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S. C. A. He i' m M.irrh 29Ul. Prof. A'.'i ■■ 111 go tn Joïuia Hop n, vi'isity n.-xi yea-r. A I'; : vrisity Alumni Aseo latlon U ti. be i ' ' ■ "f Baginaw KOMI. ,! ( ".-ini er i ' I o i. Mu-'i' Tueeday ri-ifn:, at Ncwl erry Hall. It As and the Womam'8 Annex ti Ihe srym. rtande a good fl;.ov Dor nu .i])]ini])r:.;li(n. F. I. . [:us t man, state editor o! ttoe '1 Otedo 39 In ." I fl!lf s i f I M. Prees I tuï uex( Saturday. The U. oí M. Glee Biod Banjo Clubs ' wil! niv.' a niniM l concc'.'i n tpoft, om öh evemleg of AprlJ 1". r. oí M. Demo rrertüt Club are iníuklng prepara tta to celébrate J ■ ei m' ' trtlu ly n i h a grond i Iliei . anima! ora-torica] conteel ol the senior lw class will tak place j 'n l'n i'i iit.v Hall 'ilnirsday evenlng, Ihll-rll 3Oth. Man oí Ghililee, by Hon. ;. W. u'i ■n.ii ■■.:■;. al UniversJty Hall, Saturi .i.v c -n.Oiiji. April lat, ander 8. C. A. lllsf1; 68. Prof. KnowlUm'e i : tures upon "( v] taB-tJhutlone o4 tbe Jew n tln 'JiiiM' i ," .-irr '.cry Lastrad Ive :irnl t ■ 1 1 ; ■ i t : ; i ; i : 1 1 ia . and BTC well ;i ti ínled. l'i nf. J. B. Stoere M dellver tan urae oí 8. C. A. lecturas ;it NcuIh'I-I'.v II.ill. S;í;ii1,i.v a. Mi., híij i Ik":i-i EíeligloilS 'oiiili; un of Soutüi Aiih'i i a . I i ■.;. W. í.. W-Isoia, wiio ts t lectura hit .- on, before tlie s. L. A., te one c:' ti ■ ni .-t !' i ui ni demo i ata ::i II: ■ Houüe ::' I íc-p i( ■.- ■ -in ;i t i is at :,;;mi, and evCTybody ulil desjt 1 1) liini. Prof. (lo Poot, oí Aun AiImii-, lias u; u.: .'.i-, ! a fenclng clase ol fltteen. ■ i i'.-i p i iai! learoedly about .'11 .MSI, Uilí'll ]ll'(i IN1I1IV ll(l[ (I11C III tlicm tiíiiwí huw to spTM b rail cut. - Ailiian l'i e ■ . The stuiYin, Oooper, uliii was afit-Mcd and placed ü jail taking property mot toüe ni trom Barría Hall. l:as been releaaad trofn custody I1C6 i'.ithei' OOmlng frOOl Terra Haute, Ind.. and payilbg all coste, etc. It wem b t-a;l errand Dor a faUuer. It 'S ttuougllt l;y ■l'nip.'riy Ownens," of Aun Altor, tSuekt U tiic city wonlil vote $25,000 toward the pro]Ms!'(l ncw Dis pies" Hbaologteal inslitute, tlllilt the varioils OtheT (lciioinoos HiMiiii foilow, and surround the i ainims vith the thcDlogical inStitutefi. I.t't the aniipiis l:c suri iiuikIed wtfllh a wall of piuty. - Adrián Pree i. Th-e ü. ot M. mtaBtreta liave the i ■ s: "ina.irs" th, 's ycar have erer been Bjoltten oíí befoic au Ann Aj-bnr audiemce. - Aan Arbor Coorler. Poor Ann Arbor : Hm "gag" mie to be entoroed agieJa I SpeoJdng ol minst rel "gaga," here's one. In what doe Ann Arhor dit'fcr l'rnni a bastcd turky : Ai. .. ■-'Mi;' burkey is not stuifud W4Ö1 lit .stii'l'.ts til! alter dedth.- Adriiii Press. Hbs foCowiing t'tem [rom liir Fmvirrvllle Observer is a SaJr type oí many tiiat are tound almotst eadi weck In our munerous state excfaaages : ''John Gril!, of ('onway, wno ha.s been troubleü for BOme tijnc paBi wttib aa alsi r i,n kis el3e, wem bateo to tihe hospital al Ann Arbor for treatnu-nt liy hik Salttwr somt' tiinc ago. Mr. GhrlU visüted ble (son al Ann Arbor Friday and says that In; is Improvlng vcry niri'iy. ite yooaig man gpeaka v'ry hfflghly of the courteom matraer iin wfcih he is belog treated by the attendaate ai tbe iinspitai. He hopee nu rewra iu iuk Borne ere many wccks H'i'eatly impmvi'il in henlth." The ane-Bteth mili tax law fo-r the rapport f tbe state uutaerslty has peeeed iwth bousee ; and when the enate seta tvpoa a fooilsh house ameaösaeat il win go to tbe governor for Mb aleraartvure. Ui amendment Ui in Hve effect timt the regente ehall ejgree bo keep up tibe two medica] of allapathy and homeopathy. kmy of tbe legfialature and the dwnaade if one4dead men compel the Unirerslty td expead ntm money tbBn :t crtberwle wouYd be compelled OoWweter EtepulWlcan. At the Ba me time t'liiis axnemdmenf win perbaps serve a gtood puTpose. Many more '■ wiili it tlian the RiepuJlii ian tfotoks pot. Kr]i'csrn!at ve Ewtng, of tïillsdale, voted agafltaBt bhie female Btiffroge blll. ; ter look oui tor t ir i o Prof. Fred. X. ScoM bo deUver i s;. ie rburea in tii i Unlverïtj Extensión couree, al i he hun-u oí Out l'.