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At 40 cent a dozen uow The Plymouth Koek each day Up in the dover scented mow Roes sing her Easter lay. Meren ry down to 12 degrees bolow zero last Monday iuonüng. The present tax law is very unpopul&r, and hould be made better. The Sunday School of the M. E. church will bave a sleigh ride this ajternoon. TliO job ol putting up street signa bas been under way for the past week. Aun Arbor needs them bad enough. Ttoe M. C. R. R. will have lts capaclty taied to taiie nll wlhio will want to go to Detroit to-day. The late Rev. Maltby Gelston, of th8 city, carried the oldeet life Insurance policy in tïiis Btate, In the New York Laie. ThO average politician is about as buey now as he ever was, notwitlietanding a mugwump administration je soon to envelop ub. Seats for Riley's lecture will be reserved on Wednetsday morning next, ;id for Wilder's on Tlüursday morning of next week, at the ueual places. Rev. Dr. Steele, of Detroit, a íormer pastor of the Presbyterian church, in ttois city, occupied the pulpit last Sunday morning, giving a powerful tieeourse. It is stated on wliat is good authorSty that there .ire just 78 camlidates 'or post-offjees in AVnishteiwiw county. Enough to niake quite n power in a. conventiion, eii ? Evnrt Soott received word Saturday of the arrival of a little girl re -ntly t the home of hls eister, Mis. !has Ij. Carter, at Honolulú, Sand-sO,-T IslarnN. Thta makes a pair, :i boy and girl. A piece of news that will be reeeived lm Ann Arbor with a good deal of sat5sLactton, is the 6ta.tement that the snpreme cowrt last Friday deaiied a new trial in the Prince Michael case. l'rinoe Mike will wear short hair for a. fow years lonser. Fred C. Brown, of the. Daily Times, baa gone to New York to leam how to manage the new Mergenthaler typeetter tba-t he has purchased. During bda absence of two weeks, Mr. Beakes, of the ArgTis, will run the editorial ilepartment of tlhe Daily. Announrement i nale that Miss Joie Henion, of tihis city, will be mari (hI during the coming month to Dr. (uy L. Keifer, of Detroit. Both partdes number a prreat maaiy of our best ))ople among itlieir iriende, who will wüBh them II the good fortune poseille. Mr. Wm. St. Cl&Av and Miss Sclina Kannenberg were joiued In holy wedlock last Thursday evening, by Rev. Max. Hein. Mr. Floa MtvebUg acted as best man, and Miss Myrta St. Olair aebridesmaid. An elegant supper was ! iervel and mauy beaut ful presenta ' reCeived ly the bride and groom. 'Tvvas only a feather luster. But Bhe w(irsliin-d it, she aaid, lor ils fasciiiMtinii likeness To Paderewskl's hoad. -Detroit Jourual. Suuday vtiub a recular Dakotlan - Sn tïie way of wentlier. Oonfirnuatilon at st. Andrew's church win ui Paesdon Sunctey, Marcb l'Jth. 1'., a. a. & .. M. B. il. ncreaaed it.-i receipt $84,000 tor January 1898 ivt Jamuiry 1892. Joeepïi Domiolly íoaind n ioeUet book one day wiek, and a few !hiii-s Ínter he t'ound the owner. I'.oth (.ti' ïnrtiip.atf oecurreoccs. Mi-s Grace Jennelle, formorly of tliis cfty, but at present living in Toledo, Obto, is to marrled, it is ainiouneed, to Mr. s aas. Can-oll, of Detroit. The show storm tliat set in last l-'nda.y and las led ;ill niirht and way intn vhe next liay wiu what is sometttmefl called in lang "a stinger." The subject at the Young People's Vesper servii-cs, at Si. Andrew's chapel next Suuday ■eveninjj, ut half-past ü o'clock, w.ill lx.' "The Mvurter'a l'.usiness." The touiplahit.s of stolen rubbers, gloves, etc, at the Mgh school buildaig are Ketting extremely numerous. It does seem as ii sorue metbod of in-eventini; tliiw thieving could be devised. The cjty wül do well to niake liaste slowly jn either dividing up the lire d-epaitnieut au now constituted, or iu goiaig to the expense of putting a liew outfit at the Cth ward engine house. The annual meeting of the Cliaritablt' Union wlll be held at Harris Hall, on Uinirsday aftenioon, Marcb 2d, at tluee o'clock. All womeii intorcsted in the work of LE iraion are inviteJ to be present. There were about IHty n attcndance upon tbs K. 1'. baaiquet at the Cook House Monday evenamg. Chancellor Oommander J. j. Rowe acted as toast master, and a good tjme was enjoyed. Landlord McOlure presented each Sir Kni'g-ht present with a bouquet. The elosSmg Faculty Recital of the l nivcrsiiy School of Music, at Xewberry Hnll last Friday eyening, was One of the fimest that has been given. The audience were eaptiyated with botlh tlie histruniental and the vocal select; ons, some of tllie young people gioiJUí; so far as to assert that it was superior to beveral of the concerts