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A Few Points

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I'i-h poiHl sorials go on at Dexter, in spite of tin' game law. What can Iliat bold over Hampton be about ? Tilt' newspapers tli.'it have so assiduoiisly warbled tor "good roads" rot them in .laiinai-y. '7Vhoa, Janna ry E" Inr riiy of Ann Arlor feels tliat it aeeda another ward, Imaginlng iliat it looke like a. boy who lias outgrown his fii-st pantfl : or a stage m:ircss w ■■tii her dreaa too short In the oeck at bot ii ends. The Yps.ilanti Toffee roaster Co. has raade au aarignmeni apon wh.-u gvounds, t is jiot learned lierc, perhaps ii]i ii the coftee gromds. The concern seemed to lacle tino eream and Hii.uar of a successful enterprise. The Xorth Sharon society have a new minister, u new carpet for the rostrum, a new for the organist and u stock o-f Ouba gum, fresh from Burrougte' factory, for the use of the choir, betweeo "ehewnes." "Every peg iits mom hole," remarked the Ann Arbor ArgUB "Lounger," who BOOD after rOM from a dry goods box and tope his paute. And yet, he believes that the municipal club "nceds to rub up against the world, a little " Miss Jennie ilarriiigton, of Whittiaker, was reoently inari-ied, but alniost immediately tlisliked her hueIwind and retairned to her mothor. TJiis melancliioly incident touches the need of a proba t onaiy Clauge in the mastiuge law. ( hrisci Comgregationallsta havo boosted the salary of their minister uj another htindreil dollars. They feit ]ietty weak after t li - - cffort and the pastOT saveil hiniseli from fainting ly ratchiiiïi hoid of one of the wingB oí tlie arch-an.el. A norse that, over stace the war, li(ad drawn Dr. llaze, of rinckney, íirouiid to seo ïiis patiënte, at least $100,000 worth- countiiiii in the grave stones, - waa lau.niitered last rek for ithi' Otóla Ogo. Moral : Don't be an old horse ! Au Ypsilanti hackman is out ith a. new hack and in.sists that it is tlie kinest public carriage in the city. His claim is disputed, by one af the uiHk'rto-kers ; but the latter is at a írreat disadvantage as he can prove notdüng ly his customers. "Town pride is a good thing to li.ive," says the Dexter News. l'ricle goeth before destruction." Our jneferciiue would bc for a towni cl(K-k witto iui hourly irocession of the Twelve AM3etles, a.nd a sun dial to show that the clock was telling t:he truth. Ann Arbor wants her charter amendcd s ühat fihe eau pay taxes twiec a year. Tvro classes of people are opposcd to the "single tax" theory. Tlie Aim Arborites who want to pay taxes fwtce a year, and that other kind of fellow, who opposes paying tihein once ; iimong whom are the ■ingle taxers. Dundee !as got a notion in her head that she is going to be a city, and the notion is not ill-founded. To miake a verfectly sure thing of it, iLowever, slie ought to tajee a potelheed and ucrape the moss off the backs of few of tthe old turtlea there, who crawl around wlth the gout and -refuse to sell flhcir real estáte for a decent price. The preceptor of the Chelsea high s. ii. ml has reslgoed and gone into the booi and Bboe linsiness, at Grand Rapids. II ulier nnd higher rises the aspiratlon of this pedaR-ogue from the culture of niinils to tlie salvalion of soles. May jie be "heeled" u this world and ayd at tlhe "last." when lis body "uaxes" colil at his final "end !" "lloiüsiy," a correspondent of the Ann Arbor Oourter deals t'he republican legislature a bluw on the bugle, tor is arieptance of railroad passes. If "Honesty" is nol laieful, he will l.e inHereiiiimiously bounced ironi the nmiicil.s and confidence of his party. He s awiully in the minority. But of It is tor legislatura lo accept railroad passes. They are only íor edito re. Jiiim Stauü, a Milán miller, niusi leen nioitally maagled tho other day hut for a mira -ulous escape. His ciaugbi In .-i caain belt and he w.-is (ast galloping toward eternity. ii. 'ii he happiiy grabbed a post and held on with 1eeth and eyebrows till the mili was Btopped liy tlu proprltetor. He was nol biart much, but in th,e matter oí clOthlng resemlil.d Ailam bellote the tra nsgression. lint why BkOUld tlie dry gooda merchant look duwn upon the teacher, or tlhie teacher upon the dry jroods mían.- Argüe Lounger. Dumio; wouldii't Ik' surprised if ome wcre a trttle slhorter than the otter. Spaakkie oí short people, the "shortesi " iiKtn ment ioned in the l'.ihle w-a.s not Knee-hish-iniah, nor l'.ililail, the Bhoe-htght, bnt Teter. wJlo aadd : "Sllver and gold have I none." A fast-idious young man named Bonïman, regiKtored at tlie Hawkins in Vli.silanti and utayed a week. He insist ed on tfiie most elegant room in the house amd bumble bee's liver on toaet. One niight he dropped hlmself and baifggaig out of Iii.s chamber -vindow and ïaded nvay, or ere the golden orb f morn had chased the flecting sluadows to their caves. A deputy sheriff, however, Chased tho fleeting: Bonman, who had prolapsua mëmory canoamfng fita board bill, and the Boirardis-kirker hoteted hini lx'hind the bars for ;{() days. From tlie gilded lxdroom to the dirty jail ccowd ! O, why shouid the spirit of Bonman be proud ?


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier