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Make Haste Slowly

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Some time ago the people were infornied of a tripple allianee between this country, France and Itussia. Kuch an alHance íiom a military point of view is siniply impregnable. It will maie every power 5u Buropc think more tlKi.n twlce lcion' rushing into ■vajr. In (act tt wlll le the greatest peato measuro tliat was ever made. And just 'tui long as these nations ïnlnd tlhe'ir own allaln and do not attempt to intCTfere with their neighbors, it -n-ill be a. gcKKl tíiing. If tihey aire always honorable and just, no better alliajice could be cffected. Bu-t tlie United States better be ■narived. KossdB is amliitimis, and so is I'rance. Th? United States is aeeused of being foolisiily covetous of more terrilory. If these gTeat Boropeaa powers say to Uncle Baat, "why don't you tako Canada '.'" or ''wliy don't you tako HiawaU t We will stand by you," And l'ncle Baan riliould act upon ttw MigKOBtion, tlien this country Avould be placed in B dancrous positüon. Bn88ta miglit Uien sioze Turkoy and JTrance rftze Alaace and Lorainc, and ihds country in. duty bound to astliem. . That would 1m' Kjmply roteide. After all, tliiN lonntry his only one one natural ally, and tliat i Great Britain. W'ith all of hor fanlte that natton luis been tint greatost civilizar ttoe world has ever known, and it will be a sad da y lor tdie world i f siie, a a naAtcm, is iruahed out. Old EiiRtoiul ham tried a great many mean th.ing8 tvith the United States ; slie has been jealaus of us ever sincc we were born but she has ■ftwaya fujled, and beeai eonvineed th;it tbe chilil ík jrreater than the parent. ftevorttvetem if tho Dnited Btatea ever makee ui.v aWanoea o helpo in any way to ilesti-oy bet loflnence and tisefutoess as a naitiion, it makea :i grave miiBtiikc Tbe. BOD appwirs tio rike and set just tlhe wvmtn ;s ft lid leforc Cleveland tis ri'-Jaiauiruratcd. llidn't Javow Imt ilic ptagac9 UUtag might uet 10 wabbUbjg a littie. Ntnv thst tlic democnitR have f uil .ontrol of thka gOTrauneot, it is tol hoped tbat they win have the tocarry out ttnetr platform. The peoiii have demanded free trade, now thiey lioul(l have il . !r. !cvrl;ui(l s.i.ys ÖWlt tlio ;iipointiiwiit of U'tivc pa i-t isajis to offioo, "is i.--appr(ipi-i;ition (if ptkbllc tuada." A'ül Mr. Cleveland actlTely engace in ra.rryiiiir nut. fjiijlt atssertion ? If eo a prrent nwuiy CQmdMateB tli.-it w kr.ow am fui;,v apprectate the worde of ('ardiñal Wo-teey : "Fartwcll the bopea of ■ uurt ! My hopee in } n ; i v ■ 1 1 do dweil." Gtoorge W. CtritdB, of I'hilad.-lpliia. oui(l be etected preeMent of the United States agatart any öther living ninn. Mr. ( veliunl favors the admission Ot raw nmtorUil. Tlio COWtrOCttOO of ii,:s cattnet Btuma u-Kansas City Jounial. Senator H'li haa w aerted "lam .-i tenparat" Lor aevwal days. He probably is ooe, hDWvwr. He can't help httaselt, poor teMow. (;„v. McKtnley, in refuatng all su-ts of proUered aid, either as crifts or kxms, BhowH a prond, muily spirit. Nol ooe niini in ten tbOQMtnd WOUld do likewi.M-. Alter President Harrison liad been so courteous t ttoe demócrata the mcmliois of tB,t party iii the U. S. séoate wen' ewrli Ixxh-h that they would 110; cqn'irm falta nominaticms. If yon aro tfoubled about the Ilawaüan acoents, pertutps tbta wül help you out : It ts iiioiiouiuctl Hah-wy-i'o. uiih a ci-iit on the tseconcl syllable. The queen'a nam-.' ka L4l-lee-woke-kalan-ny, pmomCd trippintcly, with tlic a rent aArongly on the tsecontl syllaUle. Of tbe ) iirl--i "lio liave been educeted ly (?orge W. "h:Ws, he says thit tbe teachers and nairses and the grsda&tes of law rad medteloe have ;ill been BUCMMfal. The elofutionists iiave made