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Manchester fishernie-n have Ixen 'Meh.iug perch in tlie pond recently. The Milan Methodistfl made $8 by bal at Cbae. Dentons new house ;ly. Herbert 1. Cope. :i young Manehos18 an i in pers on a tor. W. H. swrci boe been in business In TpeUanti jnst twenty years. And he ■ oepered. Uw iic].-ci K. O. 'J'. M'a expoct to e a irr.uKi blow mi goon in deding tlwir mew hall. Mies ('i-'j ikei t, ol Mitán, ■ Old, Sllpped and feil, 8 few days gin e. ]lrr. The Norüiville opera houee is to cmverted Into a hotel. Wil! the hostlery be higtatoned '.' bas been pretty good the I wd or tii i- ■ ■ weeks. Milan Leadr. wiiat : Do thcy clean the walks O Milan ? L. M. Tliorn gold hiia place jnst rniteSde of .Saline and bougbt the confectaonery bosinese ol Mr. Rhodes in tlhat place. Jolin H. ;n Rlper, ol cliclsca, died Feb. 10. ïiit'd ii." years. He was an old resident at tli ooovty, and very macb respeeted. There is one jmisan.e In this city luis lK'cn "sat down on" vcry Jiard the pust eek. It is tlie i -y Hidenalk. - Ypsilnntian. U. C. Edwards the hackman, of Milán lias sold out his business to IVm. Hooker, who will hook on to the hack paesengers there hereafter. B. O. Buckelew delivcnd at the de]ot last Saturday 119 coarse wool lambe verenging over 100 pouude per head - a íig-iu-e that i.s seldom excelled.- Dexter Ixader. Tlie wlio opjoses the making of good roads, is like tdie boy sent up in a tree to saw off a lirab, and proteded to do tlie WKWittg between himKeif and tlie tree. O. A. Sober has sold hie two years' iilp of 'wool at 17 1-2 cents. Thie nts more tfoan was offered when others sold. All thiimgs toine to him ■w-Oio waiitK.- YpsUantian. The lJies of the Manchester AV. E. C. wJU hiild a norial Maren 7th, when the one wlio guesscs the neareet to tlie number of beans in a can, ■uill liave a fine led qnllt as a gift. It is a.-xcTtt'd tliat a York farmer i ecently found ; fresh laW hen's egg in the Txim, and imiiifdiatcly proceeded 1o town wJwre he oxchangcd it for a ■week's snpply ofgroeeries mr hiw fami)y. Townablp Treaaurer Oonkrlght informs us tli.u nnt ol the $13,000 taxes he collectel all bnt aboul 124.00. 'fliis is the in irest they havo been collected for several years. - Cliclsra Herald. Oallioun ajid .short liave sold seven xiTloads of coin to ilie farmers of this vicinity thus (ar this winter. The last carinad received from Chicago contained nearly $1,000 boaneU. -Enterprise. D. E. Hocy Mi ve red lfo slieep at the depot 6took yards last Satnnlay : 81 of them Avere lambe a vera ing 07 lbe. per head. The rematador were a mixed lot averagtpg ion ponnds.- Dexter Leader. One of Cfalaea'8 u-w tough felt his kin cracking ír a fiiriu a few days ago, aml (rom tlw way he has kt-pt out of sSiglit Blnce that time, we ahould judge.that be had been aeoommodated. - Chielwa Standard. Post ofiiee llglit in progress here. You' can tell tlie aspii-ants by thelr nuiles and isoliiitoiiH íujuiry about jour healtli and fainily'.s wt-lfare- we inope tliey win all et the office.- Mllan cor. Saline ObWrVBT. i . 1'. Sfcllabon, íamiliarly known as "Port," ti former resident of Mancli8tr, but late of I-uddington, has en appointed Btate agent of the Michigan Fire & Marine Ins. Co. witli lieadquartere at Grand Rapids. Seven of tïie prominent people ol AVMttaker and vioinity went to Aun Arbor l'Jnirsday to a demoeratic conventioai.- Milán Lader. What a waste of time ! But tben, a farmer' lime doesn't const in t lio winter, of coursO. It would keep oiie i)vecai bisy hore dárecting people Svdiero to find a hired glrl. Tlie troable is the girls around here are 'all no handsoine tliat thoy canget married any timp, and tliey are 8O doimg.