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Upholding A Wrong

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Ma.ny papera tJiii-oug-liOTit the DOrtb ha been uphadd&ng the Inhuman aetion of tllie mob wt Parte, Texas, that torture-d to death a negro, because of the crue-i and beastly deed wbich lic (lid. The comniitting of one crime dors not palíate the committing of anotber. The utatutes of Texas proili' íor ha.iiging people who commit su;-li crimes lis tliil that negro. No jury iin Texas oonld Have been gotten togeihor that Hvoald not have brouglit that prtBoner in gnllty. Then tbe law 'won ld have taken ïts eourse, awl the iiot any too clean escutcheon of Texas -would Inve lreen sa veil mot.lier foul ntain. Tliere s no ex.-us ■ , amoog ciiii,ed peopte, tor the barba.iitics of ,th,e people of Taris, Texa. Not content wttt Ulliag the nrg o hy nielliods that vml(l put to bhish the king of Dahomey, they afterwards, Wbeo it Avould secm that their thirst for crneltisa must hnvc been gatlated, took a young stepson, whose only criinoC.') was his to teil where Wis stepiather COUld lx; found, and riddled luis body witb bullets, and left it to rot in nn out-of-the way place. I? papers publfelied in civillzed communitles can upQiold or even mitígate sucti deeds, then indeed we niay well ask tlhat oft repeated question: "whither are we drtfting?" Tlve cabinet of President Cleveland, as authioritatively iinnounced, wIM bc as follows : Secretary of State- Hou. Wal ter Q. Gresham, Repubücan of Illinois. Secretary of the Treasury- Hon. Johu G. Car lisie, State Rights, of Keutucky. Seeretary of War- Hon. Dan. Lamont, formcr private secretary, of N'ew York. Secretary of the Navy - Johu W. Ruasell, Democrat, of Massachusetts. Postmaster General- Hou. L. B. Bissell, formiT law pard, of iiuffalo, N. Y. Secretary of the Interior- Hon. Hoke Smith, a true blue Southerner, of Georgia. Attorney-General- Geo. W. Jenks, unknoivn, of lhila(ielphia, ( where, oh whcre is McVelghi mugwump ?) Secretary of Agriculture- Hon. J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska, (the author of Arbor Day, which gave hlm his famc as a hay seed.) TiR' rrinreas of Wales liaw done a deel t'liat has taken the courage of a rtrong rill. In preparing a wardi-ole lor a journey to the Mediiteiraiiean, her taüoi-s selected dretsaes that reqodred crinoline. Slie nt onee sent tht'in haik and orderad her Wardrobë prepared in accordance witlli tlie present himple and neat ntyles. Tally one ïor tlue good ense of a leadhiií lady of tbe Avorlil. The New York Mail and Expresa says tfli'at tJie present marnier of spelling th OKi me of the I.ord'8 Day, the fint day of the week, is inorrect. It sliould be Sonday and not Snnday. Ibe latter i heatben, the former Cbriettan, as it is the day of tbe week devoted to the worship of tlie Ixml ; ïrot to the worsiiip of tüie Bun, ns in id Pboeneclan times ; oooaequently we tshould not follow lieathen custome ín our langunge. In fU'cordance with 'wliich that paper has l"(otted tbe usu.-ia spell, and the word apiicus is Sonday altogether, and looks queer enough.


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