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Bath For A Tramp

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■'I)i(l you ever see a tramp take a bath ?" said the baggagemaater on the "CoogreMtmuü Limited" a hort dlataiDoe beyond Trenton. "I never did," replied a .Star reporter wTio wob smoking on a box. ■'Wcmld yuu likt; to witness such a apectacl '.'" "It niigfht bt' interesitlng, I should Imagine. But t'he tramp must be got Hwt." "IVf rot OOe now." ■'liere ?" "In a traji." The newspaper man Tooked ariniinl tor somctliiiifí like a mcnisetrap on a large. soale wit'h a tramp in It, but tnere was nothing to be seen but boxcs and truinks. "I dcm't see him." "He is 011 this car," declared the basrítajíe-mastcr. "At tbia very moment he is riiiinu' omside. Xo, yon ean't see him because he is lying aeróse the platform. I cauglit sijilit of him just after we left Trenton. He looked very comfortatole, and he does not know nn.vhody is on to him. But I have to keep a sharp lookout, for ttte reaeoo that I freiuently carry money and ot'her valuables." "Why don't you put him off ? "Because we don't stop until we get to riiiladelphia, but he will have a nke batb before he gets thero." "How do you mean ?" "I'll show you presently. You see, we are just befamd the tender of the locomotive. I have given a private gügnal in the engineer, and he knowa what is expected of him. Only a bout a müe aiiead now, tliere is a water trougli, wliere the locomotive takee up water While olng at full speed. It is a Rort of ditcli tHat runs along for a considerable distance betweep the rails, iilled with water. The locomotive takes up the water with a kind of sooop. Juet watch !" A moment later the water-trough was struck and spray began flylng out of the top of the great iron tank on the tender, the lid of it flapping up and (lown, while the reservoir fillcd itself from below. Thi.s did not oci uiy more tlíaii Iialf a mfnuïe, at the end of wh.ith the engineer should have pulled up the scoop. Instead of thiat, however, he permitted the tank to overflow in a cataract, whlcb was flunu: baikward like a inlniature Xiagara BgalnBt the forward end of the baggage car. 'Just look at that," cried the bagg&gemseter, deHghtlully. "Ain't he getting it though !" In truth the untortunate tramp must have been getting it witb a vengeance tor the tri'iiu'iKlous flood of water spouting froni the top of the tank continued to iling itself agalnst the face of the baggage car for fully threequartere of a minute, which most have been nearly sufficient to drown any human belng on the front platform. So copioue was it that the water flowed in below the door, and threatened to ánundate the trelght. "If that fellow is etill alive," aid the baggagemaster when the ract had finally suspended its aetivii y, "he has had enough to give him a distaste for water for the rest of his life. There isn't anything that ■vill frigtrten la man like a dose of tihat soi-t. aooordtag to our experienee. Coming on him unaware.s, it scares him most to death, besides hal; drow ning him. He doesn't know Vhen it is gotng to stop, and he has to clioose betwtx'ü sta,iulingr it and jumping off the train." When the train eked np an hour later near Philadelphia, the newspaper maai saw a figure that looked more like a drowned rat than like a human bedog, crawl off the front platform of the baiggage car, and steal sorrowfully aiviiy. It was the tramp who liad had a batli as well as a ride at the expense of the railroad. - Washington Even ing (tar. At a meeting of the Road Coogress at Indianapolis, Ind., last weck, a movemi'iit was set om foot towards securing legislation to repeal tbe poll tax, secure a general tax tot the purpose of road improvement, the appointing of competent officers and engfneen and aystematlc división of the work. A Iegislation Committee and a ininmittoe to fornmlate a permanent Good-Road organization was appointed. The meeting mu wel] attended. Tlie good cause has recelved a "booet" npwards in tbe good state of [ndiau.-i. TbOM who are interested in the movenu'nt lor Better Roadfl sliould s'ii(l tu Col A. A. l'ope, Boston, and tlu'y can gel any one of the following pulilk-ations free, and which ure publisSied by that gentleman for the good of the cause ; "Memorial to Con- ;" "lietterment of our ways ;" "Movement for Better Koads ;"' "Improvement of ( ity Streets ;" "Higliway Improvement" "Road M a Branch of Instruction in Colleges." Catalogue of I'.ooks. I'amplilets, and Artkles on tlie "Conetruction nnd Maintcnance of Iioads." A j-a&h procecding- Development ol measeis. ,


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