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Democratic County Convention

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iiist Tiiiuxiay the demócrata o Waeirtena-w ccranty ossemtyed in con M-iition at the bomrt house. Hon (has. R. Wliitinaii vac made chanmai uk] Frank o'Hrarn o: Aun ArbOT se -retary. After the usual prellmtnarlee ai a-djournment was eifeeted untll after nonn. üpon reaesembling the dele gatea were reported and approved Uue temporary officers made porcnn oent, and tlhe tollowlng reeolutiona reported and adopted : Th demócrata ol Wa.-htenaw coun ty in convent ion asseniHed. reiterat tüieir unswervlng devotlon to demo cratic principies, and pledge their sup porl to democratie Dominees: W'r denouoce mwta and extravagamee shown by ont state legjslaturc in tlie creatlng of aimeccesary offices fo provide placea íor relativos of repu UI can leglslatora. We deraotmee tbe uneeating of Senator Jordán, étected Hy an nndlspiited majority of 826 votes, on a flimsy pretext cODtrary to rei-ent dccltlona of tlie' suprem court. We dnou-nce tlie vepeal of tlie Mlner law, wfcden for tlie first time allowed tln people of this contrres.sionnl district to onst tiieir own vote for president. ■V a!l nttention to the evident Jntention of the republican legislature to rppeal all laws howevcr meritorious passeil by a democratie leg'1:iture. We concri-atnlate the eonntry upon enterinpr upon an era of democratie ïoveniment in flie interest of the people. and we ermcrratulato t3ie demon-ais of Waslitenaw upon the fnet t.liat thia eonnty lias long borne the prmid and well eamed t-itle of til" banner ilpino-i-atic connty of the state a title Avli ■1'. we each and everyone of ns pledge oii:-s'-Ivi-s tn do onr 1: si to retain. The next thina; in order leins tbe nomiintion of a eounty eommissioner o-f schools, tlin present efficiënt ineumbent of that office wm rpnominated by neelamation. The next business in order was the i'n of delepates to the state and judi-ial conven tions. l!y a shi-ewd device oí the politicians three lileirates at larire wrre chosen to both the state nd judiiial conveutions, catead of one as is usual, lea ving an even ten to le Bolected by tbe ditricts ; and the majority were very slirkly wheedled out of their rifrhts when they demanded a ballot, and the choice w-ent by viva voce, with a quick e-ar in the cha ir for the right ftame. After the wranible was over, the eonvention found that it had made a choice of the following delegates : STATE COXVENTION'. At Large- Hon. Chas. R. Whitman, Judge ,T. W. ISabbitt, Edward Duffy. lst Iistrict- C'has. Dwyer, Wm. J. Miller, Eucene Oesterlln, M. J. Leliman, Tlios. D. Kearney, 11. J. Braun, Ann Arbor ; George I'ratt, Scio ; P. C. Murraj-, Salem ; John Conlon, Welwt-er. 2d District- F. P. Bogardus, M. T. Woodruff, A. J. Murray, G. A. Savery, Oeorge 0. Iüchol, Yis-ilanti ; P. G. Suekey, PittBÍield ; Philip Blum, Lodi; oiin J. Robdson, Sharon ; Alfred Davenport, York. JUDICIAL C0SVENTI0N. At Large- Jas. Rv Bach., F. A. Bogle, Ann Arbor ; Xathan Schmidt, Manohest-er. lst District- S. W. Keakes, J. P. Schuh, F. A. Howlett, Frank O'Heara, tú W. Millard, Anji Arbor ; Frank Riggs, Sylvan ; I'. Duffy, Xorthfield ; . Knapp, Freeilom ; John Wade, Lima. 2d District- L. M. Duggan, John P. Ciik. Geo. Palmer, Ypsilanti ; Jolin üllen, Frank Jones, Saline ; Herman leyer, Pittefield ; Ja. Gauntlett, Vork : P. H. O'Brien, Augusta ; W. i. .slom:, Sharon. Then carne a bomb Bball, fired by lr. W. U. Mariiardt. It read as folow.s : Resolved, That thls convention enlorsts tlie oaadidacy n' M. J. Iyehnan lor tbe ciix-uit JudgiesfalP! and the leiegatee to ,tho Judicial convention (re tn usi' ;ill honorable means to se'inre hte nomination. Mr. Benkea dtdn't betfeve in Instructora (not ,this time) and was on his eet qntck witli b mottoa to lay it ïpon tiio tahic. Tbencamea cyclonc. lotions, amenamente, Mibstitutions, motjons to adjoura, points of order, etc., pdled in thick and fast. The ehalr ome detlijred the original mollon caried. It was appealeTT froni. Exit-ement ran liif?h. Mr. Uarqnardt, martini? nader the injustice of the ulinys, Kaid plaJnly tliat "things have teen done hero tluit are not rlgbt. t rigbt to be done in this, or uit democratie convent ion, or in any othr convention." Thcn Mr. Wliitnian ealled Mr. Turn BUiU, of Cliolsea, to tlic chair, and took he floor hJtnfleU. He said "the sucese of the democratie party is dearer to ue tihan te the success of any ndividual of it." He liad devoted a oarter of a century of bis life to Jie snecess of the party, and whor the demócrata nhouid nomínate "I will do, God knows, all I can do tor ttieir success." He made soveral xtravagant statements, and was very free in talUni? upon tlhe Deity in one orm or anotüver, all of wiiich proba bly liad its effect. Ttvaa Mr. Iclunan ame forward, nd liy the t-ourti'.sy of the Chair, was penmltted to Bpeak. He endorsed Mr. AVliitiuau's seiitiments. .-iiiil would do ;ïs imih as lic ir any oihcr democrat the euccese of the ticket. AH he asked l'or was au konest expression oí the clioice of the del gatee there present. He (lid not want any snap judiiiiieut. He would like to have ca.-'h deitegate gtven the privilege of voting -een-t ly ior his choice for circuit Jndge, In a good democratie way; thcn. if the cholee feil ujioii some other pereon, do one would more conliall.v accept the reenM thao he or gflre the mcoeeefu] eandidate a more hearty snipport. I'.ut he dil desire to have tth iicicatcs n'Ucn in opportunity !o expreea ttoelr tree chotee. Mr. Maniuarilt tfaeo followed In a iicilatnry spirit, luit assertlng that in Iiis district "not a dekgate had been gpven a chance t expresa a wish or K.'iy a word." The appt-al ior an expression of an opinión feil upon frultleM ground, and was never to be realized. The office seekers (unJted now, bat soon to be fig'hting eath other as bitterly as they fougüit Mr. Ijehman and his friends) carried the day, and the resolution was laid upon the table. The convention adjourned, but the (eell'Dg amollé tilie peoplo over the put up job of the office seekers, pianned, it is alleged ;t Wasiiinton, I). C is sti:i inarching on.


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Ann Arbor Courier