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A Too Devoted Husband

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Yes," eaid Mm. Cameron, "I like vell enoqgb, I suppoee-." Mrs. Cameron waa jus r.i. a bride of just sUmonth, ptad a lovely, hasel1 brunette. Se had everythtng tlint heart coulil des-ire and copsequently wasn't exaiily ] lease. 1 with aoythlng. "Like liim w11 enougta :" repeated Anua Clark. WÍírO havini; ot graduated from school, thought íliat a youiiíí wlfe whu had wedded tlic man ehc loved ongbt to lx1 ertremely happy. "Oh, Mina : Iimw coldly yon speak I" "Wtíl, I cao't holp it," said llrs. loron. letting her luad fall lanniilly back Dn tlio rose satín puff- of I'lio 'asy-cliair on wbicb she Bat. One gjeta tiroi of ente and champeAgO all tile limo. Sometimos I ihmk I slioulil lm lKippier if Ciar ilidn't WOTSJllp nio quite so devoutly." 'Olí, Mina [" "It'.s a bore, yon know."' saiil the j-oimg -wiíe confidontly. "It wonld be a relief if he woold find fault oceatfonally. He's "too good ! Now, Boptúe Markan s actually afraid of !ier lmsband - a ureat, liandsome Pixfooter of a fellcnv. with a lovely black silk be.ard like an Indian briand. Olí. Jt must be cliarminír to be afraid of one's husband ! AMien you are about to get mnrried, don't marry a man thíit 58 'silgar and ppioe and all thafs iiico'; ifs too insipid !" As it liappened. Mrs. Cíimeron's elegant parlors were separated from her lKradoir by portieres. Mr. Cameron, readtag his paper, 6at OB the othor nile of the draperies and lieard thjs conversation - an earosdropper in spite of himself. "I'll eee that the fault is eorrected," he sald to himself, wjtb a grim smile. And lie went off to business without the -ueTial "good-bj' kiss" in which he generally indulgeU. Mrg. Cameron went out shopping in the afternoon and was detained a little, but !t did not worry Uer In the least. 'Tb a little late, I'm afrald," etie :. as she entered the diiiing-room, ■wliere Mr. C. wae pao ing ujf-and down like the proverbial "oaged lion" of romance. "Laite, niadani '.' I .hould say you vere !" retortèd hor hueband in a tone wfhich íairly made Mrs. Camerom ■tart. "Ii 's 8:80 11 ifs a second! But I Buppoee yon tbink my time ie of no valué !" "Cláreme !" Tve borne this long enougli," went on the enraged bueband. "And! I give you fair notlee that l Bball bear it jio longer. Jane !" to the girl, "bring Ju tlie dinner at once', and to-inorrow let it be served at (5 punctually, ■vnether ymir mistre a la here or not !" "Yes. sir," . i i 1 1 Jaiif. and slie disapil. grinning. Into the kitcnen. Mrs. Cameron at down, criinson to the roots of lier hair. "Clapenee," slee aid, wltfa difficulty oontrolllBg hese voice, "is it necessary to thus insult me before the servanis ?" "Te, madam, it is. If a wM does not lompri-iicnd her duty it i high time ild be made to do so. I'll trouble you for a cup of coffee." Mm m 'u,-is iiKirtiiifd, stunr.ed, dazed. B enUrely unused t-o this ktylc of doniisti ■ reproof. Alniost 1 eiori' tlir clcss.i-t - witli whlCh lr. c. jounii plenty ol fault, lntlmating tbat 'it. would le better if his wife ïi.-maiucd at üiomc tti attrml to liouschold matu-r ii little more lostead of bbroad the wliole time - tibe door-teil bonnded. "IfK dear knaniina and Aunt Liizzie cfiiiic 'io rpend the eveoingr," said Mina, Jumping tip. onftjund 'cm all 1" roared Mr. Cameron, smiting the table with hls fist. "Can't I liave a quiet evening once in awhile ?" "I- I told tiLem you would tak all to the tbeatre to-night," hesitated Mina, tlic color coming and going vhangefully on her face. 'Indeed 1 May I ask, madam, who siuthorized you to make that statement ?" erispiy qoerted her hnsband. "Am I a mere puppet in your hands. and ain I Mxppoaed to liave DO will of my own ?" ■'uut you .will no, won't you. ('lar'.'" faltered Mina. "No, madam, I win not," gald Mr. Cameron, rtwing and looking oronnd lor bia bat. "I to spend i rening quletly at tbe club." And ho bolted out of room, nearly fallkng over hit [nottuer-ln-law in passage, and muttering to hJn "By Jove ! If I'd Btalö minute ould have conquered me. Poor üttio Mine." It -was paet 12 before ho returned. Kever in all tlw; experiènee of thelr man i-d lite liad he l)eou eo late before. "Sitting np, eb V" said he, savagely. "Now, M ,ii, i mean to put au end once all, to tliis sort of ihing." "I ivas so anxious about you, Clárente," pleaded poor Mina. "Anxioue [" sneeringly repeatcd he. "Do you suppose John Markan allows lite wjfe ,to alt up ior him ?" "Oh, Clarence, I wouldn't have you like John Markan for the world I" , x lahned Mine, burwting Into tears. "Wouldn't yin: r' eaid lic. the laintion o:" a sin gllinmering ander tiie ende of hle mtMtache. "Jíow [ tlxmirlit ii wiiuld be li.uinhiy; to be b litilf afraW ot ono'.s husband, and j-uu knöfl 'swgar aad spice and all ■ nJ e' gfowe inslpld. M. ( ftjneron Bprung to her feet . ■■Di.l yon bear wiuit 1 satd thls morning '.'" I did, M:. CJaioerom, and I tlmuglit I would Khajir m.v coDdnct to your tabte." ■Üon't ilo it miy moro. Clary." slurtadd, with a qulvering lip and her bright eya liited wlstfully to hi ■l doirt likc It. It ton't ïiice to b aïrald of one' liusband." Just a.s yen please," said hor lnisbajid. laugWng. "I only wlgbed to adapt ïnysflf to your wishes. Mina." - Trizo Story.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier