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The News Condensed Important Intelligence From All Parts

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CONGRESSIONAL. Seroiwl .Sesión. On the 241h a bill is nported in the senate authorizing the commissioner of pensions to accept as proof of (dtizensbtp of an applicant fora pension linder the act of July 27. 1890, the fací tbal ut the date of hls appl catión he was an actual and bona Bde resident of the United Stairs, and lt was paased. The death of Juatice Lamar was announced and an adjournment was taken The house refuaed to agrei motion to take up tlie sundry civil b 11. the fight against it being made by the friendo of the baiíkruptcy bilí. Then, as a mark of respect to the memory of the late Justice Lamar, an adjouriiment was ordered. IN the sonate a bilí was introduced ón the 25th tor the admlsslon of Utah asa state. In executive sesslonthe nomination of BUJahW. Halrord to be major and paymaster in the United States army was oonttrmed Filibustering agaii truptay bill occupied the time in tl i te Joint resolutlon directlng the scon !.wy of wraï to [nvestifate tip' subject of raft towing on the great lakes was pasaed. Th k anti-option bill was taken up in the senate on the -'iih. and Mr. Mills (Tex.) made a speech agalnst the tli is beiQK against Ihe existence of atate governmont In the house the lüK'isIative. executive and judicial appropriation bill (t21,OT!,988) lor ti:.' itsoal year 1894 wan reported. The post oftice appropriation bill (ff3.iiC93ö7) was aiso reported. The sundry civil uiJl was discusse.i. Thk death of James G. Blaine was announced in the senate on the 27th by Mr. Hale, who has been for many years one of the closest personal ánd politica] friends of the dead statesraan. His remarks were followed by a motion made by Mr. Cockrell (Mo. ) that the senate adjourn out of respect for the momory of the deceased, and that muiion carried The death of Mr. Blaine brought the busiuess of the house to a sudden termination. A few committee reports were made, including a bill to repeul the federal electlon laws, and then, after brief and affectiiiLr speeches by Mr. Milliken (who represents Mr. lilaine's old district) and Mr. Holman(who served many years with him ín the house) out of respect to the memory of the dead i man the house adjourned. DOMESTIC. Neak Iarietta, ü., Nicholas Haas, a farmer, 75 years old, killed his wife, aged 63, and then took his own life. Trouble over money mattei's was the cause. FRANK Woodruff, alias Black, vvho was one of those who won notoriety in connection with the Cronin muider case in Chicago, ciieil in the penitentiary at Lansing. Kan. A cali, has been issued for a world's congTess in Chicago of representative winnen, vrbich, it is expeoted, wil] open the series of vvorld eongresses to be held during the Columbian exposition. FlBK destroyed the residence of T. A. Sullivan at Bonn Uiver, N. B., and Henry Sullivan, agcd 14, and John Orr, aged 21, perished in the flames. In a wreek on the Santa Feroadnear Millsdiile, HL. M. Rohn, engineer, M. J. Mahoney, brakeman, and Richard Mitcbell, engineer, were killed. A co.mmittee of the Ohio house of representatives will recommend that the state house be built at Mount Vernon. At a caucus of republican senators in Washington it was decided to take favorable action upon the admission of the territories of Oklahoma, Utah and New Mexico as states, Ai.kxandre JÁCQUBS, a Frenchrnan, completed a fast of fifty days in New York, winning a purse of S'2,300. Fraxk D. Haf.nschk.v, aged 19, shot and probably fatally wounded his affianced, Alice Bruce, at her father's home in St. Louis, and then shot himself dead. Cigarette smoking had weakened bis uiind. Flames destroyed elevator B in Indianapolis. It contained 250,000 bushels of grain, and the loss was S'200,000. Tuf. State bank of Wahoo, Neb., closed its doors with deposits of over L50,000. W. H. Dickinson, the president and owner, was missing. A fire which started in the Casino building in St. Augustine, Fla., caused a loss of $100,000. The upper house of the Alabama legislature by a vote of 17 to 15 refused to pass a bilí granting a pension of L501) per year to the widow of Jefferson Davis. The Cnited States Banking company at Gervais, Ore., suspended payment. The coinpany had three banks in the stato. George A. H. Baker, formany years assistant state's attorney, cotnmitted suicide at his residence in Chicago. No cause was known. Albebt Hbtdbk, of Bufïalo, N. Y., was robbed of 85,000 by Jessie Rice in a Clark street resort in Chicago. Fu:rc at SÍOUX Falls, S. 1)., dustroyed the 15ee Hive building and the wholesale confectionery establishment of Hogan & Co. Loss, 5200,003. Bv mutual agreement Umberton Piantini killed Celeste Mueggo, his half-sister, at Atlanta, Ga., and then took his oivn life. 