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Ho! Sound The Proctol From The

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tower ! And fïre the Woiveriaies-! Bid öffice-hxekcrs come with Bpeed ! Cali every mnigwump im ! In the spring eieetions in New York state tilue votere ecenx to be repenting tor tlheir folly last fall, for the republicans are earrying tlhe democratie Btrongholde riight a long. And aaw Mrs. Lease, the Kansas alUancite, asserts that Hdke Smith, the same one who i in the cabinet, h4rd men tö rotten egig Gen. Weaver dn Geprgia last f uil. Stinking, if true. The admiiring friends (A Adlai Stevenscm already announce that they iuall push linn lor the presideney in 1896. And SU-viiKson ? Wby, he announces tliat he is in the hands of ÏKie friende ! A wag wlio heard nis Bpeedh 3n Ann Arbor, suggeats that 3iBe friendo wonlda't need tj have very large bande. Whien eome of the politkiua liere who .pretend to be ölirewd, who pretend to fa-vor Ann Arbor friende for posftion, and write letters in tlveir behalf, and all that sort of stuff, and tfoen ell them out. When all them things come to the surtace, as they win very soon probably, there wil te fun in tihe ir. The follöwwig, from the Ypsilanti Commercial, is respectfully referred to the editorial vrit-r tipon the Detroit Evenlng Xews, for algtttkcm : "I "Governor McKinley only had as mucl nronjey a.s h boa had synipatliy ex tended to lic ouid be able to lijuklit; all claims uul have a repeetable balance left. He has the best wishes af all people irrespective f party. I'eople like a man wfco fights ojxmly and above board to wliat be be.lieves to bc right whethe bis beltef is the same as their own o uot. ISjBb kl Wbat MrKmley does He doéa not go by amy roundabou ivay to rea.Jh the ttitag he is after but rtfgkea ent for it. He oever tries anj Qank movemeiits m uiten the resort of pol&tlcteos wlieu thy get, into a liglit place." It ie quite evident tlhait Senator Hill eeds ttis snow shoes novr. The Detroit Evwnmg Xewe Is rt spor e ble tor the statmemt thnt "the Britslh prese are unanimous in printing Cleveland's message." President Cleveland caito It ''my party." Xbthnii; wrong about that. He own8 all the otffiL-e, of course. That conetitutes the party. The dTumkennese apd revclry attendSmg tbo preeidential inauguration of 1893 widl be remembered for many Kwig ywirs in Washington, D. C. Mr. Ilarrilson must be deprived of any credit in üeeuring tho Hawaiian Ih-laiuk, even iT the Islands are lost thereby. Of oouree, that's democratie dottrine. Kill off erj-th,img that's good. Hcar thils from the Loni6vi)le Oourfier-JOTirna] : ''The democrats houw, and it ie to be hoped will, brusli ,%M(le the demngogues in their OWB iKio-ty w-ho aire afraid oí the 'soldfcr vote." I'ension reform must go lilajul mi liand wjth tariff reform." The reaeon tliat Isaac Pusey Gray te mot in Washington this winter, is thie toet that that city has not euffMent brtathing capacity for two such men as ,he and Hon. Hoke Sinith. So Hoke wJll abstorb Washington papsmelli'ng atmosphere, while Pusey wffl suok in ffffM" ptiHjue with the 'nobs" of fhat realm. In a recent magazime art iele Cfliauncey M. Depew gives th.i8 advice to young men : "Every young man sluould be imterested in politics, and tiake as active a part in the politlcal affaiire of hite neighborhood as the time at hi'.s dieposal from hls business wlH Iennirt ; he should belong to eome party and understand it principies ; te should afttend its caueuses and do euch party service as he can ; he sluoiiW sro to political meetings and never fail to vote on election day ; when there are movoments on foot for reforms necessitated by corruption, or to put bad men out of office, b."4 slfoould be on hand and ready to iight for tibe redemptjon of bis city, town or state." Coasjstency is a romarkable je wel. The Sundiay Free Pres tells how Buron Parker, of Mnoroe, was bounced tor "rank purtiisansilip," as special treasury agent, because he "saw notüTng inconsdsitent in presiding at political conventions, ruaking partlsan speeches," etc, and tlven it goes on and tells why Bd. O. Wood, of Flimt, was appoimted to hi place because "hc is the present chajrman of the democratie county committee of Genesee couny. " Of couree tlhere is no "rank partisam.sJiip" in that. Why eeek to fooi the peoplo wlth any such sliallovv pretenses ? You oan aot pull the wool over the;r eyes. Everj-one knowe, wlio knows anythingobout politics, that Parker was bounced Kümply becaiise he was a repniblk-an, und "Wood appoiutd because IjO was a democrat. That's all ttare is of it. I'enstoms and protectdon are two tn'.ngs Mr. Cleveland proposes to pulveri ze. The oonfounded soldiers oug-ht to have had better judgment than to lmve gxne don soutlh to fight for the old flag, anyway. And thie people who attempt to build up our own country should have better judgmient. TVhiat's the u&e of developing any iidu-stries here, when thcy have them ülrcady (Itvi'lojjed ocross tlitó water? All we need to do is juet to raise the raw material, don't see, and lot ttoera dlo the work of manufacturing ! Xo use of our foollng with machlnery, and hiiring a lot of men to work, and radiing skilled mechnnks when they llke that sort of thing over there, don't ye know ! We shold be more aristocratie than tliiat. We rtkonMpt be bothered with payInií a íot of working men good wages. We dooi't want anytbing but farm loborers. Raw material producers, as 5t were ! moetly niggers. DiiVn't 1he Southern Confedérate constdtution prohibit any laws belng enoJcted to íoster and build up indistries ? And aren't we southerneTs- includ1nK Hoke Smith- Hilarioue Herbert- on top now ? Well ! I sliould smile ! (Don't care if I do ? Whiat's youiV fVin't "our niirgers" do all the work we want done ? Wbat are we here for ? Ec gawd s 1 1 1 : Penslioms and protection must go. Toniorrow, Mbrcb lOth, the lerislaitiare oi mr Mate win mspect the Kroptest rn;vrsity of tlus nation. On the föltowiuir lay tliey will visit the Sfaite Xormnl school and return as we trust to tlueir legislative duties fully ooiniinced tJiat any reasonahle amoant of money expended on these nsti'tmUoiis is well plocedl- Dextor Leader. Mr. BeeTOB, the city editor oí the Isader, was down here shakinff hands M'itih tbe memlxTs last Fridny, and ihielping the good work along with good worde. Wh;:lc'njoyinï the haspitality of Ann Arbo-r, Uue legjlbtetocs havo probably ■'(■mi tilutit tho Btat T'ni.vcrsity is üot aai (K-aduiny, or sucii an institiiton as . ould be abaadoned without fcertoua loe to the entij-e civilizvd world.- Kreo l'n


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Ann Arbor Courier