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Saline's villaje etactkm n-.xt Jlunday. Johai Joaies will occupy the ol'd High farm io SDun-rou. for the ncxi three years. lúa, will huve i ■ri'.'imoi-.v, lier citizein! liaviïijr ]ut (4,600 tóto Uie entoipiliw. Rev. Potter of Saline, is $181 rrlicv tlik-iii he wam, ly raoson oí a donafion laet -vek. S. C. WJu'clrr, of Salem, lia.s been groiiisly ill for tsome time with typjioid pneumonía. They have a "doonwwoman" at Ypsüfllajnti, and the Sentinel warns its reaidera to look out for lier. Miss Xettie Gillette, of Sharon is 10 teaoïi in the RawBon district, l'.ririifcwater, this nprtng term. Tlie Ypsilantians will drink inspirafi.011 from "Tliie Little Brown Juk" 011 -■uunlay niglit, at Cleary Hall. ■ The r()tli birthday of Rev. Geo. Moimt, of Kharon, ivas made plrasant' for by relat ivesi on Feb. 23(1. The Mooreville Maccabce liive is ton yeare dW on the I4th, and tiiey exIect to haA'e a Ivuzziiig time then. Tlie "cTrázens" and the "poople" are Tig9iti!.ng eacdj other hard in the muincipal electkUDS a-bout the county. Mr. and Mie. B. D. Kelly, of Ypsilantl to-wn entertained a sleigii load of merry Ypsilantians one evening last ■vveek. Rev. Case, of Mooreville, recelved. only $15 at a recent donatáon. It w-as not a bad case, but a poor preseiitatation of tlie case. Tïie meeting of the Teacher's League, -■hiiielí wae to have been held at Dundee last Saturday, haa been postponed umtiJ Ma.rcli 25 tb. Rev. C. W. Dealtry will lecture at tlhe Baptist churcR, Saline, on Wednesevening next, on "The Wonders of th-e Söa, and the Maxvels of Whalepnem." The Board of Healtlh havüng raised the quarantine at Milan, churohes were opened Sunday, scihool commenced Miöiulay, and everytïii'.ng ie now Kliüing nlong at a 2:40 gaLt, as usual. C. H. Wïïson boa pald out over $13,000 for logs and labor siiiee January Ib. A lew more men of enterprise and capital like Mr. Wtlson would keep Milan a-boomin' all tihe time.- Milan Ieader. The Pree Methodtete wlll opon up ilwir rovival at Milan affain is soon as the contagióme scare wlll perniit. Tln-ir faith would have taken them riffht thrmigh the Bcare bad It iiot been (or tho Iron hand of the board of liealtli. MU OoíBi I'axon. of YpsUnnti, a gradúate of the state normal, i a rent acqudeitlon to the faeulty of the state industrial home. The younglady comea with the higliest recommendations from Trof. Oeorge, and otber well-known eilaeators. - Adrián Times. At Ctaeaaee, 1k II. s. EDolmee Mor anule Co. has tak.11 the place of H. 8. Holmes & Co., tie new partners Ed. ViOgeJ (foriiHTl.v witli Siacb .v schniiil. lof Amn Arbor), K. 1!. Dancer and D. H. Wurstcr, who have been a-dmftted as partneñ in i'onsideration of long and faitlifnl servlceH with Ue f f in. The fcéaebera of the puWIc schools i the city, are allowed one day in the year to vÖÉt Bdbools in other clties, and so ttiey cliose Tuesday of tliis Aveek for dav and wout in f uil forcé to Detroit. "WJiat they saw and Jiow mu'ii they learned wn appear ■wlien th e books aro balancea.- Ypadlantjmi. It now appean tiiat tho Lebtsb Valley raílroad conipany i.s the eme tluit ta Reeking am entrance iuto ('Ii ■(.Bu H.v au air line from Buffaol to Detroit and Chicago, passing iliroiiííh our town. 'I'liat i.s a good road to luive and w would likc. to see ;t bnild rtgbt through the village next suiiiiner. - Man: Enterprjse. At. Mila.n next Monday the village 'kriiiin occiiis. two tickets In t'he Meld nuw are the "young men's" ;md tb "cttiaeBrts," the fermer wlth A. E. rut.nüini fc pvetrtdeot, and. the latter wiöh O. A. Kelly. A comes liefore O m the alpihabet ; Imt thon, K. niuiis hrfiirc 1'. a.Ho, Ho wc dou't ii'iw t win come out. Here is a new adheme bo entice the : a stranger goes arouuil iiiMirinu property and dclivci-I-Hgf e liaudsomc poMcy. Il tiic lmildIngB ncvcr bui-ii li t; ncwr knoWB that li has been nwindlcd, bat if they do and bc beglag t.o look around for his money, lie Itauls tiiat tliere is not and nevcr was gucU a company.- Brook]yn Kxiionent. Tüitfe item froui the l'lyinontli Mail, is not aceonipanied with BH affadaVit : "A certaim inerrlinnt ii Xorflhville, was robbcd last week, of about two dozen eggs, which Touglib about eueli a crisis in his bu&iness affairs, that, had it not been for the prompt actúan of some of his friends im coming1 to hls relief in the pmergemcy. he would have gone to the wall. He will guard such pricelees trea8ure8 more carefully in the future." dniN-iutï, but thy may, you can't alwa.vs beH. Beal eetate feaU at Salem Station are qadbe i i ■ i y tlii-i spriin. BoomThe l'iv-.Uvirriati .Imrcli at Plyni.out'h Jkus petHd i's 6Otb annivcr.ary. A lkivf of iwuiy .m.uc.iIh-cs has been orputizcil at Dundce, witli .'