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Truths Briefly Expressed

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Farming may not be a rapidly money-makins business, Jjut it ig ueually sure and always honorable. The tact is the poor farmer, like the poor mechanic, should begin on a small tcale and build up gradually. AH unnecesary expense must be ut off ín the management of the farm, in order to realize the greatest pro fit. W.tth sneep, au with ether stock, no matter horw jyood the breed, without twod feed amd care tíiey will degenerarte. TTi'e moet succesgfu] farmer study out every meara of increasing the comHort of their tock asnd lessening the cost of the keep. In very m.ny oases, tlhe lanner that will not learn from hm neijrlibor's nilstakes, will teaeh his neighbor by hi OWB. On the farm at least, in nearly all caaes, it ík letter to sell and rcret than to keep and regret. and cspeclaly 90 ut thiw time. The farmer that i.s iu debt and dejcnds ujion a single erop, is at the mei-i y (,f (be Kfason, the market and , his creditors. Th-e dog thnt bOQOOM out upon the peaceta] paseer nlong the hjghway, deserves To be shot ; and his owner to be puoislied. In nearly all cases the farmer can breed a more ovon lot of pigs than he can onder nny ordinary eonditlons by pii ii ii - im. Young stock Tieed watdiful care during the -iiKintlis of Kudden changeg in the weather, as they wHl now bc in an untlirifty conditlon. Htook-breedinff teaclies thoroughness and exactnes, as therein ig its great merit. To advance evem a little requiree a good deal of care. Homethmg tihould be growing all of the time, omd thiH can only be done by a variety oí crope and keeping different kinds of stock. Give your etable a thorough cleaning- oecaskmally. It will more than repay you in the way of appearance, and ia beneficial in a sanitary way. Intensive cultivation mean simply "farming to inake money." The man who does not belleve in the raethod better abandon the busjnesg. A safe rule ík to sell farm producís, if Uwsre is i Kurplus, when offered a fair paylng iriee, intad of bolding lor bigher prlcea with chances of lower. In winterins? pfes over, it is nearly alwaye best to jrive tliem as good a range as possible, feeding well so tliat they wlll not unnecessarily exposé tbemselvee. Good stock help to "tone up" everything about the place. Even the hireil man works better nnd more contentedly tluui when h has to potter around among scrubs. Good feeding has much to do with i-arl.v matuxity, lut tbe foundation for it lies In the breed. Btart right and all the rest is easy. Ictclqding the aolution oL the questiön of proflt. It is more or lesa a waste of feed to feed poor, unthrifty animáis. As 'ar as pOMiMe, select smooth, growthy animáis to feed, even at a greater Tlvey :irc eertaJd to be moro profitable. An excellent ijoot and sJiot dressing can be made by melting togetber lard and 1its of rubber from old worn-out overshoes or ru'bber boots. It does well for lierness, tbo. and is vcry cheap. We mav go nnywhere in the United l'tates and find as a general rule that the smaller the iarm th botter the cultivation. This should be suffielent argument ngainst being land greedy. In .shippkng stock to a market it Is a serious misfrake to crowd too many animáis into a car. The risk of loss is too great. The Bafet and best plan is to g-ive each animal sufficient room to be comfortable. It is always good policy to eell on a ïisiuir market, Kwn iï you do not hit the very top, yon get a prioe that is above the average. Wlicn Kellinp; on a falling market tbe reverse U true. To fasteu au ax helve, use an iron wi'diíe wttb a projection on one side of tlie head. You wUl have lcss diffteulty to remove ax from handle wlicn the latter is broken. To remove it, use a cold chlgol or an old ax. You do not have to doublé your product to doublé your proLit. Thirty lmhels of wheat to the acre -vvill not ' very mueh more than fiftoen bushels, but it wül put twice as much money in your purse.- N. V. Agrtcultural:t. Wiien ridiiitr In colil weather, Hght :i laatern, turn the wi.-k up a Uttle and place the lantern bétween your teet.. Draw the roln' wel! up around yimiseii, and you niay b cotnfortable to ride a long (Ufltanee in thr coldest wral her. Il' you will keep account oï the ent of cultivation and tlic value of the erop in each field, you will find it au incentive to brlng each one up to the highest possible si andard. Treat your lields indivkliially, as well as your dairy 0OWB. There is a tendenoy to fced tb cattle out of an earlier age, and yet to put more gixArth on to them while ve do keep them. A more rapid ttirning of woney on cattle will make it a more deeirable business to rear íund feed Hiera for market. It ihiae been foumd that cattle fed on dintillery lope, -which require no ehewítik, oon iH-irin to have dwensed teeth hnd Bums, and thnt their teeth decay ín tJie same manner au the human teeth, whiiae those tha.t chew natural food Lave Round teeth. Hiere is no one artk-Je in tho line of mediHne tihat gives o larj;1 a return for the money n a good porus BtrengilueDinj; plawter, euch ae Carter's Kmart Weed and Iiclladcmna Üa.kache {taarten.


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Ann Arbor Courier