t.h racwt money, and the musicians eam salarte i-ansing from $500 to $5,000. Tliis paper may Ibe wronir, but it doen eeem ae tluough tlie nijmbers o{ flvc, l-egto tature sliould quit thelr petty Bquibble-s and get down to buehiew. Tliere is plenty of needed legielation awaUinjï tht'ir netlon. The republitaai party es t) be lit'W rt-Mpontiiblc for fhs attiion of tJii-s hislature, a faet t'liat republkan membera do not appear tt fully appreciute. A. C, Herkwrth, appointed by the goverinor of Wyomuig as U. S. senator, is maiiy timos a millkmaire, and the rifchewt man in that state. He is a denwxn-ait of course, wliere all the very wealthy people, eepeoHally the monopolwrtx, are to le foujid. Almoet every democratac senator elected or appoi'nfed so far has been a money bags, or a monopoltet of ome kind. 'Where fli e carrtoo is the crow congrégate. The Xorttti Carolina lt-irisluture has juat voted down a MU which liniited a da y 's work for wonien aad minors in the milis ta eleven hours. The present requiiremeaits are twelve haurs. It is triila of this sort that iudicate the imfvi-fu .- between labo-r conditiiöns'Tmyrtii and sou-Ui. The ruling elemiMit.s ol ii'.vit Rectton cannot diveat theniBclves of the aiioa that workers mii6t still be cliattels.- Adrián Times. Tlve democratie legislatura of Indiana Ivas refused, by a party vote, to makeui appropriation for entertaining !tflie nacional encampment G. A. R. Only '12 democratB voted Wlth the republieans ifor the measure. It wlll be a quesöion of time only, when it niay be impopular to have been a memberlof ttoO G. A. H., SI the present poli l al vavo keepe rolling on. There are 'too many wearers of the gray araong 'tti-e demócrata to make the G. A. 'Jt. Uirtiform popular. Senator Gorman- not .Tmmi- will find it betore Ubtt administratioii in throiigh wlth that the democraiii- party is pledged in its platform to Kometlitng more tlwui the cutting Off oí all uselens Offices, r in his own wnrda of all sinecures. He will learn that free iradt ík in there full glie, insertad by Mich in adlHTcnt CM Henry Wurttereon - a man who never forget. He wlll also iind tlwit the advocates of free s'ilver wMJbJn the ra.nks of the democratJic party are unpleasantly numeroiiK. He ivill flnd Wwit the pletlges for cjvil nervioe reform has its bitter enemies jus well aa its warm friends. He will find that the democratie party is united upon few questions, and that the variety of opinions witlhjn the rank.s of his party will le tronblesome mdeod and prevent any effeetive legiBlatlon. One of th novel experimenta ever proponed in the way of liquor ti-affio, 'come from tl; ■ villaje of Union SprtngB, N. Y. A number of prominent eitizens, inclnding the village prvswient nd several lergymen, proPOM In takc onder tlirir own control ile of iiitoxi .■atinjï liquor. Their ob]e t, tlwy ileclaro, in to "supply the ronaoaalae wauta of températe personn" for alcohiolto Btimulants. No t 'hik la t') le allowed, and neithor drnnkt'iiiHss nor (in approach to it is to be pvriniltcd. A committee wlll paai opon ttue names of persons to wiuiiu Wqnor may be eold, white to persons to wlioni the proper authorit is liave nltogetlier forbidden the sale of Hquor none -wlwitever wUl be sold. Minora are not to le allowed in the saloon onder any drcvunetaiicefl. Spirit will not be sold in larger qunnti'. - ih.Mu n 8iíij;le Rl.-iss except on a I)lVB:Kia.n's order, mul all sales of this CKDM will le c.arefully recorded. The profflts ol tin' a ni ui-, which are expected ti be larjje, wlll bc applied to the rcilmt ion of towu taxes. The outoom of lliis cuiïous KclK'ino will be :i waitt'd wiUi interest. Carter Harrteon has tlio support of nne Cbtetigv paper iai his candldocy for mayor. The Tim supports liim. He own it, you know. The National Museum at 'Washington, in its exhiUit at the WorW'a Fair, wlll display a ooUectto n' eotafl and otlicr inctiil money valucd at nearly a niillioii d-ollar.