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Program For The Legislative Visit

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On '1 iim sd;i y. to-inoiTou , un important cvcllt will OCCUT In tllis City, it telng a VÍS+t of the k-jjislaturr, now üii si'-sion at Lanstng, in a body. 'I .i ■ memben and their wlves will' im übe 6 O'CjOCk train, and le bakea Bn carriases to Une Cook House, wihTe &upper w.ll be gerved. After Bopper the enttre party win be taken to tlie D. of M. hapcl, to nici't tbe Vniveisity lacultiee and citzi'iis, and flnse oitizens wlio are entertadialng tlie n'ui+ts are eepeclally invlted to be present at that time. The Glee Cluib will assdet m entetaiuing tUiie Vfcitors durlirg tíiis refeption. Aftier a wocial hour, íi viit will be made to tbe museum, the library building and the art gallery, after wtaécn the gaemtm will be taken to their places of entertaiJiment. On Fritliay inoniing, at 9 o'clock, all wMl assemible i,n the cliapel, and from there proceed to vMt the Dental College, the gymnasium building, and a many of the laboratories as the time will permit. At 11 o'clock the party wfll return fo the PreeCklent'e office a.nd p roe eed tio UnliYerslty Hall, w'here all the students W be assembled, and whore I the orators of the ooeesêon will have an opportuniity to te heard. From half-past lü until 2 will be reserved ïor cUnoèr, art whjch latter hour they will all assemble again at tbe cbapel oml be taken in earrlagoB I to t'he Hospita Is. At Uwee o'clock the legisiative party will depart for ïpsllantl to lwik OTWT tlfae State Normal Sehiool and We neede., As rniversity II;i 11 Jias harely suïffiient oapadty to Ihold tJie faculties and fertudente, Preettdeot Angelí 'iw ata tiiat. all citizfiis retrata from attemptiniï 1o atteml tlii meeting. Itjs really a perplexiaig question hoiv to accommodate those wliose presonce will be required. AVIioii one comes to COnetöer flint. tiiore are L',700 .stud-.'iits, MKoeftJbSqg like 200 membcrs oï faeUlUteB, and tbe ent re luislative party of perhnps 300 to accommodatie in t.h hall at olie time, the diffuulty wlii-li iln rnivei-sity authoritics labor under is made quite npparent.


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