-n hi'i-. Detroit, i subject boül; ■ i-'i-cn 'ii and ( icrin ■ 11 Palntlng," 1 1 . ; ni w ui fipeciai re tllwiplay ho be made al ttbe World's FWr, ; The I'li (adelpbia Re ord o! a reren; ctate lias the follcwlng InterestIng Item : '■'Prof. ScbartOerl, ol Lick Ob ervatory, wl'.o ís oo his way to s :.,;,! i America tor 1 1 n ■ purpewe of makIng ptnotograplhs ol the eclipse o! i a Api':i 1 1. axpe ;t to prove tibial i be cos oma üé the sim, or the name wfcüeh Is seen to surround its abecuned dlsc durlng the , la oaiieed iy volcante action. ir i i'io eeaor'fl mtasloo Involves grreal teips, in ludiMiï .■ sea voyage of n .i : i, 1 2,000 mllee ; !.u; t e true - ml st win go to i hé uttermosi i tI ih" f.i r : ii to graaf) a tragmeni of iriiih : amd ii Prof. 8 ihaeberle shall make hile expected iü ■ 'i y. lie in solved :i proWem tihal has bafgreat aeti-ouomers ol all age." OB rORIC il COSÍ E81 S. ! b I -"mI minimi OTatorioal een ; est. hll al Iílvi'i.;,v Hall cm Saturday CV"n;:!iü'. was well ,-i t ■ cni'.-il. bul ot as nri] as it OOlgtH tO have been. Tlio yonag gentlemen wïro delJvcred tiie OTfiitfione iirt'cntecl as iinc tihoug'hls u as ïin a ïnanii.-r aa any oí leciiiins lui have vtedted oor .ily tliis linter. 'liir íiirsl ot evenliig was ('. M. IliiWflis, oí Ihv senior law clans. i b i .-'oUe opon S(K ■.-ilisiii at lile llar ol Xaiur'. He Impreseed the audleoce as i .('nu; au easy speaker, and very mu n in i'arnest. 'i'li.' Kift'ct of Anii'iira on I'.ni;li-!i Literature, was the themo that C. B. Alien tuaOidied n a m :is tTl"nl manilo!1, lie tl: luniit that country bad leen B stiniuiu ;;i [:i. EJngtleh uien oí lellers. J. I!. Neleon spoke of Tlue Relatlon OÍ Sfiiünient and EMucatiOD bo Ke.oi-ni in tlw United States. It waa a pretty Bong tltte, bul a mos1 excellent dieoowse, betag a live subji' t h:i.n.iled in a live ninnnei-. Edulatjou is the rock apon wiiicii Öhilp is k,uih"(1 in lilis na t ion, and ■ .-i y tu 1 1 1 n : 1 1 1 ; i i 1 1 lü.crly is to ](■!■- feet the common .school. Xot a n eotárely new Mih.ic. t was ti'ii of F. B. j;cyno!s. Washington :n Peaoe and War, bat t was a patrlótlc one, and niany new and exceiitMit thouühts wen; pie-, iitcd tu the .i adben e. H. H. Walker1 onatOon dwelt upoo Chirtütiaaity and Imlividualisin. lio 9a an eamest, meclentlous speaker, and lii's íiraivrs are Impressod witii tJiíe íari that ta ttlliim tbem what bfe sitoeereiy bellevee to be trae. An Opt'iuiiistk' View i.i' ProBfreea was u i present-ation at 1 h CMC and would 1m' a grand tlhiiog f it could be i ca.i;,cii. e. W. Cbapmao, law '94, wae the orator. TIk' oratiton tliat 1 ook the fust place was dettverod iy ,. (;. iiwip:, bis subed belög 'The KclatiKHi u' Modern Unís to I'rojircss. Tlic cisc. grace nul na-tniTalDeea w'. wiii.h he leSvered h:h orotion placed Him at once n the front rank. and h" carrtéd off lic honorB of tbe evetriog without mi! i appareat etfort. The of the speakers :ih artudfred by tSve juducs waa in the folowinii order : LtMg, Neteon, ( ia])mian, Ilioweüs, Alle-n. Walker. Reyiold. The iollowir.: gentlemen acted as luimes : Thouislit i-ad coiii]iositioii - Eev. W. W. Oaraon, Detroit ; I'rof. Geo. W. ilrighlt, ('olunilms. ().; Major Joeeph Cirkrand, hicao, Delivery- Prof. F. A. Barbour, Snpt. "WhStney, Ex-congressman E. P. Allen, UI of YptJManti. Rev. Dr. Wiallaee Radcliffe, of Deti-oit vil! lectore in ttue Tappaa training otnte at McMSJao Hall nest Saturlay evenltag, at 8 o'cloek. Subject 'The Gospel of Hiltüi." Hunday ïiominsc in t'he PreBbyterlan church, ni.ji'i ■ ï be Gkuspel of tbe School." Sunday eveoüng, "The Gospe] of the Jtate." Tlueee lect'Urea are tree to 'he public. Ai the monthly meet&ng FrMay evenG. A. i:., ai t.licir poetroom, here wir, be a llterary pre gramme. Jas. B. Sánvndera w'M vcaii i paper emtiltled "Ten Montt in Rebel Prjsoiw."


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