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1 êlQL JaídFeT iüKiW3INViÖNYTusf 'WkM ÏOWEII LATHKS C!rcular, Ecroll and Fret Sawing. Turmng. BoringTOrlUlng, Grinding, folifh ng aud Serew Cuttina For Carnonters. Calnnet Makers. Carriafe Makers, iilack. White, Silver, Copcer and Goldsmiths; Arclilti-cts. Amateurs, Gentlemen, Clersymen, Teschers, Jewelers, Dentists, FAKMERS and evkrybody elsk. Users havo Wrltten i " n:ii It 8 yeare, wonld not takt; ?ion. o ave Í4. " ■ 'o-it me 160. Ihave n-tused íw. Had ït 12 yeurs. '■ It jsworth twlce Itt coat :: { S&SS&SAES "the „$. & au. ■' 1 am earning mj living witn it. Price 5 to150. Send 6 cents ior 100 pases oí Lathe Instructlon and Doscription. EPHKAIM BROW y, I.oweB, Mas CAIÏÏER'SL- CURE Bick neadaclie and relieve all tho trouHea Incident to a billoua stato of the syatem. sueh as Puzinesa, Naucea, Drowsiuess, Distress aftoff catiug, Pair, iu tho SiJc, io. VThiia thcirmoat reinarkablo euccbss lins boen shown iu cuilng SICK Hcadacbe, yet Cp.rtor'a Littlo Livor Pilla aro cquall y valuablo nConstipation. curingandprovi ntlng UilaannoylngcomplUotwMle thoy also correct allcüaordcvsol thestomacb.stimulato tho jiver and rtguinto tko bowala. Eren if they only Achethey70.-aMl)Oilmo3tprlC5le?8tot!io30'who eufferfro!.: .u btfortunatoly theirgoodncaaU ihoso wliooncotry tliomv.-ii! i'.nd these liUio pilla valufiblein eomany wayathi i wilüng to ao viitlibut thcin. Bui Bíter íülsiclr hc-cd Is tho bar.o of eo raany livas that hera ia irhera ■remake onr :;r:at boist. Out yillacoreitwliUa othere do not. Carter's Litüo Livor Pilla aro very Bniall and very ensy to tiiVs. On or two rtlla ruakou doaa. la End Uo nüt gripo or :Hoall who :::oki. Iavial3at25cent3; iivïortl. Sold by druggista ovarywhrre, or Bent by CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLFILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPR!CL RINSEY A SLABOLT'd BAKERY, GBOQERY, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constan tly on hand BREAD, CRAI E EK8, CAKES, 'etc, for Wholesale and rctail trade. We sliiill also keep a supply oi SWIFT & DEUIJEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour ! OSBORN'S GOLD DU8T FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN Mi: 1., KEED.9tc, at who retail. Aeeneralstock of SROCERIES anö PROYISIÚNS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on n reasonabletermcitv. Cash pald for BÜTTER, EGGE COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. (ioods de livered to any part of tne city without extn charge. RINSEY & SSABOLT. Tlisrafll Nowweare ready ith a new Brict Store house ior the storugc uf Household Goods I'iauos, Books, 81 PIANOS ANO HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kiuds of heavy 'and llght Drayiug. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 82. Ros. Rnd Oflice 4ti N. Fourth Ave GET l TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Andyou are entltledto clioloeofTheHomi Inatractor, tne Life ol General Sherman, or the Life of 1'. T. Barnura (free). when cash pinchase to the ainount ol $15.00 has been made. THS BOXE 1N5T&ÜGT01 LAK:: OCTAVO, 478 PAQE8, ILLUSTRATK1). A cínnpemiinni of useful knowledge neces sary for the practical uses of every-day life A complete and perfect guide to life in public and piivate. THE LIFE AND SS2DS OF GEN, W, T, CKOWN OCTAVO, 5ÜS l'AGES, 1LLUSTKATED. A graphlc narrative of his boyhood int jarly life, edncaüon, career in Florida and california, military acuievemeuts, Ufe asa citizen, Inst sickuess and death; wlth fine steel portrait. THE LIFE OF P, T, 8AUUÏ, The World Renowned Showman. CEOWN OCTAVO, 520 l'AGES, ILLUSTRATEI). Hls early Ufe aud struggles, bold ventures aud brilliant success; his wonderful career his wit, genius and eloquence, hls life asa iritlzen, etc- to whlch i added hls famous book, "The Art of Money GettiiiB." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 16'.I2 Tho way to secure g-ood reading is tt eulwcribe for the Courier, pay $1 and secure that paper tocther -with the N. Y. Tribune.


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Ann Arbor Courier