- NortQi Inke cor. f'lielsea Herald. The creamery quesWon i again open and Borne star is being made toward a. plant liere. Tlicie has beea a heap of emoke during the pat two yeara over the creamery project and we hope some fire may soon Ikj scph f only a ■park.- Saime Ofaaarwr. Doe. Burchlield, picsidont ol the alliletic club, week i wearlóg a landaged eye. It is not the rosult of a giove acrap, irat lostoad wblle -plittkng some kindling wood at his office Monday morning, a piece flew np and -woiiiulcd hla eyeball.- Dunlee Reporter. Milan is a bad town to split -wood in. This is not the first .m. o the Reporter Jias told about rlkis winter, by a long shot. Pred Bdwader oíd three two-yearoldcattk- lust wekfor$120. I wonder jf iis üovcninii'iit to Mame for the enormoiw prtee al live stock of all kinds or la it be:ause Uw people'i party got oui ol Une mWdJe of the rr.iii and over Ctue teace.- FowlervIHe ■ er. Mi!;in iagolag to be a bl iycle town. ïnd..itiiins poini to a floubilng or treb-llng o! tfhe present number owned tere before the Beason ba over. Hiere are abonii rtwenty-five waeeJa owned i:mv, and to donblo or treblo thlfi (■amber would make quite an army of Mi'.an Wcyclteto, and wiU materially ;hU1 to the. number i advocates of good roads.- The editor of the MUfonl Timos is a pretty and youafs lady. She says : "We carry an exceptdonally Hoe line of samples Of wedding stattooery and we can have orders filled on short not k-e. Take deed, il' you intend to commit matrimony." Wliat are U young men of the "400" of Milfofrt doinir to pennit this bid to go unanswered ?- Xorthvi.le. Record. Speaking of their vlllage electioo the Dextor News gaya : 'Tolitkal fa i Ui. under no consideratioii. onulit to enter ioito the BeKction; The poor, tihe well-to-do and he wealthy ought to come together aurt choose the men vilO are best qualilïed to make good offkers." Some way. iionpartisniisliip seems to le In tlie air this spiiiifr. If we had inore of t the peopie would be the gainers. A freak of nature was brovebt to Dgbt at Steven' Holfl last Snnday morning. In a chicken that was beintr preparetl for dinner was found two perfect hearts, one of normal wtK and performing its functions in itg proper pkue, the other a trille smaller and attatlued to the liver. Mr. Stevens faas them preserved in alcohol and on esüübition in the hotel office.- Milan Leader. Yery eommendable freak. An exchange remarks : "'The unsuspecting farmers are now being subjected to a new eystem of fraud at the hands of eharpers. A man drives up to a farmer" house in great Iia6te and gives ïiim a telegram annoaneing fhe serious ïllness of some relative. On Uie face of the envelope the charges are ï?3 or $3. The charges are paid and tlie íarmer takes tli first train for ttlie home of the relative and on his arrival there finds that he has leen duped. " Tlie Salhu' tmrfrlaries, whlch have been very frequent this winter, havo l.eeu traeed to the iountain head by Deptity Sheriff Jolin GUlen, and pro'ved to have been commlttcd by Boy BrtggB, a youtüi if 15, the son ot silas l'.riggs. Tli e parents of the 1h.v ei-e higlily respected peopie, and are completely crushed by the deeda of tlnir son. AVluat will be done witli the boy lim not yet been deeided, but he wftl probably be sent to the Reform Siíiool ut Lui It seems fthat the parties who were anxious to Jiave our veneraBla and much respected resident of Sharon, WaJt I'eik, declared incompetent and to get Hile control of his property out Of his hands, were not su-cessful. Scores of Iriends wlio have business and social relations wltb liim and know that liis mind is ae brtgtat as ever, were greatly Küio-.ked and Ktood ready to testify to liis ability to do boataMM, and A. P. Fm-inan went before tUe probate )ndge last Friday and liiad tlie order set aaide.