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Alberi Stevens, of WMtmore Lake, was in tciun yestcrday. George H. I'.lum is in sa.jiinaw, atti'iidimi tiic grand lodge F. & A. M. Miss I). Giles lias opone to Detrolt, to visit lier brother'8 fainiiy. Mr. and Mm. E. V. Avcry f Alpeaa, are mu'sts of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. K. I' LeRoy '. Xni.ic and tamlly oave pone in New Orleane for the winter. A. I.. fonnerly with .T. J. Goodyear, visitlng frleoda in the :ty. A. 1'. Freeman and A. .T. Wab of Man iLWter, were attondlng court yeeterday. Mis. II. J. Flnlayson, of Detroit, is visit Mrs. G. W, Tiiwnsi'iiil, on Miller ave. Sehool Commieoioner ('avanansh has been vieittng t in edioola in siiarou durin. tliv week. Harvcy Watts, of Minncapolis. la enjoytng tlic deltghta of home, sweet ïiiinii-, on Liberty st. Miss Emtlle Gruner and brother Leo, went to Kalamazoo Monday to attcnd tiir inncial oí a relatare. Prof. W. II. Dorramce and J. E. Bea] went to Sairinaw yesterday to be present at tiio grand lodge 1'. & A. M. Jas. I.. Duffy lias gyn to Bay City, w iicri' he ill commenc-3 the praetlce of law In office ot Weadock I', rus. ('luis. ü. Davison went to Saglnaw yesterday to áttend the meetimg of the grand lodge i'. & a. :,:.. oí whien lic is a member. Bisiiiop Gillespie and Bishop Davles were entertaiined durlng tlieir stay Ín Ity over Sunday, by Rev. and Mrs. 'la-'M :.. at thé rectory. Mr. and Mr. M. C. Reeves, who have been at Aun Arbor for severa] vci'k, are agaln with lier parents, Mr. aml Mrs. S. Howfll.- Clinton I,oial. Representatlve Kllne s now onjoyn: tlic mazy breeilneos of tho fresh air of t!ic opper península, taking in tiic ]-uislative JttBketlng trip a a taember of tlie committee. Dr. H. ;illns. oí the University faculty. s ontertainins hs neptaew Frailéis o. Edlin, of London, Kntr.. wíio as irrrs])oii(lfiH of tlit' Pall Malí Thilette, s mi his way to the AVorld'H Pair at Chicago. Rev. and Mis. A. .T. Oovell are vis. itiiii; Mrs. Oovell's fatlier, Andrew Campbell, of Tittsfield. Rev. Covell, who tras leen pastor of tlie Congregetionel chnrch at Flint, la raí ]'n ;iy to Yrrmoiit to tak.' the pa9torate oí a chureh there. . Rev. W. ii. Watera fornerly aséis ant to't.iic Rector of St. AndreWs in tliis city, DOW rector of St. Andrews, in Detroit, wa.s in the city over Sunday. in attendance apon the conseCrat,kn of st. AndreWs new chancel Hls inany iriends ere triad t" iiim ome more.


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Ann Arbor Courier