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TETTER & ERYSIPELAS Neck Covered with Glandular Swellinge. Scrofula. Kars Running. Suffered Terribly. All Remedies Fail. Trica Cutlcura. First Application Relieves. Complete Cure In 3 Weeks. Two years ago I was poisoned in my hand. Then I took Tetter. Then EryeipelaB went to my head, face, ears, and neck. My eare wero ■woïleo and running from the iiitüdc and outsidc. I couid lie only on my back. My neck was covered with glandular swellings - Scrofula. I puffered terribiy. I began to use Cuticcra Remediks. The first application rclieved mo very mach, and in three weekc my ears, hcad, and face were well. Cuticura Remedies cured me whcn all other remedies fnilcd, and I had de. spnired of ever being any better. I cannot be without them now, and ehall recoramend them to my euffering friends, for I do say that they are the most pleasam and beet remedie for kin diseasea Ieveraaw. Mrs. UZZIE HALL, , Fairfield, 111. Cuticura Remedies ETave cured me of every form of Eczema from which I was ailing, nameiy, eore eyes, weak back eick etomach, and nercous headache. I wae pro íounced incurable by the doctors. I doctorad for four years and kept gotting woree, until I found the CcTicrjiu Rbmidisb which I believe have aaved my llfe, I highly rccommend them to all my friends. Miss CARRIE B. WHITE, Box 14, Mifflln, Iowa Co., Wis. Cuiioniu Kisolvint, the new Blood nnd Bkin purifier and Uumor Remedy, internallv cleanses the blood of all impurities, while Cüt'iciira, the great Skin Cure, and Cttioüra Soap an eiquiaite Skin Purifler and Beautifier, eitcruaih lear the skin of every trace of diseuse. ' ' Sold eveiywhere. Price, CuTictniA, 50c Soap 5c.; Resolví nt, 41. Prepared by the Potteb Dkdo and Chejucai. Cobpobation, Boston. 3-" How to Cure Skin Dimanes," 64 pages, 50 llustrations, and testimoniáis, mailed free. )MPLíSl 'llaclillead8, red, rough, chapped, and I in oily skin cured by Cimcnu Soap. &k MUSCULAR STRAINS jA":"id pains, back ache, weak kidneys, BIJL rheumatism, and cheet pains relieved 9K in one minute by the Caticura sWfF. Antl-Pain Piaster. The flrst and uly inslaütaneous pain-killing piaster. OJV13 EÍJJOY Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and ref'reshiiig to the taste, aud acts _gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, "Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the ouly remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effeets, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. feyrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand wiU procure it proniptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE, KV. NEW YORK. f.Y. LOOK for tno [ I 'A Owl and f I Moon brand. GIULETTS MAGIC YEAST Itwill make BETTER BREAD than you havo cvor made before. POOR BREAD generally means POOR YEAST POOR YEAST dways means POOR BREAD Look for the Owl a:: ! Moon. Al tour Grocer'j. How's Your Complexion? Hm1 te. let preprationa ruin the face. Kozoaorodoeenot. It Isguaranted to remove f reekles, ta.i. Bonburn and blotches of all kinds leavlng the face-a natural white, and lmpartlng n youthful dellcaey and gof tness to the skin. ande ot ladlea have used t for years and be without it. if there [ano agent In your locality, send 75 ets. to the Rozodoro outh Bend, Ind., for a large hottle sent iu jilaiu wrapper. Onlike the Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Cbemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa, which ia absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than tkree times the ttrengih of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and ia far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. REüL DIEFFENBACH'S SIT PROTAGON CAPSULES áti'yb Sure Cnre for Weak Men, aa pm m RA pro ved by reportaof lüading phyCyS"! f? sicinns. State age in ordering. llfl ipI'ririMSl. ('utnloiciie Free. fLl . EB & ff% O A A fïtftï and spcedy ■dflMB 11 Ai JU cure for tihu-t, lVHUL Slrlcture and all ■[nL' nnnatura) discharges. Prtcetl2. Srfy fiREEKSPECIFIC8d fci1 wand Skin Ileae, Scrof nlons Sores andSypliIlllic Affeetlonfi, with Outmercury. Prico, ÍCS. Order f mm THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. jSS. 189_Wisoünsin Strest, MILWAÜKEE, WI8. The Ann Arbor Courier and the N. Y. Ti-ibuiir. t-ogether, 011 year, for $1 in advunce. Noticb To Ck:::.:t"!. UÏATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WathteI. 7 !l;l . s. Notice is hereby elven, thnt by an order oi Che Probate court for the Connty of W'asnteniuv, made on the fifth day of December. A. D.r IK93, slx months frorn thu't date were allowed i'or creditora to present thelr claims ag the estáte of Caroline II. Chapín, late of -uid county deceased, and tbat all creditors of Bald deceased are requlred to present tlieir claims to aald Probate ('onrt, at the I'robate Office in the city of Aun Arlior, for examinatiou mid allowauce, on or hefore the lifth day of June next.and tliat sucfa claims wlll be heard before sald ('onrt, on the sixth day of March mid on the fifth day oí .Innc uext, ut ten o'clock in the foreuooi'i of eacli oi said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, Deo. 5th, A I) isfc J. WILLARD BABBITT. Jwdge of Probate. TIn World's Magazine of A.MAÏUUII gPORTi is UNRIVALED in its mvn prc;i1!ar livld. Seiul for sample copy .uui ycu will wonder liow tou got ulong without it. Kven Issue of OuTffia coBtainsat least one complete story and a serial, logother with anules on Cycli'og, Hurjtip?, Fisbio?, Riíiirjg, 5aii0?, tblelics ao A.n7ateur Prjotosrapby. Excellent stories in iverv varictjr of sport and past i me for men and wornpii. girlsand boys, and an nhnrulnnce of readlng, givo ( n every lircsidc. r sample i OBTINO. 889 Fitiu A'..-..",Yw Vork'


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