!." charter HM'iiiliers. Iubher Bradley, near Saline, la to sell off his pereomel effecte and retaove to Owosso. The Arbeiter Society of Sali.n-, will occupy rooms in the I.ivinport building lLereafber. Rev. L. G. Clark' ivill preach lHs farewell .sermón to the Bapfclsts of Xorthvjlle, Simday, Man-h 19. The froverniiH'.nt h&H established a postofífce et Oavanaugib Lak" witli A. A. Hall as powtinaster. The lwiflid ])layed at JerusaU'in Satturdajy jJiilit. -Clicl-ica Standard. JeruBiiilem iny bappy home," etc. Some oí s;!i:n:-'. youn.i; people are tO om B piay sikiii. tli;it yill be woi-tlh goúng tu liir and seo. Cl-is.-cs in pliysical culture are now all tlu' ra.iic tin the yillaso schools of the county. It te the latest al. Tho. Iee, aarel 8.", a reaWönt berealxjiut; Hor past 60 yrnis, dicd Miinda.y at fflLe lioine of hH daugtlter, Mis. At Oheteea towai hall I'iiday, Man-h ITtli. the Civluiiibjeiji Dramatic Club. ■WJII ive tiicir a.imiml entertainment. Last Satunlny Station Agent Spencer blacked the tove in the oifice of Frank Maginn, in Man hvster, on an electjon bet. The snow drjfts wotrked "hob" witli the north and south roads week before last, f-illing in the cuts six or elght feet deep. Dr. Wm. Pattison aaid Fremont S. Pmtttson. of Ypsilanti, have gone to Florida to visit tlhe former Editor PattiBon, of tüie Commercial. D. W. phadw5ck ha bought out a Lrö2ery busiiTiess in Stockbrldge. He luad been for mme years with H. S. Holmes & Co. ae bookkeeper. A stock company te beñng formed at I'lymouth to build a hall for dancing nnd otlier purposes. The stoekholders of course, do not expect to do much Geo.. H. Kempf, of Chelsea, has been appoihted by Gov. Kich, asnistant quertermaeter general, -vitli the rank oí capt-a'ün. He is saluted now as Gapt'n Kempf. John Snvitli, wiio reeidM in ihe southern part. of this townsliip. He íh reportad 1o luive (luir the first grave ín wliiat i now known as the Oak■svood cemetery.- Dundo ■ Reporter. Ed. Hiinkley is one of tJi Tpeflaatlans to will híiiü; in the Auditorium concerts at Gh'fcago diiring ths "World's Padr. He will H'iive for Chicago soon to beg-i'n practice.- Ypsilajiti Commercial. "Walter C. Bellows, formerly of Ypsilanti, is gaining [ame for himselí as a playwriulit. He has recently placed twoof his plays on the boards in New York. and they are meetJmf witi great Bticoess. The plays are nititl 'il -'The Old, Old Story" and "The Miases." Ypsiianti s hionored In the appointniönt oí Mtb. Mary ('. Spencer to be state Librarían, In place of Mrs. Custer ('alliiiun. resfgned. Mrs. Spencer has I een aselstaat librarian for many yrais. aml DB wcll fitted for tlu? trust wOvlfch the govemor luis conferred upm lier.- Ypsilantlan. Accorcling to the Whittaker cor. of Of the Müan Leader, white caps visited al house on t lie outskirts of thnt bui-ii'h, ooe day last, week, and gave the innwites, one man and thxee wonnen, a coat of tar ajid teatfeers, uarnüuii tlii'in tO lc-avc touji, whlch Tlii'V (lid. were dMDrged wlth lmmoral concliut. ThiB offirc lian just tuniod out a four-iianc ( -iitaldiiuc ïor I. 1'. .lcT.aclilau M. I)., proprttetar of tln MooreVüle I'onltry Yards. The doctor has Borne of th funest birdts in Michigan, añil, for a himple diversión froni his ppoteaaBowal labora, i buiidinir up a vtT.v liurative fanoy poultry business. l"Ls]iinir a.nd fancy poultry raising are t'lie only teports the doctor indulges hSmaelI in.-Miian Leader. DiplitlK'ria íirsit tried its haiul on the Milanites, hut owinjr to thir excellcnt habéts, nul gpod care t could imt ilcriiiiatr ihcir ïanks to any extcitl. Xuiv the whooping cough mul and ecarlet tevr heve Joloed hands to n-iiiïorce tilie first meutiooed. We i let on tlic MUenltea yet. l'li.y iii.iy Incale out occasilooally and ■w-lliKXip'er up, but ihcy will Conscni t (Icpurt froiu tlu'ir dellghtful littlo vill;ige as hmg as ihcy eau contilnue to brcailu'. They are made out of the rigiit sort of stuff. POINTERS PROM THE ADRIÁN PRESS. A Mfilam dog went insane from getting a bone in his throat. We have kmowii a dog to (get well, with a spüne in liie back. Ohartes Colé, of Manchester, prays standing. Siasïied nis knee with an antj. It was a case of a great hew acid, cry. Tluis far, tliere have been twenty oases of scarlet fever in a mild form, ■among tüie Normal Btudente, and thirteen malügnant casee ot love. It took a lnuidred pounds of brimBtODe, to íumiííate the MaZkCbester liiuli school building. The "sevenyear" kind b irery hard bo fjet rid of. The ladics' Urass band of South LyOO6 has liiishcd its niusic. It took so inurli wind to rim it, tliat the members ihad mone for goeeip. Of eourse that wouldii't. do. Wood, a colored cook in th-e Occi(k-ntai turase, Vpsilanti, was recently Roed $18 for purloining provisions. Tihiere, witliout doubl, was a tledn took, otinerwtoe, would he have stolen h'is own cooking ?


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