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AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL CRAWFORD'S LIFE OF BLilNE. Written by Mr. Blaine's most intímate Literary Associate and confldential Fnend. Ség-The Only Official Bdition -l Endar$ed by {'. & Stnatort f Cabtnet officers. Profusclvillustrated. 600 octavo pages. Price2. Steel pinte frontUpiece. Seud 25c for 48 magnificent half-tones. Il 00 outfit. The onlv work endorsed by the leadiug meu of the uation. Usual Large Terms Oiven to Agents. Don't wait to wrlte, but send at once- TODAY- and big money is yours. Interest Intense! ActQuIck! The lirst to send 25c (postage) for outfit gets ►territory. E, R. CURTÍS & CO., Publishers, CINCINNATI, OHIO. SEE THESE PR1CES ON EVERGREENS. Arbor Vita?.8to 15inches high,$2i. 10,000 .Scotch Plne 4 to 8 iuches high, 40. Over 200 varietics. FOREs'fTRËES 4?-Tihch ' UoDivoo00ow Yellow JottonwooJ. Vltp iüch". $HK). 100W Sugar Minio, 4 to 8 inch. SS5. 100.000 Kim, 4 to 6 inch. $75. We sold 8,000,000 iu 189-2. We must sell twice as many this year. Our mirsery is overstocked witli all varities and sizos of fruit and orimiiieiitHl trees. We must clear some ol Gemout. "-SVyBigaffirtfimtMM Kvergrefn, Wil. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, g . MONÜINULJ GEMETERY " J AND , o ! BUILDING Also, Stone Walks. - Estimates clieerfully furnished. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts.,ANN ARBOR, MICK. THE DETHO1T -wwy Tribune(ftmiitiil (h Einhleen hunilnd and forly-nine) A General Family Newspaper. ('IKITLATIOX .i.omt. ProTn hj PoNtofitoe Krrrlpta. Republiean in Politics and tlie champion of the Old Soldiere' ia a model general newspaper, with its departments of Agrlculture, Fiction. Fashlons, Household News, Sporting, Relignus, Commercial, Etc, together with the latest uews of the world, rewritten ín a most attractive mauner. The Weekly Tribune Won the position of the largest circulation in Michigan many years ago, rud has kept it beeause it is ahvnys reliable, enterprising nnd full of original matter, not stale reprint frem the dalles. BETTER THAN EVER. One IDcllar per Tear. SPECIAL OFFER. Good only until Januari 15, 189S A copy oí Bill Nyc's New Book of 500 pages, witti l"0 illustrations. sent free, post pald, U" gether witli tbc Wkeki.y Tbibdmi ioroneyear upon recelpt of ouly $1.10 One Dollar and Ten Gents. $1.10 A mormmg visitor - Aurora. AValer works - Tho ïnill wheel. Circular tours - Bicycle journeys. A matter of consciencc- Remorse. A "eolitl" man- The Cardifl Glant. A matter of choice - Clioosing a wife. Oil on the waters - Tank Bteamers. Havo thir öwn Trolly cars. Put up to bo put down- Preserves. Have tfaair tatcks up- Colonial uaiirs. Some mental work- Knitting the brow. Ratduer a revolutionary article- The ïfropelleir. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co, "C. & B. LINE." Remember that commeucing wlth opeaing oi imvigutioET(May 1.1893) th9 COmpany wil! place in commission exclusively between CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO A Daily Line of the Most Magnificent Slde-Wheel Steel Steamers on the Creat Lakes. Steamer will leave either city every evening (Snnday iucluded), arriving at destination the following morning in time for tmines and a]l train counections. QUICK TIME. UNEXCELLED SERVICE. LOWRATES. For f ti 11 particular see later issues of thi paper, or addri'ss T. F. NEWMAN. H. R. ROGERS, Qau'l HtUHI, üen'l Passenger Agt., CLEVELAND, O. Drunkenness or the Llquor Habit Positlvely Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Soecific. It Is manufnctured ag a uowder. which can be given ia a prlass of beer, a cup of coffee or toa, or in food without the knowlegde of the patiënt. It la absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy care, whether the patiënt is a moderate drinker or nn alcoholic wreek. It kas been given in thouaands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never iaLls. The system once impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibllity for the liquor appetite to exlst. Cures guaranteed . 48 pagebook of particulars f ree. Address GOLDKN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race st.. i CLncinnati. O. ITopri Zesf Orst üp Idpe Ople lf you can read the above sentenc you may receive a reward. To the firet person seuding the correct answer to the above problcm the putmaners of Gooi News will give Seventy-tive Dollars in cash; for the secoud correct aniVer Fifty Dollars iu cash; for the third correct answer an elegant liold Watch; lor the fourth correct utswer a firt-clas8 Boy's or Glrl'a Sftiety Kieycle: for the fifth aFrênch Musie Box: lor the sixth a pair of genuine Diamond Earring$; to th enth a niBt-claus Kodak Omraera, widi a aomplete outfit for usiug same: to the eighth a complete Lawn Tennis outfit ; for the niuth au elegant i.airof ]'e:irl Opera Ulaei; to the tcnth a Slik Dress Pattcrn, nny color desired. Kveryone ansvvering the ahove puzzle must enelosëwlth the saint Thirty Ceuts iu Silver (or ten three-ceut stamps) for three months' trial subscription. or three BUbecrlbWS at ten ceutB for oue month to Good Xews, Ctwada' Uterary Neatpaper, The envelop which contains correct answer bearing earliest postmark will receive flrst prize. the balance strictly in order as received. All answers must be mailed on or before the first of each mouth. Name and address of priïe winners will be published in our journal. Address OOD NEWS PCBI.ISHISG CO.. Toronto, Canada. BKfW! Fine Suits of Offices for Doctors, Lawyers or Business, in the MAS0N1C BLOCK, INQUIRE OF J. E. BEAL or C. E. HISCOCK Estáte of Wim.iam Birxiiam. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte5 llaw, 86. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Mondav. the thirtieth day of Jauuary. in the year one thousaiul eight hundred and ninety-three. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Burnliani,deceased. Ou reading and (Hing the petition, duly verified,of Kllen M. Iiurnluun, praying tlmt a Cör tain instrument now on flie In this court, purportlng to be the ])i!stwill mei testament of said deceased.may be admitted to probate and that admiuistration of suid estáte may be granted to herself . the executrix in snid wil] uamed, or to sorac other sultable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monduy, the twenty-seventh day of FebruBry at tuu o'clock In tlie fófenooui ba Milgnèd for the hearing of said petition. and that the devisees, lcgatees. and heirs ut law of said deceasea, and all other persous interested iu said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said eourt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, iu said County, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiouer should not be grauted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested iu said estáte, of the penaency of said petitiou, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, anewspaperprinted aud circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true copy.] J. WII.LARt) BABBITT, Judge of Probate. V. (i. DOTV. Probate Keïister. AUCTIONEER.- O. Kingslcy, live stock and general auctioueer. Satisfaction guaranteed. 13 S. Thayer street, Ann Arbor, Mich. 52


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier