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populist candidato for president ays Baal the lators in Cali;.i mil Kansas of de D. 8. semate Pil graatly hurí I party, a i Burreoder ut tieir principies. He aid : "Nearly all our ulte come from the republican party, r. -ii composed of the pro? [ve elemesi of the country. The repubHcan party came from th whig party, and the people's party will come trom the repubUican party. Por reasos i (vould rather seo a rcpnbUoan elected to the T'. s. genate i a democrat." ït iii no populista in - open ti. the ia -t ol be-. i-at iiuiinji. Mr. ClevelancTs largo pluralit.v iu the il college 82,B21 votes al Uta polla coold have deïeeted iiim. As shown by the New York Prese, II t lia t maoy votes in bhe i-tea of California, Déla liidiMiiM. New Vdik, Vst Virginia and Wís, oiiHin had cbanged from Cleve:imi in HarrteOB the resalí would e been b ahí íar Harriera of 81 tova! votes and liis re-electton. At lust títere a Bmlth In tüe I'. B. .-'Dille. Xoi Jdhii. bui Hon. "Jim." The aflenee of ttoe B. geaate on tbe .-lvrr qoeetlon la golden. The want eolunin of the democratie Iiari.v is oometblng enormous. Hae president eleci gnbelded toto "Adlai ttoe Silent ?" It looke Iliai tt;iy._ Ilavinix an eye on the wicieee trf 8enBri r. ex-Gov. Oampbell luis alo moved tu New nvk. It was once "Bleeding Kansas." Later "Grasshopper Kansas." Now it is ■('alamity Kansas." 'I'aiiiinany savs tiiat Immlgratlon must nut be i sii-i -teil. and tle demlajorlty In coogresa wil] not da-e in dJsobey. Ilw repuWlean state convention to nomínate candidatee (oí regente and justjee of the Bupreme court, wil! h in Detroit, on Feb. 22d. The days are glWtag BWlftly by, nnd t!:e great tarUl retormeri in - are sileol as Uve tellow whoee lottery tlckel drew i Mank. Mr. Cleveland Khould sympatlilze Avitii tlic late Meaelane. He had ccmtAáeraijle tromble with o man trom Troy, Grand Rápida Herald. Oongressman ECUgore, of Texas Carnosa Kleker - Tráots tfae Mexlcan niissinn. He thlnks he mu máster Mx an pulque, and ondoubtedly he r.Mll. Query : Wbere did Mr. Oarltele, oí Kentucky, recelve ttue business educaI ion tliafwonld fit htm tO 1' at the of the Financial operattons of tiiis greet nation '.' Tlic whisky trust id oí trytag io rnrri;]ii congreae. Ií tlic wiiisky trust lias any moráis worth preservhig, it bad letter keep away (rom Cansas CSty Journal. Uve Detroil Ilisli School building lnirned lasi l'ridM.v morninií, causing ih:it city : $150,000. No usuran c. Tbere was where Detroit vras penny wlee and pound (oolish. 1 1 1 ■ excellent reaon why President H'airteon ebeoild promptly íiH the vaeaney un he supreme bench causod ly the death í Justice Lámar, Ís tiie i.-i i tiiat thé demócrata oppoee it. New Vork w.-Dits a World's l"air in 1900. All rigtot. She has the perniissi' j,i-ea: west. evra ií slie played the Kid aboul the chifair. and siuck k-r íinirers In ■ mil and pouted. ftoger o. Mille was re-elected eenatx?r trota Texas without nmtli oppoBij The greal power oi (ov. Hogg ilidn't niaicnalizc. As rial rooier the governor oí Texas bad bao short a snöut. The ever been a time yei the domo ra , - party lias been in power tliat it was not ruled by the . And 80 il wlll be now, the solid souih will díctate the policy aadehape tin: leglslartlon of the governinent. Wal i and Bee. ■Vill tihe wil.v tree trader, who lias been bowling himself hoarse over the : ni:s MeKlnley bill" and the "Chlwali" iMiai it erected around ilic coiintry. tirase note Hint tlio Importa tor 18Ö2 witi' s.-,ü,000,000 In pn of ihc precediug year ? Mi-. Mnrpihy, the ucw senator from New York i.-i a íioss brewer. Kentucky will have two distülers as soon as Carilsli tor i akea his geat . Wiateon of Georgia, wasn't so lar out of Wie wav. aftcr all, when he made tbe iiHiuiry "Whi-rr are we .at .' ■ Albert Edward, Prioce nf Wales, t tliink H;at lic will come to the AN'oild's l'air ais year. Well, : 1 come, hls American couaine would endeavor to treat hhii well, Imi; hda reputatlon is such tliat t il ii aay onc wonld be reeklees at witli Mm. Rov. Blower, oí New Yoi-k, favors a bdll w'nirii prorides for the Improve111CT,: s Of 8upervlora o; the different couotics. We fear that su h a measnre will not produce good remilts. One ol ii townBhlp suj.cvvisor is to ha pate of ïiis lown as low as poestble. While aper to the public ho individuáis taan poor roadg, a campadgn of educátlon would 1h needed tor tin' enlightenmeni of super sliould bc'iiinc a av. teamer [rom Hawail brlngs m ■ överthrow ol the Qaeen Llliuokalani ol t li 1 1 laiand kingdom, and a provisional governmeni eetabUafeed In Ite place. A commie 10 the Daited States, agklng that Haw.