in tiu' regular Ohoral Cnion course. Diurfng the interval not apart for toast at the biuiquet of Knights Templar at Jaekson, on the 7th inst., at whivh time the Aun Arbor and Kalamazoo Commanileries were present, Sir Knight Williams, of Jaekson, improvised a poem for the occasion, the last two verses of which were for th benefit of the vtaitors, a follows: There is a place in MicliigHU, bout seventy miles Hwuy, Where people who are off their base, are taken every day, Thelr street car line ia out of slght, their Post Office is uew, Ask "Bill Brownell" the name of the town, and he'll teil you its Kalamazoo. Ann Arbor has got a great big school, of which she's very proud, But tho iuseuce from the pickling vat is just a little loud. They play the game of Living Whist, are eipcnents of law, Prince Michael got bis flve year dose, in tbe court house of Washttuaw. The paper of Judge Harriman on "Iteminisoences of California in the Early Days," before tave Unit. y Club, Monttoy evemiug-, ivas excellent. The Judge lias a peculiar way of describiiiK cenes and incidents, and the journey to tllie Golden Btate, a tliird of a century ag, from jts start up amoDK tiie bleak hills of New Hampshiro, to the arrival at the Golden Gate, was ntertaining, and in parts thrilling. The life in the mines, the history of the state in war times, and fhe deecriptive passages referring to impromptu courts, prompt eubin.íion to ilecisions, the respect shown to personal rjghts, to women and childreu, the climate, tho floods, etc, were all rld in a charmtag way. HaiiKT'.s and the Century publish hundi-eds of pages of travel and incident Uiat are not near as instructive, and pqpple pay dollars to hear ftimous tooturere whoee lecturei are not half is cntertailning. The Ckoral Vnion Concert Frlday evenjiiiff, Pèbruary 34, in Vniversity Hall, will be a fine 011e. Mi-, Max Hoinru-li is one of the groatesi song sincers in tlie world. There is. however, no necossjty of this, for all -ibo heard hmi last year have been iorivard to tfais occasion vith high a.iiticipation. Mr. Schmaai 'has so íirmly established himself iu titüB community as a pianist of exceptiioiml ability ttat every ono will le deligiiited mltb thie opportunity of hearing him agaln. "We would also liko to Cali attention to the 6eries of Oliamber Comcerts to be g3ven undor tlhe aoispdees of the School of Music in Newberry Hall, MarcJi 2d, 14th, 23d, Aprtl 13, and Mriy itb. These ' Diicerts wdill le of tlhe very highcet KraiUi and Aviii kIioav the best there Se in Hie -w-hole literaiure of chamber inusir. The work of the school should be enayuíeged áir this particular, for smet a seriee oí concerts la indispensable in Mie ereation of a genuine in i al a.tmo8fere. Tfckete only ?1.50 for Hci-ifs. Now doth the autocratie hop:. In largc or sinull umount. Disiurb uith most uupleasant jog Out timid bauk aocount. -Chicago Inter-Oceau. Hegular meeting of the W. F. M. Koricty. of Ulo M. E. climvli on I'riday. at I O'clock p. m.. in t lic primary rla ss room. PJev. ('. A. Voinm'. OÍ tfibe ('lu-isiiaii (iiunli of thi.s city, raiscil $200 ly a collectiou taken op in a Detroit cluircli last. Snnday, (or proposed 'Jlieolouic.ii Sciurol in be eetablttshed here. OnSatniilay niulit last .1 ïnimber of tiie friemk of Mac e. Le Beau, tormerly of Ann Arbor, gatünered at the W'ayiu', in Detroit, aiul assi.sted him in oliscrviim' .1 rccurrciRc of iiis birtli(lay. The lectores lefore the Hobart Guild coninienciiii; at St. Andrew's cliurcli. one week ïrom sext Suiulay, irivcn by Iiig-ln Kev. Btobop Dudley, D. D., LI. D., of Kentucky, will le upan the Baldwita founclati-bii, and not the Slocnm, as statcd last week. Rev. J. L. Dkkie, D. D., of Detroit. gtTM the next lecturoi before the Tapian training course, Saturday eveniug at MM.illan Hall. Subject, Cypriaa. Snnrtay moming at tule Presbyterian ohurch, sxibject Athanaslus. Sunday eveüinK at ohurch, subject Julián the Apostle. A report of the Xorth.sUle .Sunday School, comhicted ly the M. E. church, slioAvs tliat t has 10 teachers, 70 .sWiolars, and an average attendaiur of 7. Tliat's a grand good record. The Epworth League in connection. is also in a flourinhinií condltion. Mr. F. A. Manny is superintendent. On Tuesday, Mapcli Tth, at 10 o'clock, a. m., Abr.i'liain Ilei'lc. proIoses to sell at auction, at liis farm tllu-ee miles 1vot and ooe-feftlt nortli oí Ann Arbor, on -irttat is kaowu as the old Treadwell farm. in S-io. a large lot of farm implements, and sUpplies. Lunch served &t noon. Fred Kraus is the auctioneer. Marsihiall I'. Wilder, wlio appears before tlh Studenfs Lccture Associaon