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Janus Oilleaple Bl&lne wii'u at tae zciiilJi of liis (amé and in licst ooodltton, abiiut ten yean ago. .M.uiy in' tin' people ni a mi Axbor wiii ■reiiH'miier eeclng ïiini wben he vteited bere in the (Bil if 1884, and abovo was a ffood representatjon of hJm at time. Mr. Blalne died ai his lióme in Washington, I). ('.. at 11 o'elock Friday morning, .Tan. 27. Hs de&tta carne ]icaoíiill.v. no one butthe doctors realIzlng tiiai Ufe w&e departiag until all was over. Aitiidimii lie liad been ili loc weeka, and deatii was expeled ,-it any timo, vet the country was not prepared for it. 'The people ore liever prepared to jKirt 'with thelr great men, and Mr. Blalne as one i the grea4 men of ihc nat un, wlidin history will rank Becond ti none in the point of ability. iliplomacy and utatesmanship. We do not. believe that lio died of a broken haart beeatUK "f disappointed mbitinn. bul it is (irobably true alfliction hastent'd his demisc. Mr. Ulaine was boni in West [!riviis-vi!]c, Wa,linrton county, Pa., Tan. 0] is:! and eoneequently would ave been 'i-'! ycars oiri had he Uved four ilays more. He une of Scotch[rish stoik, and his great líraudíathywas ,-i.n in i'hr revolutlonary a.rniy, a close frisad "f Washinstoi). llis f.-itlicr was a man erf libera] edu.n;nn .aml ampie means, and Jiis natjier e tromao 'ï srapertor Lntelllgence and torce i eharacter. Allilimmli lii inotlicr was a tlevout ('aiinili-, Blalne always adbered to the ri-cshytcrian faitli uf liis fatlurs. He had the advantagfe of good teacbera at his own bome and witii HiDinas ICwiiiK-, .7r.. made his preparaLions for colicué nnder tlic charge 4 .ui Kn-li-nnian, William I.yons, brother of Lord Lyocw. Ai tlie age i: 1 :' ii' entered WaeUlnton college n Mi own coumty and graduated at fin' age of 17. thuring hta college oareer be displayed ttae game poiitcai sMfí.-iiit.v tiiat distingutshed liis career. Aíicr gradnation he became a teacher In the Western Military Institute ai Bl ii' i.i k BpringB, Ky., wbere he fornu'd the acquaintance ol Miss H.nrict Btanwood, of Malne, wbo was tc-i ■ - 1 1 i 1 1 -C n a l.-nlic's seminai-y ncar by, and lo wIkimi he vas soon marlied. He tben retnrned to Penneylranle, vrtwre tot Bwo year be bad charge Of tile classes n htgher litcrat ure in tlio ■l'cniisylvania institiitc fOC the bliml 'at Fbiladelpbia. In iö4 Blatne moved to Augusta, Malne, porcfaaetng a half Intereat in the Auüusia Journal, of wtatch be Withln threc years trom thla tinie he had bedome on the maater gplrita ia the politics of the stut.-. Itis career as member erf eongresa, as a l'nitri] Statrs senator, as sr ■ retar? oí Btate mider botfc Presideni Ul and I'ii Bldent Harriaon, and ns a candidato oí liis party íur the ]tresidtn;y. s tOO wcll knOWD tO ncrd repeetíng here. His politica! history ís n-fsh in the minde oí the i pía ol the natrón, and bis memory lies mhjuiiifd in the hearts of all its -it izcns règardlese of poUtlcal íaith. The funeral services were held Momduy. begfoing at 11:15 o'cloek, and were attended by President Harrison. m-eml)ei-s of ttoe cabinet, a delegatkm fi-om The leglslature ol Malne, and ooted people oí tbe natlon. Prayer was oflered by Rev. Dr. Hamlin, of the Presbyterian church, Washington, I). ('. The remaiiis rere Interred in in Oak Hili Oemetery. Becaus of his denth Gov. Rich lias siued the following píoclamation : BxbCdtivk Office, January 98, The death of Mr. Blalne, wliile not nexlected. (iius-s the nntiou to inuiirn. His emilent orticial services, his w!e and prnctical COUDClls t all times, his close touch witli the whole people, his eheerful and manly acceptanee of adverse declslona by t lie national conventlonaof hlsowu politica! party, as well as it the polls, his fortitmU' onder the most crushlng domestlc affllctlons, have made hlm the idol of the people, hu oow view with each other in doing hím honor. In recoiíintiou of this feellng the tlags will he dlsplayed at lmlfmaat In the state house and all state Institutions tintil alter the funeral. The Capítol will :e appropriately draped, and all BtAtedepartmentsclosed during the funeral services, on Monday. Jaimary :'.ü. froin 9 a. in. until 1 p. in [t is a Ño reconunended Omt the flatos on school juildlngs he appropriately dlsplayed until af ter tiic hineral.and that the people generalij refrain from business during the bours nu-ntioned.ancttake such other means ai they cieem ippropriate toezpress the people'a grief at the natiou's lotss. (ilven under my hand. the 28th day of January, 1S'J3. JOHN T. RICH, Governor. H. T. Morton evldently linda the Buperintemdency of the streel car linea lirpli'xiiijï at irnos, fiir he goea ;ilK)Ut wilh a BOOWl on liis ïa;-e. wliirh is MinelhiiiL iiew. Rev. Chas. A. Brïggs, of Union Theological Seminary, New York, who probalilv lias been more talked about aiul ritten about during the past two years tban any other minister of the gospel n this country, mi account of the recent attempt to convict him of heresy and depose him froui his position aa a professor in Union Theological .Seminary, will address the Inlaud League on Tuesday evening, February 14. It should be remembered that only season tickets will admit to tliis lecture. These tickets, however, will admit to all of the remainder of the some ten or fifteen entertaimnents to be given by the League bet ween now and the close of the season. Owners of fine hoesea are complaininir of barvlng grreat trouble with tbeir horses' ieet and attrlbute the sanas to the salt usel in keeping the Street railway clear. Large quantltles of salt are dtotriboted along tibe line and it is then spreed jv.t tlif stri'ct witli the show plow. In tilas wa.y the horeee COtne in contact witli it. The bhow will not pat'k mder tlie hoof and the Btrong brine woi'ks its wiiy around 1 lic frog. It is vcry injurious and will rot tlte hoof. In cas a horae has a cracked hoof it becomee a vci-y seríeme matter. Many people are avoidinjí Main et. on tuda account. In Grand Rápida the horsemen have petltkmed thecouncil. a gtrong protest and requestiniï that. the Btreet car corapan.v bc prevented ii-om uedng salí at all. Tbose who do not happen to have a ílyer. liowever, endorse the aadag al aait (reely, as the cara can give better Berviee. - .lackson Cltlien.


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Ann Arbor Courier