-iü.iM Dalí annexed to the Dnited States. The causo oí the bpoable carne from Queen Ulllaolcalan) uliu proelaimed a new constitution disfrancjhtelag all forelgnera and pracü aii.v taklag into her iwn hands all power, a mam meeting n' torelgn resident, was at r held, a volunleet- anny tormed, a commisslon of tour appolnted to carry on the government proviloiaally, and the Queen and ministers -were depofled. There mJ trouble before the revi.lntjor. is over. Hou. Geo. II. Durand, of Flint, wlll ppotoably be the democratie candtdate for jüstic di' liic Bitpreme couri tiii spring. V.YH. one erf Fllnt's best men was beatean last fall for oflice, aml f .■iitothcr one desiree to try it, epubUoans will have do objection. It is said tliat tb ailvirc at Tammany has icen secured by 1 1 1 ■ ■ World's i-'air Oommiseioo respectiog üic cIoblug i,i' t h ■ iposii mi on Sundaye. It wias terse and to the potnt, viz : "By all mea I lie fair on Sumlay ; I are alw.-iys open." Ifany í i d Ie Sam'a folks are h.'inkerlqg after tneir Oanuck neighl tu,aiiin- ilicm as T. s. citizens, tney i .do well 10 remember that Canada-baee debí of 9241431,434 which svouW Jnave to be aimezed aléo. Wc don'-i Canada bad enough to assunir .lliat. ■!■ e V It ;s cslimatiMl 1 ris" propoeed by tibe mayor of New Vork ('y, Mr. Tatri k Magnire Gilroy, of Oork, ,wlll wt 1 1 !■ peopls of that city fnlly $20,000,000. ■■reform" s llke diamonds, very high prlced. "Tammany reïorm" is a alce Uniuc. Tlif people of New York eeem t enjoy it. At least tlicy have not the courage to choke it off. Mr Khiofes lis wild and yon wooly, broïler ourler. Elegteter. Ven refer to lic wild goate and the w olly siiccp. i i preenmed. crrii i' bo ithem wül al.-o be found in the riJd. 33d, 'Mili and 41 si versee oí XXV. Cbapter of St. Matthew. As follO'W s : nil before htm ■ athered 11 natlous: and he Bhall separate them one rrom anothi pherd dlvldeth hls 8hi ep from on hig risrlit haud, but the goats ou the left. 84. Tluii shall the Kinir suy uní" them on his righl hai i my Fatber, i n Inri t the kiniídciia prepared for yon from Ihe foiiudution ol the uoiid. 41. Then shnll ' left hand. Depart from me, ye cursed, Into evil nul hi Secretary Foster estimateg that there II be a surplus ol aboui $48,1". S. trcasiny o:i the isi oí June íu'xt. Tli' people who i:,-ii' turned out thi.s administration id remember thai Cleveland found .i i.i im' suin n tune treaaury whea iic tn'i!; ihc reina oí govemmeni i years agio, and after tour years of aervlce be lefi 1 1 1 - ■ treaaury empty, and liad mu pald lu a very sinall [raction i latkmal debí compared iii other admlnietrations. Durlng Harriscm's adminlstration tbere bas been the momthly páymenta (Á .10,000,000 on tiic netional debt, .■uní .stili a lange balance la lefi for Mr. Cleveland to aaiu Bquander. Will lile people "i tile nation Jilease inaki' a unte oí Uhils ? 'íiie Aun Arbor Oourier has just linished ils tülrty-Hret year, and i.s as briglit a paper, in looks and con-. as tlir Alliens ol' Ihe west Bende out. Aside [rom íts politice, whirh are Ol the WTODg kind. tlie Oourier i;i fine paper, and tlie Sentinel extende congratula tioDs.-Ypsllanti Sentinel. All ni rhhh la approved by the Press. As lo the ourh-r's politics, the Press is remlnded ol the delense ol Anilrew Johnson, by a public speaker, who reniarkeil that he, Johnson, "was a very nood man in his way ;" and from the audlence, in piplng, nasal bones, carne a volee, "V-e-s, but then, 1 - n-n-n guch w-a-ys !" - Adrián l'rcss. Fot all tu" whiih the ('otirier returns thanks. and can assure our friends oí the Sentinel and Presa that: ive feel just ae bad aboui their poli as they do aboui ours. Austria lias made a requesi ol the United States government tha1 i EfTingariam ï.rws paper published at I'ittsiiui-fih, Pa., ! euppressed. It - strange ihai the knowledge of the Austi-ian a utliiiritiis n regard lo t ii e lawB f tbig oation is nol Bufi from making euch an mpudent requi paper rei! !■ cdrculatee In Austria and is deemed i!. o i iiai go - the Bpirl dom. The Austrian gvernmen1 reeently Buppressefl the Methodisi ftonünation 1; vraa galning Ui membereihtp too repldly. 8nch a conotry maklag Buch a requeel ! It is au insult that can bc palliated only onder tlic pica ol dense ignorance oí uthors. The Austrian governmcnt din ials better look aboul them and catcii m ui the progresa í elviHzatlon ol the world belore ii is evertoo late. Wlicn Mr. iieiiciri-. ks. of [ndlana, elected i deal witii Mr. ' leveland, he took bul one trip to New York to coaier iiii bbe president. Aller that lic retired Into ob :■{ iiir.i wit h in .-i lew monttiB i brokeo taeart. In that trip he : tained ihc fact fchat Mr. CJeveland w:i president, and ihat when i advlce w.-is wanted it ld lic nskeci. Mr. Steveneon, the president elect, lias alao laken trip to New York, and he -rcius io have shriveled up and Buibedded. There is this ailterence between ttoe two men, howeyer. Mr. Ilciidri.-ks -ivas :i Btatesmam, and it leasi tin' eqnal oí Mr. Cleveland In every way. In iilic present instance it s ïiDt go. Aiii.-ii Steveneon is neitber a etateemau noragreal man. nis 71'tiniiient tu politica] inactlvity and iihsrm-it y il! nol ibe a calamity to Bither lus party or liis country.


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Ann Arbor Courier