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AUCTIONKKK.- (. . Kinglley, live stock and general aucttoneer. Satisfaction guarHiitiid. 1:; 8. Thayer street. Aun Arbor, Mlch. 52 TO EXCHANGK- Two uew niue room dwelliiig houses centrally loented in the city of Gmid Rápida, Míen, l'rice of houses twenty-five hnndred dollars and wlshlng purchasers to assunie a imaU mortgage ou eacli house and lot and glve property all free in Aun Arbor for same. For fiirther Information, address at once E. F. Averill, No. M, Lyou st., Kooni 11 to 12, Grand Rapids, Mich. SEE THESE PRIGES ON EVERGREENS. 10,000 Norway Bornee, I to 0 lnclies high. $20. 10,000 Balsam Fir. 4 to 8 inches high, $25. 10.UOO ArborVitie.Sto löinches high, $25. 10,000 Scotch Pine,4 to 8 iuches high, $40. Over 200varieties. 7.00U.OOO for sale. CnDECT TDCrC 100.000 White ('ottouwood, rUnLol IntLd, 4 to 12 inch, $éo. 100.000 Yellow Cottonwood, 12 to 24 inch, $100. 1UO.O00 Suar Maple,4 to H inch. 835. 100.000 Klm,-1 to 6 inch, $75. We sold 8,000,000 in 1892. Wc must sell twice as many this year. Our nuraery is overstocked with all varities and sizes of fruit and ornamental trees. We must clear some of them out. Send for prlce lists. EVKHGKKKX NDB81KU8, K.vergreen, Wis. OFFICES 10 M! Fine Snite of Offices for Doctors, Lawvers or Business, in the MASDN1C BLOCK, INQUIRE OF J. E. BEAL or C. E, HISCOCK ■ PC H Absoiuteiy Puro. A cream of turtnr baking powder. Hlg of all In loiiviim strength. - Laten . S. tía mí ni Food oort. Royal Baking POWDER lo.. ]i Wall St..N. Y. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL GRAWFORG'S LIFE OF BUIDE. Wrltten by Mr. Blolne's mosl Intímate L ary Assoclate and Confldeutlal Frlend. Jgég-The Only Official Edition "198 i by U. S. Si nat Prof usely Mus trated. 600 octavo pages. Pri Steel píate frontlsplece. SeudS5c for ■ÍS moguiflcent hulf-tones. $1 00 outfit. The only work endorsed by the leading meu of the natlón. Usual Large Terms Given to Agents. Don't wait to w rite, but send at once - TODAY - aud big meney ia yonrs. Interest Intense '. Act Quick! The íirst to send 25e (postagel for outfit sets territory. B, R. CURTÍS & CO , Publishers, CINCINNATI, OHIO Cleveland & Búfalo Transit Co, "C. & B. LINE." Remember tlmt eonimeucing wlth oiiei:.? of uñvigulToij (May 1,1898) tliis company will place Ín commlasion exclusively between CLEVELAND ANO BUFFALO A Daily Line of the Most Magnificent Side-Wheel Steel Steamers on the Great Lakes. sti'inixT will leave either city every cvcuiug (Suuday tncluded). arrlvlng nt destlnatlon the followlng mornlng In time for business and til train connectlona. QUICK TIME. UNEXCELLEDSESVICE. LO WR ATES. Forfull partlculars see later lssiii paper, or addresa T. F. NEWMAN. H. R. ROGERS, di'ii'l BCanageT] üen'l PassengerAf; CLEVELAND, O. Drunkenness or the Llquor Habit Positlvely Cured by administering Dr. Halnes' Golden Soecific. It Is manufactured as a íiowder. whieh can be given in a Llass of Iwer, a cup of coffee or tea, or In food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It ia absoiuteiy liarmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreek. It lias been given In thousands of caaes, and in every instance a perfect eire haa followed. It never fails. The system once Impregnated with the Speclflc, It becomes an utter iraposeiblllty for the liquor appetite to exlst. Curea guaranbeed . 48 page book of partloulars Iree. Address GOLDEN SPECIFIC Co., 183 st., Cincinnati. O. Ñopri Zesf Orst Up Idpe Ople If you can read the above sentence you may receive a reward. Totlu' flrst per8on Bending the correct an to the above problm the publishers of tioor News will glve suventy-five Dollars In cash; for the second correct answer Kifty Dollars in cash; tor the third correct answer an elegant (iold Watch: for the fonrth correct answer a Brst-class Boy'a or Glrl'a Safety Bicycle: for the tiith u French Mnslc Hox; for tha sla pair of genuine Diamond Barrlngs; to the nth u nrst-class Kodak Camera, witta ■ plete ontfit for using same; to the eig complete La nu Tennis outfit : for tlio ülnth an elegant pair of Pearl Opera Ulasses; to the teuth a Silk Dress Pattern.any color icsired. Everyone answering the above puzzle must enclose wlth the samo Thlrty Centa In 6 (or ten three-cent stampa) for three mo trial subscrlptlon, or three subscriben at teu cents for one nionth to Gooi) tíKWS, Cant Literary Sewspnper. The envelope uliicli coutains correct answer bearlng earliest post mark will receive first prize. the balance strictly in order is recelved. All answers ïnust bo malled jn or befor flrst of each month. Name and i(lii prize winners will be publlshed In our Journal. Addresa (.'i(il) KEWS PCBLISHING CO.. Toronto, Ca NOTICB TO CftEDITORS. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Was Daw, bb. Notice Ib b.ereby gflven, that by iin order ol the Probate Court tor the County of Wastenaw, made on the thircl day of Oetober. A O. l.s.-ri, six months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims aga the estáte of William Greve, Late of County, deeeased, and that all creditors of deceased are required to present thelr claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Anu Arbor, for exiimination and allowaüce, on or before the third day of April next, and that anoh claims "ill be heard before said Court, on the third day of January and oa the third day of April next. at ten o'clock iu the foreuoon of eacb of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, October 8d, A. D. 1894. J. Wll.I.ARD ÜAIIBITT. Judgeof Probal s. KsTATE OF WlI.I.IAM BlTRNHAM. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashtenaWi sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, on Moudav, the thirtieth day of .lanuary. in the year oue tliousand eight hinidred and ninety-three. ■ Present, J. Willard Babbitt. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Wllllam lïurnham. deceased. On readiug and filing the petition. duly verified.of Ellen H. Burnham, praylng ihatacer tain instrument uow on lik' in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deeeased.may be admitted to proljate and that administratiou of said estáte muy be granted to herself, the executrix in said will named, or to some other BUltable person. Thereujion it is ordered, that Monday, the twt'iity-seventh day of Kebruary uext, at ten o'clock iu the förenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petition. and that the devises, legatees, and heira at law of said deeeased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sessiou of said court, tfien to be holden at the Probate OHice. In the city of Aun Arbor, in said County. and show cause, if any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it Is futther ordered, that said petitioner give UOtice to the persona Interested in s;ul e8tate,pf the penSency of said pet i t ion. mul the hearing thereof. by ca'using a eopy of this order ii be published in the Anu Arbor Courier, a newspaperprinted and circulatint; in said County, three Buceessive weeks previous to said day of heal [A true copv.J J. WILLARD BABB1 I Judge of Probate. W. G. DOTY, Probate Register. I08T- A pair of gold bowed eye j black Leather case, either on Bast Untversiiy avenue. between Monroeand Ilill.or on Hill to state, or on Return to and receive reward


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Ann Arbor Courier