'J'liey left a letter saying ihe3' loved each other and could not live apart. lx a nht between bands of Chippeva and Tottawatomie Indians at Eagle River, Wis , three Pottawatomies were killed and two Chippewas were dangerously cut. President Harrison and all the members of his cabinet had a large group photograph taken preparatory to their official separation in a üttíe over five weeks' time. At the national conference in Philadelphia of Christian prohibitionists a resolution was adopted declaring that the attitude of the church toward the traffic in alcoholic bevtrages should be one of uncompromisinghostility, manifested by total abstinence personally in the chureh communion and by opposition to liquor Hcense and all organizations which do not oppose license. A statement from the secretary of the treasury shows that during the first six months of this tisi;ü year the receipta from all sources were 8234,419,215 and the expenditures 1230,571,006, leaving an excess of revenues over ordinary expenditures of 88,848.809. The total estimated revenues for the fiscal year ending June 80, 189:', are S4üü,t)71,350 and the total estimated expeDditures 8404,671,350. A bed of galena and copper 20 feet thick, another of galena 10 feet thick, and a bed of pure iron 20 feet thiough were discovered at Rice, Col. THOMAS Larkin, his wife and 5-yearold son llugh were fatally burned in a fire at their hom,e in Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Burg called at the residence of Jlr. and Mrs. Waldo Whipple, variety performers at Butte, Mont., and shot both of them and then blew his own brains out. No cause was known. StaTISTICS just comploU'tl show tliat the state of WashÍDgton contains 410,888.385,000 feet of standing timber, and that the total number "f feet in the United States outside of Washington is :J,-):;.4:,oi').Ti7. Fi.A.MK-. in a mail car at Deans, N. .]., destroyed a large number if letters, some eontaining drafts and checks and coupons for collection, representing over SI, 000.000. Tuk Norweffian bark Star of India, en route fiom Pe usacola, Fla., to London, was wrecked, and the crew of thii-ty-seven men perished. Jlits. E. SwK.F.r. of West Leroy, Mich., ga ve her inf ant son a warm bath for convulsions, and the water was so hot thatit scalded the child to death. lx a railroad wreek nearNew Itrunswick, N. .1., Doe. a woflderful trotting dog valued at 83,000, was crushed to death. Wii.mam Fisiier (colored) was hanyed bv a mui) at Algiers, La., for killingr Mrs. McMahon aud .). Barrett. A dozen buildings at Fair Haven, Vt., werc destroyed by íire, causing a losa of ïl 00.000. A bii.i. hiis passed the lovver house of the Missouri legislatura compellin railroaJ companies to ]irovide separate coaches for white and colored passé nirrrs. Tuk Advance Labor club of Brooklvn, N. Y., sent a petition to the national house of representativos favoring tlic passage of Represe u tature Chipman's bül for the exclusión f rom the United States of non-resident alien workmen. Richard Plock and David Gurney, two Kansas City (Ma) capita! ists,were fatally injured in a runuru-ay accident. After a married life of fifty years Peter Ford, of Fayette, Mo., asks for a dlvorce from his wife on the (fronuiis that she had at varions times called him "har," "old honnd," "scoundrel" and other equaiiy strong naraes. Tuk loss was reported of the steamship Doanti, which left New York 1 cember 10 for Lisbon with a load oí wheat and a crew of thirty three men. THK livery stable of Archie l'.itnam at Chillicothe, Mo., was totally stroyed and eleven horses were burned, ! among whieh were five valuable trotters. By the explosión of some escaping gas in a