Saturdiay Marcli 4th, will be eic((Miipanied by Miss Cecelia A. Woolsey, tllie muisieal phenomena, Miss Carlotta (ilmaii, prima donna soprano, and Mr. Edwin 1 Keudall, pianist. The entertainment will on? of t'he most brilliaut of the oourse. W do not vouch tor the tnith of iliis item, lut simply give it as an Mam. It is said tha.t ioe formed In very cold weather is much firmer than ordmary ice. It takes twiee as long tornen a cake of ice from tlie BOrthern lakes than it does to melt a cake of Hhie eaine size frozen iai a milder cüimiate larther Bouth. From the Brookings, S. Dak. Register, we learn that tlie investigating eommittee which was appointed to look jnto the affairs of the Agricultural College of that state, have made a report completely exoneratdng Dr. MeLouth, of charges made against the management. Tlie many f rienda of tttie Dr. Itere will lx glal to loarn that. It wias wltn pleasure that we greetel our old friend Jota J. Robison, of Shiaron, Ia6t Tliursday. He was in town attending tUe demoiratic county convent ion. It may not le generally known, but we have the Manebester Enterpriwe for autlority, that Mr. Robison Is attaining considerable fame in the Bection of his old home ae a reader of Saxes poems. Tlie Daily Times n-eoil havo no fear that the country superrtaora require an excuse to "salt tlie city." That is one of the tlihijrs they do as regularly as the year rolls around, and as no excuse luis lecn necessary for them in tlie {past, it is not likely they will need one Ln t'lie futuro. So that is no "argument" why the city should not be divided into additional wards. A prohibition county convention, wUtJbí a dozen or so present, was held in tliie KuiervUsor's room of the court house last Prtday aftemoon. A propowition to mnite fortunes with the people's party ealled out eome pretty warm diacveslOD, iind a resolutiou, offered by Pi-of. J. 1!. 8 teer e was carrded, setting forth that it was the sensfl of 1he meeting that the prohibition party 'was ready and willing to Unite with aaay other party that would adopt its principie of prohibition. In other words tliey were not ready to le swallowed, but stood ready to swullow. A list of deleigates were cliosen to the etote convention as foll-owe : B. J. Conrad. A. W. Augir, P. M. White, J. E. Bowdtoh, T. A. Duim, Ann AFbor ; Russell Hoeves nnd R. C. Copeland, Dexter. The tollowing good story on one of our genial county officials, is told ly the Dexter News : "A Scio fricml Hoêoram us ,1hnt Register of Deeds Hu&hee ninde an unusuully quick trip Brom the Btiation, home, one evening Jast week. He carne up front Ann Arbor on tiie late traSin and, stepping hito the passenger house to light a cüigiar, he tovmd tlie oirty occupant to be & tmtXy stranger who lay stretehed out om tliie seat, apparently asleep. A li1it ilasïied in hLs face c'otavinced Mr. H. fhíit lie WOB tjoo touigh a cusflomer for a tra-eling companion at tJnat liour of the night so he stole aoleeleealy away and Btrock a gal1 for lixjme tüiat wouiil put to sbam a professional eprSnter, wbll the sleeper, a Soto man. continued to finooze on, nadtoturbed." I've held her in these arnis of mine, And t'ldom would she make resistance, Uut sinee she took to crinoline, By jings, she keeps me at a dlstanee. The Ann Arbor Organ Company is now ready to receive Mübscrlptlona fr tlheir new issue of stock. Mis. Jota Fogerty will open a new stock of miillinery over Teufel's store, on South Main utreet, where tin. Pi per wa. Mr. Sawycr. in his cap.uU.v as manager of tlie opera tiouee, t-.'lls aa ttoat he has liad Clara Moítís, (unquestioiiablj' the greatewt articss tnilay í the world) booked at three different times, lut ca li and every lime her manager- who ly the way is ber hnslwnd - has canccled the enííaigement. Last ísummer he had a nersonal interview witb tlii-s manager nmd wanted to know wliy the engagements were nlwa.vs canceled. Tlie reply carne quiick : -'Your town is too sniall. W oould not afford to play tJiere if given tlie e.ntire receipts o( tihe house." Finally, after practically gnaranteeing the receipts, Mr. BftWyer eetnred Clara Morris for one ing, Wie date being fixed Thursday, March 2d. And so for the first time C'lnra Morris will appenr in a mail town üke Ann Arbor. We predict that it will not be tUie luist time. Wlien she comes to understand the audienccs that Ann Arbor turns out for tir6tclass people, in all lines of entertainment, she will have the city placed upon lier regular schedule. There is not a city in tïie country where talent is more appreciated than in Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier