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Literary Notes

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Rose G. füngsley, vh wrltea o! the "Kaü Markel 'i;i the Mar-H Wjile Awake, ia a i:u: ■ anón KingBley, finaglteb euurcliman aml story-telier, and La tierself a moei (fiiuiit.'ii! (!■ lineator, as magazine readens know. Admlrere of Joeeplb Pennell'a telling pon - will ciijuy lis IllU öons to Mies Klngsley's "Rag Market at Bruges" ín the Mar, h Wlde A wake. I'.dtli Harvard and Vale aro represcntcd Ln Wide Awako íor Marh ('aplaiii "Laurii'" IJliss oí tile Vale Foot-ball and Base-ball Team, has an ai! i le OH "I'.ase-hall," and David AV. Fenton, 2d, of tlie Harvard Crosa Vunty Team, lias a paper uu "Hare and HouikIs"- Uotli eapitally illust:at?d by O. W. Piiknell. - The Co.smopolitan offera fifteen liunilred dollars, in tour prizes of one thoueeiaá dollars, tbree hnadred dollars, ime hiuidred dollars, and one hnndred dolíais, rc-iie-tivcly, íor tlie four water eolors which will be choseu liy a i (iinniitlee from sn-h drawinga as may le subinitted by the artista oí the l'iiited States or Knrope on or before twelve o'eloek on the first day oí December, eigEteon hundred and nlnetythree. The Bubjecte are 10 be selectel from the tifa of Clirist, taklng tliose sienes wirich teach in tbe liighest forms the lessons of love, patience, humility and forbearance, with fldelity, as far as may be, to the actual Burroundintís and condltlona of the period. The treatment sliould be caloulated for inule-page reproductlon in The Cosmoiiolitan, in size five by ■ight inelies.. 'm e subjects to be suital le, as far as possible, for uss in stalnel glaes for chureh or cathedral. The origináis for wbich prliee are awarded vrü] become the property of The Cosmopolitan. The drawings ehould be shipped securely packed, and addressOd : "Submitted to Art Committee, CosmopoHtan Magazine, Sixth Avenue and Eleventh Street, New York," and in the upper left-hanul córner : "Not t.o be opened before first day of December, eighteen hundred and ninetytlhree." An exetange thus describes an experience vhk-h is very common to the average newepaper puiblisïier : ''It's tbB most íiiiiusinií spo.-tacle a newspaper man 'ii-innitcrs to gee a man, ivho from Bome faacüed or implied wrong in a newspaper Item, nies into the office, eettles the bill, stops the paper and taben stiuts oui as tliough 'e had drtven the lEttrt oail in the cofiin of the edltor'a gnocesa and tlie hoh' oufiit wqb waltlng tor the nndertaker or Bberifl to put it [orever nu of siu'li!. These pbopte do not ista.nd that when one of them drop oh beoauee oí an Item, twenty of lin'in catcl] on becanse it pleases them. Such items are usually the cmefl that ina.kc t'iic paper o! vnltre to tli;1 community."


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Ann Arbor Courier