building in Chicago three people were probab'y fatally burned. ÏHB tax inquisitors have uuearthed ?5,000,000 worth of unreported taxable property in Allen county, O., and 300 persons have been caught, The name of the Kansas City, NeTada & Fort Sinith railway has been changed to the Kansas City, Pittsburgh & Gnlf. JüUÖB Gii.i.ktt in the circuit court at Valparaíso, Ind., decided that a grand jury could not make demands upon bank officers for tbeir books containing the names of depositors. PbOF. USOBOB 1'. BUDOLPH, formerly a ('atholic priest, while attemptinfc to deliver his leeture, ' Wliy I Left the Priesthood," at Lafayette, Ind., was driven fro:n the hall by a mol), severely injured about the head and shoulders, and received a bullet in his left hand. Mrs. Wii.i.iam; dropped dead in the presence of her little children at Jacksonville, 111. Ovek 2,000 conversions were reported as a result of Evangelist Mills' religious meetings at Des Moiues, Ia. Many people were floeking to South Dakota to secure divorce in the hope of acquiring a resideuee before the legislature extends the period of residence to six months, Lkading men in congress were said I to be quietly considering a plan to annex Canada to the United States and for the acquisition of the Sandwich islands. At Jackson, Tenn., the jury in the case of Arsolla Spence against the 11 linois Central road for killing her I husband brought in a verdict of $12,000 in favor of the pi a int i ff. In the United States d uring the seven days ended on the 27th the business failurcs numbered 395, against 332 the previous week and 297 for the corresponding time last year. Ex banges amounting to $1,373,829, - 6C3 were reported b.y t'ae leading clearing houses in the United States during the seven days ended on the 27th, against tl, 464, 826, 829 the previous seven days. As compaved with the corresponding week of 1S92 the increase was 18, 1. RkbsoCA Salmos and her tvvo children were fatally burued in a fire at their home in Williamsburg, N. Y. Two masked men robbed the bank I of Wavèrly Kan., of 8500, killed A. P. : Ingliman, one uf their pursuers, and ere flnally run down and arrested. J'n r.' i business finns were burned out in Chicago, the total loss being Donaghue skated 100 miles at Stamford, Conn., in 1 liours 11 minutes and 3S seconds, luwering the 100-mile record four hours. The business portion of the mining town of Gera, Wash., was destroyed by ñre. Wilt.iam J. Scrogoins, a white boy aged IV, was hanged at Birmingham, Ala., for the mnrder of a Je wis h peddler known a SchnsUg. EDMUND LUTHKB, aged 70, of South Bend, Ind., stepped into an office to rest and suddeniy dropped dead. Alfuf.d Stolt, the colored murderer of George Detmar, was executed in the j;iil yard at Elkton, JId. The Detroit (Mich.) high school building was gutted by re, the loss being tl00,000, with no insurance. The Indiana supreme court denied the petition for a rehearing in the apportionment suit and a new apportionment of the state will be necessary. Dr. J. 1!. Holmes' private sanitariura at Rome. (ia., was burned, the loss being SIOO.OCO. A gioantio system of robbery whloh ' has been earried on for six months on the New Mexico división of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad wajj brought to light at Raton, N.M. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Wiluam M. Stkwaet was reslected to the United States senate by the Xevada legislature and Koger Q. Mills was reelected in Texas. Messrs. Faulkner and Camden were chosen in West Virginia. The New Jersey legislature in joint session chose James Smith, Jr., as ' United States senator to serve for six years from March 4. ís::;. John Mabtin (populist) was electod United States senator bv the Kansas legisiature. The republicana claimed the joint eonvention was Ilegal and sent a protest to Washington. John L. Mitchkix, of MUwaukee, was nominated for United States senator f rom Wisconsin by the joint democratie eaueus on the thirty-first ballot. The vote was: Mitchell, 4.V, Bragg, 88; Kniirht, 1. Tuk Tennessee legisiature in joint convention elected V. S. Morgan secretary of state, James A. Harris comptroller and E. 1!. Craig tre asure r. The funeral of HishopPhillips Brooks took place in Boston on the 2flth and 10,000 persons followed the remains to Mount Au b urn cemetery. Jamks GlLI.RSPIB BX.AINK died at 11 a. m on the STthathis home in Washington, surrounded by his wife andehildren. The immediate cause of death was exhaustion. The disease whieh brought about his end was a chronic aiïection of the kidneys, complicated with resulting ailments. Death carne without pain and he was conscious to the last. Mr. Blaine was born January 31, 18.!