-i. If it nmir.s everybody t got into )Mi;tii.---, end meet witu a tew dlsappointincnt.s t hu ira.v it lias Senator W. K. liurt, of Batfbaw, e. s., for mercy'8 sake keep out. He wa irot always a kk-ker m everytlLin.. TheShali of Perste baa 50,000,000 .storo.l.ln iiis hOUBe, and 800 wives in imaidiiiii. li iiis uivi-s were üke tlie Amc.i-an artlcle, ir.s Wg pile ui mooey would be rapldly put into clTCUjatkon. l'enton Intlepcndent. The li'iritsUiture of South Dakota, by a vote oí 50 to l refuwed to Krant tiif riyiit ofeutfrage to wonnen. Thow 50 are probably all old ba.hrloi-s. A inaii'x'U man WOUld never vote that way. The Kansas legïslatui-e has suUmdltted the queetltxn to a vote of t:ine people. All men are not m4JllDOalPee, but all meo would be nUIUooairae if they could. All men are not tyrant.s, but Poiia says that -'the Ionl has plantel t'Jvo tïncture ini Uw blood, that all mn wuld be tyrants if they tould." And eo in lite, if a person at tempte to riise alove tlie common level there arO plenty oí hands raitíed against liiin to teüvove him down again. An exehause remarks : The democr&cy of Michigan hare devised a scheme to carrj' tlve state at the lríní? el-eet i-cm. It is tliiw : every candWate Por poetmaeter or any other ofïi(c iB to be requlred to convert two rqpnbUcans to the demotrat faith meantlme ! Tlvat in't nevessary ; let every asixirant for offltO voto himsclf and th state ie gone up ! ! The Michigan Press AHSotiation has mado arrangement for its inembers attendráig the World's Fair at the time of tbs annual meeting. They wlll stop at tïiO Hyle Park Hotel, near the fair graumlH. Thi hotel is one of tlie haodtsoinest etructures in that VT(L-inity, aoid is supplied witli lattos, elwtri'c lig'hts and all the moüern con'H■ullealCes. Is tlie telegraphíc reporta trom WiiliSiigton are true, tlie scènes at the nationsil capítol the ni-ght atter tlie inaug-uration, and the Sunday followiiig were wretchedly disgraccful. Tlie reports tliercof are humiliating to the nation. Diuiikennees and debauchery held Bwajy, and the streote -vvere BUed wit'h drumkeai and half-drunken rerrallen initil laitc Sunday niglit. No mifli scènes were ever before wiitnessed at the capítol, and it is devcrutly to be hoped tliat they nevcr will be repeated. The New York TitVbune, whose interests are all ivith Yale, Harvard and Oornell, gïlves legislature the foltowfng bit of good advice on the ques.titon of providing for the Michigan Unlrversi'ty : "The legfelature coni do no act which will bo surely add to the inBMBH and fame of the state as the grantiing of tliiK inereased tax. Tlie Uuiversity of MU-higain has made the name of tfie Blate honorcd in all parts of fine world. It bas given to the natittm members olf the cabinet, judgcs, senators, CKngressmen, and fomgn mims'ter.s and etate oififers of high aWlity to mniiy comnionwealtlis ; the mimber of its Hvimg graduates exCeeds tliat of any otlier American universif y. Not Micüig'aji alone, Imt the iv)itle coiuntry, wlll profit by a-ny increaBe of efficioncy toi sucli an institution." o I 4 Ï 1 1 . I s 9 L ï í "v - ■L a - -5f H - cajees! M 5 - -g X " S B O .-o 3 pe 3ii.'a'aaÜ = L 1 :.111 11? 1 S 5 " S í S o ï; "s kh H H y. O woia O z =, Íil So I O S 3 ? g-u I m á ! illMit&tl L 7 ' Z _. L U _. t r r; oc o 3 H i é g s 1 1 II liiliiii i Oo eSCOO oOO ai P U t GCO-h Ol CC QC Q " O íSift oSi ft 3 rt o P ■ ►J ' r h ■ - -c ■' 4 s j = ■- 5 . - a c . . 3 3 5 L g 5-, " ■ i a á S : : : h . : i sd o S j J S 2 1 6 í;s; i S 5 SS g ■ 3 ■ g g s Bí =55s gij -J se 5 (=1 KK -'


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