- l'.iitei-iirisr. ()ur v-enerable and mocb reepected tounsina.n, Morgan Oarpenter, died tJiis niornhiK. He had not leen very well tlue iast week, luit was botter and arose this morning for breakfast, a.nd la id down tipon tüie lounge and exp9red ]eat rfully jiad quietly. He was the oldest inhabitant of our village. He hae been a resident of this townsliip since an early day and of the village siince '83, about tlie time his wife (lied. He leaves four cliiildren, Mrs. A. ('onklin, Mrs. Frank Spafard and Milo Oarpeoter of Mancliester, and Orlando Oarpenter, of HoUoway.- Mandies ter Knterprise. A certain man had a COW that Avas eo old t!hat tliere was no more room on iier horns for wrinkles, so lie thouglit it lest to fatten her, and when slie waa properly fattened a part of 'it waa sent to tttie Oakville iiKtrket ; but T. C. Hou ard .lil not wMl to buy beef on that day. Some otdier man bought it. who says that after cooking a piece of tliat eow for s'ix liours it waa still o tough that it was impossible to itlck a fork tlirough the Map. Sueh meat certa inly is profitnble to buy at the present high prices, for it will lasting.- Coi. Milán Leader. Just wliy the htate fair BhOOld le Btven an afepvopriattoa by the state, ae asked by the Iugham County Farmers' Club, is not quite lucid. Xhis is a private corporation or Bociety, and if not self-supportable, it has no right to exist. 'Une Bociety is in hard luck, and to dooci'vhlK of better patronage, tut it is Jiardly justice to ask the state to make a donation of tax-payers' money for such, a cause. Why, in our opinión, .ounty (aira mlght with cqual proprletf ask for public aW. Xo, no, tbe public purse strini;s sihoujd not be looaened tot such a purpose. - SfcockbrWge Sun. I'reai Ikts have :m easy compared to th bard road editora travel. All ilii' tonner have t do. yon kumv. Ha ti lake a text and blaze away. lint ,in editor has to sklrmSii .uimiid tli!' sti'ccts. lialf the time 'in]ty etomach, to .-uher local news. and liow often tl happens thai ■ ííorts are fruitlecs and poignani Borrow brtega the tears to his'expressivc blue eyes. Now, fellow cits, U you liave mny lo.-al intelligeiK-e. bring it. ia and ■uhen yon Me a white cloth liuntr out of the dórate? window of uur hunibjc '.abin. come in, lts the münal tor !Uf clinner, conve in. we i .iy. a.inl .uniile .1 turnip and COTO dodger Wittb iis. - Graas Iake News. l.u's NBW SAVING8 BANK. Tlw 110 w stat' - bank at Ppxttr, iii.nie riiuice of the foiloinjl ' rectors last Saturday : ItkOS. BJrkett, ge Barton, E. F. Chase, H. W. Newliirk, W. D. Smitta, C. H. Van Rper DennlB Warner. Thos Blrkett was made president. Dr. E. P. ClKlse vico president, and H. Wlrt Xcwkirk caabtor. if t.he new bank orgnnizcd witli a capita] of $20,000, the Leader saya : "Thns the present century raetjiiod of banking will undoubtedly be oarried on riffht. liere in our Httle village. Considerable entJuusiasm prevaHs among our citizens, especial]y tÜLftse who have to do with banks. Thousands of dollars -v511 now le drawn from the vanlte of the Ann Arbor and Ohelsea banks by the people of tJiis vicinity and find a place of deposát at home." The names of tlie stookholders and munber of shares of each are as follows : Thomas Hirkett. Dextcr, 50 George Bcntou, Lima. - 10 H. W. Newkirk.Dexter, 10 R. r. Reeve, Dexter, - 8 w. D. Smlth. Dexter, 10 E. F. Chase, Dexter, .... 10 S. L. Jenney, Dexter, 10 Geo. (J. Page, jr., Lima, ... 3 Dennis Warner, Lima, - - - 10 Harriet E. Benton, Lima. ... 6 Garret Wall. Lima, .... 2 E. Jedele, Lima. .... 5 Worcester Blodgett, Webster, - - 10 0. W. Cushing, Webster, - - 5 C.H. Van Rlper, Webster, - - 10 James A. Gatlagher, Dexter, - - 3 John Gallagher, Hudson, ---■-' John A. Faeey, Dexter, - - -10 JavSmith. Scio, .... 5 J. P. Savery, Lima, .... 5 Jane W. Hoj-t, Uexter, 5 Julia V. Newklrk, Dexter, 10 Edgar Crauson. Webster, 2 Edward F. Buss, Scio. - - - 5


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Ann Arbor Courier