day. Fre&ertck Albcr, .í tihe NorthBide, irho rerntly cracked li is skull and ie iiis leg, is sluwiy gettlng stronger .and Tiis (rienda are liopeful for hifi mtv. ico. WabT has just had issuoil trom i preese, a oeat book of al 200 pagee, (fiving "Dlrections for Work in the Histological Labora' by i'iuí. Bnber. ncw coniity directory is now 1111ler (Diisidcration. ilon V. Mills i.s ii making canvase, and appeara pertectly aatlefled witli the enloin-a.gement he is recelviag. Tuesilay morning, Jan. 17th, Mr. and Mr. Frank T. Gorr, of 85 N. Fifth ac, were the recipionts of a Immiiliful present. It was a plump little siirl. and -oighed eiglit pounds. .1. T. Jacobs Camp, No. 13, S. of V., wïii meet I'iiday evenlnff. All brothere the University or visitir.jr iiiii 'Arbor are ui-ged to be out. fThey will le eordially received. The Grand Cbapter oí Boyal Arch Masona of Michigan was in session in Detroit Jestertlay and to-day. Tlie Aun Arbor capitular masong were repited at tJie session by I!. F. Watts 1'. ;. II. I'.. and W. v. Watts, H. P. mul li. }[. Cntfibert, S., of Washtcaaw ctoapter. It i report i'd tliat as City Attorïtey Nornis h.-is atmminrfd the democratie ticket for the spring election, hc 11 ïujw dispuse of the post oflice. -Times. Oeo. H. Show, of Detroit, fonnerly one of .tli e newspaper fraternlty of tiiis it.v, delivered au Intereetlng addreee before the 1'. of U. Prees club. Snt ■unlii y K'Vcninir. ('liai-lcf Broek, charged wlth gettlng iiioiiey undpr l'alse pretencoe, was orably dascharged iy Justice Itutls Fridny niorninir. The testiniony wue not Bufücleni to make ii oase. Prof. Oii.-i.-i. e. Greeae and Joseph W'liitlark liave been elected trustees of tlie Unitaria n lun-cli, for three yeairs ; Joseph AVhitlark ua.s cliosen BS treasurcr .-ind Win. K. Okilds secreta iv. The leadinu' liarber Bbope of the city r.ow eloêe flt cifilit o'clock every cvcninu' except Saturdays. The iurniture dealers lo lietter than thlfl and ■ in-e at lx o'clock except Beturday evcninirs. At t'iie Presbytertan church next Sunday evcning, Uie pulpit wlll be OCCupied by a former pastor, Rev. It. H. .Stecle, of Detroit. He wlll tlcliver au addrcss tO lie ïoong Peollc's go icty. Rev. .T. Uill.s (iciston, if the Presbyo liurcli, ill iicxi Sunday cveuIng cimtinuc liis of lectures on "Explonatione in I'aleatine" by tag cu t .ii ■ "Giant Cltiee of Basham, Bast of the Jordán." The üist ivanl havinii over 500 votera at Wne last electlom, a plan is being liscueeed tor dlviding i iuto w: .ward, ilie populatlon oi eacb of wthlch will be aa large as gome of the jtic-cnt .11 Kuniiturc ('o. last niglit elected tUc following directora: W. I). Hai-riinan, M. Seabolt, L. Grutter, C. E. Htsoock, E. E. l'.eal. A. W. Hamilton and Paul Snauble. The olil s were re-elocted. Dr. ,V. B. sinjtii, havlng sold lus farm, will offer tor sale at public lauctdon, .Tan. 81, at 9:80 a. m., all and tools aeeded in carryïng ou Jiis farm. lus fine herd of ; ows, and 30 tone oí hay. A lange dancing party was oclven TtrarecLay eveaiag, at tlie resldence of Mr. and Mrs. John Heininger, in Ptttfificli!. Tv?nty Ann Arbor young ladics and gentlemen weie among tli? gueets. LinDen'e oretoestra furnished the music. Aim Arbor ouylit to have anothcr ward tecauge H has been growing and extemlitag its limita po inuch wltbin the iast few years that there aro too many voten baving to orowd tihrough the liooths in the first and sixth wards. The house of H. A. Wiilinms -auurlit fire lat Tliur.schiy nijiht and waa coiisideraWy damaprcd liy iire and water. The insurance in the Cooper Co. was adjusted the next day, the oompamy payimi? for loss on building and furniture. Prof. A. IA-, Stanley, director of the (hura! T'nion, has received four installments of music to be sumg at the ('olnmbian Exposition. Tlie first part of St. Paail, Judae Mácateos', Utrecht Jubatatee by Handel, and selections l'rom I.olionirrin. I'.ihop Vincent Avill deliver his celebrated lecture entltled -'That Girl," on Friday evenins. Jan. 27, at the M. E. ciiurch. The great success of the companlon lecture, on "That Boy," iil ensure ;i large attendance. Adniissicm 10 cents. 'Mie Ann Arbor Fruit & ííívíí:iv Oo. i.ivr i-lc:'tPit the followlog (lir-.-i-t ors : C. (!. Greene, I.. Gruaer, F. H. Beteer, A. Tucker, G, Lulck, 1). lïin.scy, Geo. .Vpii-1. Prof. (reene is president; Ij. Gnmer, .vi-e pree., and I". II. Belser, secretar? .-iiiíl treasurer. 'i lie coldeei parí oí the cold snap struck Ann Arbw Saturday nlght and SuiKiay mornfag. 'nu: thermometer at the obeervatory drapped t 11 degreee below zero, wliile al the corner of Main and Hurón sts., the mercury cíiij.).'(1 ïour degreee ï .lames O'OosmeU and John Grace, "SI. ('. eection boeses, were in ïpsllantl Thursdny cvcniii!;, with thelr men, belping tu i-i.ü'li t a lange Mogul ennini1 Avliirli was lyini; on its gi(ïe,and straiiilil en tlu' track. The accident was oiiused bj' the flat teiiiiii; of a rail. Tlie annual elecUoo of the Argo Mills was Held on Monday. The following directora wera chosen : Col. llcniy s. Dean, Sedgwiok Dean, "Yilliwm C. Stevens, G. Frank Allmendinger and Gottlieb Sk-hneider. The board was orjanized foy elarting Col. Henry S. Dean president, SedigAvich Dean, vice prosident ; G. Frank Allnioniliniier, taeurer ; and Ma]. W. C. Stevtns secretiiry. Mr. a.nd Mre. Mi haol Heimer, of Scio, parents öf Mrs. Eugene Manu. Mre. .Icdin Hciiizmann and Mrs. Jacob Laubeqpayer, of this city, onSunday held a delightful reunión of tlieirchildren and friends, it beiiitf the twentyfifth annlverBery of tlieir wedding Oay. Fdfty-three ijuests sat down at, the lountEoiis dinner. Mr. and Mrs Heimcr's siivcr wedding day w,-is thoroughly enjoyed ly old and young. Puteen ladtee and gentlemen took a eleigh ride t a party, on Tbursday rvcimní, tu tlir icsidcnc-' of Mr. and lira. Win. In Webster. They not oni.v enjoyed a very sociable time, and plenty to eat, luit wliat was not least, he Mngtqg of the Aun Ariwr Hiisiness Men's Quartette wblch were af the party. Next Monday evenlng, January 25, .Tudiro X. v. Oheever wül deliver a le ture Hcíurc thc lila ml League, 11 me i uuren or unriet, on tnc subject '■Remiiiisi-ciiccs of t'he U. ol M. During the War." The Judge is a plcasant speaker and his lectore wlll be Interestlog. T ttooee wlio do not liold scason ti-,ki-t.s the price of udmissiion will be 10 cent. l'.i'fui-e the board cd iuperriaora adjomniMi I'rlday afteraoon, they aj)proved bilis, eme ol iiii was s.-n for thc ex tr;. servioes of County Treasurer Itroinn, íince January 1. The committee ezpreeeed thcmselvea as iimcli pleased wlth the excellent way n wlucli the treasrurer liad kep1 his boolES. Tlie honda oí the varloua count.v ofífeera u ere approved. The oommon couiicil have done the ri.uin t liin.ur i its (i,..sioii about aewere, to the city pay for the tnnik line in yearly lnstallmenta for live or six yoars and tlie land owners tii' laterale pay thefcr Bhare. That way every one wil! bnow juet wlKU i; la goiog to co1 him, and vhe;i has peid Hor it h la througb. Vpsüanü is doiotg this way and only about 10,000 witli several miles oí good eewers. Mayor Glover ee that the discharge trom the sewers into the riveras alm oei - water and n;t at all o i tlie smell. Notwlthstamding the extremely cold weattier of the paal ir streets heve bad a livoly appearahce. Ieemen, 9, aml othera who are Interested in the ice erop, have Irii oonetantly at work haullng the same, and have been -well repald tor thclr Labora by tbe nia.unlii ent qnallty and thickiuüs of the ice. Besldea aumerour ])artics have been made by those ■who wre wJlllng to brave the cold for tlic sakr ol i sleighridft. The "going" bas been bo fine that trips bave been made to moet of the snrroundint; towns "ivithin ten ;i dozen milos. The iirst Sunday School entertainment in the BI. E. clnm-h, will be given Thurstlay, Jan. 19, at 8 p. 111.. by Sttiiirley Simons, of Soginatr- a boy üourteen years old. STibject : "A l'.o.Vs Trip on a Blcycle Through Haagland and Sootland." A tale of personal experienoe and adventure told by the lad who traveled on his "Safety" last summer aboiit five hundred miles in Bnland and Scotland, most of tlie diertanoe alone. sion 10 cents. Boye and girls youager t'han the speaker, five cents. A fine musical pragramme will aecompauy tlie lecture. The Ann Artxr Ar bei ter Unterstuctzun.iis ,Yerriu lit'ld Ita animal eJection Monday cvenini;. and tllie following ofíicei-s were elected : Preeldemt, Eujífiic Oesterlin ; lst vice president, Titnx F. Hiitzel ; 2d vice president, John Mayor : recOTÖkag secretary.Allert Scliumacher ; corresponding secretary, (hrislian Martín; treasurer, Willlam G.. Dieterle ; cashier, Williain l'fldliausor ; trustees, Joim Walz,. August Herz, Frederick Sohpiid, George leel, I'n-d Staeb, ( brlsttan Lutz and Emniiiicl E. Sprlngt. Bteward, ry Binder; color bearer, C'hristian F.oiiine ; medleal ezaminer, Dr. John KJapp. The total aesets of the sowre, on the lst day of Jannary, $3,605.79. THe membership of the society is 1 15. The oommon councü propose to hare !!'.■ baxee peyable twiee a year, th city tases in July. Ttúa win make it eaeler lor thr svorklng people, tp pay during; I d when i hey have wo;k, mil it wil! bc better for thr city finalices to ]iai' that aiuomn come ni'xt July. : i", give a mi hand instead draft on which Inte be pald. But the maiu adyantage wil] be ihai the cimmil elected in the spring may lay (uit the tax, collect it and have it 1 spend. As it nou is. tbr council ccmld at any time run the next council heavily in debt and tliat unfortunate body wonld llave Id Mand it. The proposed metbod iwlll make it easler for all to pay their taxis in tivn in.stallmciits. At ,the Unity C'lti'b, Monday and Toeeday evcmingB, Jan. 28 and -Ji, Mr. Jame Kay Applebee, of Iioston, wil) dellver two Shakespeare lectores. Thai ui" Monday eveninjr wlll be ujion "KJng Jolm : a Drama of Iloyal G-wilt;" whll tUat oï Tuesday ereniDg will Ik; u]oii 'Rk-liard tlie Tbird : tl Drama of Kingly Absolution." It will le remembered tliat Mr. Applebee Oave a series of lectores last year on ,th five groal trauinTics of Shakespeare, aiaiiicly, Komco and Juliet, Othjello, Hamlot, Medbstti and Lear. Tliese lectoree proved so popular tliat Jir. Applebee Iwtw secured to lectnre in Univorsity Hall. If the oruuds that then at tended Mr. Applebee's ballca are any crlterkm of appreeiation, liis return tliis ycar will certalnly le luailed Avitli pleasure. Dr. M. L. D'Oiie, of the Ünlverslty, wiHl gWe a leeture on (reek Music, befoi-o the pupüs and (rienda of the ünlvrsity School of Music, in thé poouis oi ooi, Saturday, Jttn. 21, at -I i. m. Th is uü] i interest mr lecture lamd 11 Is number rail avall them(II Silrii . Charles B. B esar ' sill play ;i men: ■ j : - 1 .- luiuse on WTi dlay Jan. Is. Mr. Henford wlll presen1 Stoa - masterple :e, "Julins Caesar," with all the magnlficence wMch suxToumded the Uoot!iBarrett production oí thli greal tran-edy. In Bpeaüng oí thte presentation the Chicago Inter-Ocean saya : "The prod'K-tion is in the ulgkest degree credltaMe to the managemen aiiíl in every résped beflttlng th genius aii(I distinction oí the two tra íi-i'ili.-m.s to -wiiosc artistk honoi ii is contiibutory. If it has ever Inri surpa-ssed, so much the more glory t the staifíe that iias been able to excei a procluct.ion so complete and .plen(11. It i.s not, however. oasy to lelieve that better remite have been Obt&loed ini jircvious advent uros upon thte cale of magrnifioence." Thi s ciifiy ha never beforc been seen outside of large citice, and Mr. Hanford is an expensive venture tn lriníTinií it to the so-ca-lled "one niuriit" stands. In every place ■ihere "JuLuis Caesar" is produced tih stage eettiiiifïs are the same as tftnoee used in all the large citíes. The cast embraces Mr. Hanford as "Mare Antony," E. K Spencer as '( .-i-mus" and liennRtt na "Iirutus." W íumLsli free to every ulvance subecriber oi tihla paper, a full year's subecription to the Farmers' Fri-end, of South Bend, Ind., best of farm and fireside papers. Subscribe tiow.


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