(). at West Brownsville, Pa. A proclamation issued by President Harrison anuouneed to the country the sad news of his death. Kx-Jtdok James Campbell, who was postmaster general in President Pierce's cabinet, died in Philadelphia of heart failure, aged 80 years. TlTE funeral ceremonies over the late L. Q. C. Lamar took place at Macon, Ga. Chief Justice Fuller and the associate justices were present at the services. Thk Wisconsin legisiature elected John X,. Mitchell as United States senator. FOBBGN. 1t was reportinl that the cliief leaders in the Garza revolution in Mexico ; had beeu captured by Mexican forces. Sixtv persons were frozen to death in Bussian Poland in one week. One day the thermometer feil to 61 degrees below zero. Latf.u adv i ces from the Fortsehitt mine explosión in Bohemia say that eiglity miners were killed and scores were injnred. Five iresh cases of choiera and two deaths were reported at the Nieleben insane asylum near Berlín, Germany. A PA88BN6EB train on the railway from Wilna to Minsk, Russia, was wrecked, and fifteen persons were killed and thirty seriously injured. FotBcases of cholera andtwodeaths were reported at the Nietleben hospital at Halle, Germany, making a total of 109 cases and thirty -eight deaths. The Spanish government is understood not to be disposed to grant the request of the United States that missionaries be readmitted to the Caroline islands. As explosión in a mine at Tokod, Ilunjjary. caused the death of 180 miners. Thk tliirty-fourth anniversary of Emperor Wüham's birthday was celebrated in Berlin. LATES. Haw.ui's fovcriiment has been overtlirown by a 'revolution, Queen Liliuo kalani has been deposed, a provisional government headed by President S. 15. Dole has control oí affairs, and commissioners have been sent to Washington with a petition to the American government to annex the Hawaiian islands to the United States. Joh.v Michaels, his wife and three chiklren, of Huiiiiu, V. Va., were all frozen to death n tlieir home. A tkaix coutu.n ng a party of lumbermen from Mioneeota went over a bank near Kent, 111., aml W. E. Akers, of Minneap li' , w; s killed and forty other perso i w;it hurt. Tuk EHrsl l'ivsbytorian cliurch at Logansporí, Ird., was ruincd by fire. The Fed'iai baik of Australia at Melbourne w;s winding up its affairs with liabilitii s of L10,000,000 and assets over thatamount. Six blocks In Oakesdale, Wash., were burned, the Ios being L500,000. The bark Valparaíso, coming from the south to Valpara'so with a cargo of timber, was wreektvl and nine of the crew perished. Thb mammoth plunt cf the Portsmouth wheel works at Portsmouth, O., was burned, the loss being 8100,000. Tiie state troops were or.lered out to quell a riot caused by strikers at the Krooks locomotive works at Dunkirk, ,. Y. Snow caused portions of the roofs of the manufactures and other buildings on the world's fair grounds to care in, the total loss being estimated at J5U, - 000. The pension pa3-ments in January amounted to .$14,000,000, a decrease as compared with last month of 51,000,000. The ittle mining town of Honeybrook, l'a. , was said to be in imminent danger of destruction from subterranean fires. Tuk central market hall at lierlin was totally destroyed by fire, eausing a loss of '2,000,000 marks. The residence of James Malone in Mineral county, W. Va., was destroyed by fire, and Mrs. Jlalone, her son Louis and Edward McCarthy were burned to death. ïwo more deaths of victims of the recent oil explosión at Alton Junction, 111., swells the total list oi dead to twenty-eight Enokmots quantities of rfnow havo fallen in the valley of the Dniéper and in other parts of southern 1! ssia. In the valley thesnow was on a level with the housetops, and in one proviuce 100,000 sheephad been killed.


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