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WANT COLUMN. Short advertisements not to exceed thre linea, or Lost or Fouud Houses for Sale o Rent, Wants, etc, inserted tbree weeks fo 25 cents. Situations wanted. free. FOR SALE- A good family cow. Enquire o E. B. Hall. 57 FOR SALE.- At cost, a residence Inquireat 75 Washteiiaw Avr. 68 FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mrs. North's farm near county farm and Bullock-Everet farm In Salem town. Andrew E. Uibson, 30 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. 6m Now is the time to put in your order for those grape vines and other nursery stock W. F. Blrd, West Hurou Street. 56 JT. Jacobs will sell at auction his " Fair View Farm," situated one and one-half miles south-east from city limits on MiddK Ypsilauti Road, March 13, 1893, at 10 o'clock on the south slde of ('ourt House in Ann Arbor. Terms Y3 down, ballance to suit purchaser, Now is the time to buya farm.never again will farm land be so cheap as it is to-day. 56 STRAYED- A large black dog came to my residence several days ago. Owner inquire at No. 10 North Fourth Bt 56 UROOM house on E. Madison st., school seat and windmill factory on N. Fourth ave., Ann Arbor, for sale. Also two lots and a black■ïaitll shop at Whitmore Lake. C. H. St. ("luir. 33 N Fourth ave.. Ann Arbor. 58 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Washte natf, 88. Noticeis hereby given, that by an order of the Probate l'ourt for the Couuty of Wastcuaw made ou the twenty-seventh day of Februarv, A. !., 1S;3, six ïinmths from that date were &llowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of William Buruham. late of said Couuty, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Conrt, at the Probate Offioelu the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the twenty-eighth day of August, next, and that such claima will beheard before said Court, on the twentyseventh day of May and on the twinty-eighth day of August, next, at ten o'clock iu the foreuoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, February 27, A. D. 1898, J. WlLLARD BaBBITT, Judge of Probate. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co, "C. &B. LINE." Remember that commencing with opening of navigation (May 1,1893) this company will place in commission excluslvely between CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO A Daily Line of the Most Masrnlflcent Slde-Wheel Steel Steamers on the Great Lakes. Steamerwill leave eithercity every evening (Sunday lncluded), arriving at destlnation the following morning in time for business and all train connections. QUICK TIME. UNEXCELLED SERVICE. LOWRATES. For full particulars see later issues of this paper, or address T. F. NEWMAN. H. R. ROGERS, Gen'l Manager, Gen'l Passenger Agt., CLEVELAND. O. JNO. BAUMGARDNER, GO o . MONUMENTAL . J fi CEMETEBY J w S i o BUILDING........ GO Èn L__ Also, Stone Walks. - Kstimatcs cheerfully fiiinisheil. or. Detroit and Catherine Sts..ANN ARBOR, MICK. Stark's $2.00 photogTaphs for $1.00 tmttl April lst.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier