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On the I3th the Uniio.l States sonate discussed the reso'ution onVred by Mr. Mandersou lntended to limi: the tion of the senate in tne present extraordlnary sfssion to cxecutlve matter not requiring (xu.ieration on the part of the house, but no decisión was reached. Rr.sui.r tiiins or the Massachusetta lcgislatuie favorlnf the annpxat.i:n of ttv Hawailan island wurc presented in lhsenateoB tin; ISth and laid on the tabie. 'ïhv couitnitte.'s of the senate were rnportcil and aftreed 10 The pres ident sent ir. along list "f appotntmenta, among them bfin that of UoAdoo, of New Jersey, to be BSBistani secreter? of tho navy. and Edward B. Whltney, of New York, to be assistant attorney general. In the senate on tiie liiih ihe only business transacted was the prexentatton of various memoriala froin the lecrlalature of North DaIcota and tbe refereneo of a resolution for the appo mn cm ;f a c] rh to tbe cummittee on uational affaire at 51.4(0 per annum. Adjourned until the 20th. DOMESTIC, Coloreo raen ere lapldly replacing foreig-n Laborera in all the Carnegie works at I'ittsbnrgh and vicinity, and as snoii üs posible all the latter would be dismissed. Eva Ross, aged 19 years, poisoned her raother and brother at Madison, Ind., and then took her own life in the same nianner. tihe was eraployed in a factory, and is all her scanty wages went toward the support of the family she became despondent. 1'KAiHiK tires near Garden City, Kan., destroyed many houses and settlers lost all or a larfe part of their buildings, household g-oods, hay, g-rain and íarming implements. S. F. Anderson and wife, an elderly cquple, were fatally burned. The town of Palco was burned, and Sylvester Scannel and Oscar Lillva, farmers, lost their lives. The governor of Montana has signed th anti-scalpers bill. Under its proyisions it is unlawful for anyone to deal in railroad tickets save the regularly authorized agents of railroad companies. Fi.ames in lialtimore destroyed a building occupied by Matthai, Ingram fc Co. for the manufacture of tin and japanned ware. Loss. S100.000. Wili.iam BiaiT, Dave Hutchinson, Mrs. LeKevre, Albert Moore, A. McDonald and two unknown men perished in a prairie fire in Russell county. Kan. The Maryland court of appeals has decided the single-tax S3'stem tutional. The Utah Loan and Trust company's building at Ogden was burned, the loss being 8125,000; insuiance, 855,000. Thk Alabama national bank at Mobile clo.sed its doors by direction of Bank Examiner Campbell. Depositors will be puid in full. An explosión in a mine at Anderson, L T., killed nine men and injured eight others probably fatally. Jamfs HowARDand Will Morgan, two troopers belonsrinff tothe Fifthcavalry, were drowned while fording a creek south of Caldwell, Kan., in the Cherokee strip. Ueokge Winn, a vaerant negro, was sold at Fayette for six months under the Missouri vagrancy law to Charles McCampbell, of Glen Eden Springs, for 820. The walls of a buruing factory in Chicago feil upon a cottage and crushed to death S. J. Chartier and biswife and two girls, aged 10 and lSyears. A fire in the cotton milis at Exeter, N. H., caused a loss of $250,000. Neari.y one-balf of the village of Polk City, Ia., was destroyed by fire. One-haxf of the town of Arkansas City, Ark., was burned, the loss being $100,000. C. A. King, afireman, perished in the llames. A skvere earthquake shock was feit t Jamaica, L. I., causing houses to rock and breaking windows and crockery. During the absence of her husband Mrs. Otto Sanders, of Belleville, Tex., jumpcd into a well vvith her two childreu, and the little ones were killed and the mother fatal ly injured. The Farmers' and Traden' bank at Montg-omery City, Mo., was robbed by burlars of $4,000 in cash. During the last session of conijress SS7,000 was appropriated to pay employés of the bureau of engTaving and priiiting and to meet incidental expenses. It has just been discovered that the engrossed bill signed by the president only car ried the sum of L37. The clerical error cannot be rectified until congress ag-ain convenes. President Cleveland has ínlly derided to send a cominission to Hawaii to investígate the recent rerolution and to report before the of the next conrress. Neablt every saloonkeeper iu Norfolk. Va., was indtcted by the g-rand jury for violating tlie öunday Iü-.v. Six members of a ?ang of counterfeiters were arrested by United States officials at Helleviile, V. Va., and a lot of spurious taoner was cuptured. LlGHTNiNe Btrnck the Stonington line steamer New Hampshire on lier trip from New York to Stoningtun, tlie electric wires carried the all over the steamer and great dam age was done, but noue of the passengers were injured. Thomas Lovett, (9 years old, cut his throut with a penknife at the soldiers' home near Erie, Pa., and bied to death. C'rov. Wbrtz, of New Jersey, has sipned the bill makingr horse-raeing for purses or prizes unlawful in the months of December, Januarj and February, sue, uirt-e cunaren ot Benjamín Fleisch, who lires uear Holton, Kan., were fatally burned in a íiie that destroyed their father'e house. The New York Central & Hudson River Railroad company has increased ts capital stock to an even $:00 000 - 000. Mattie Clark, a negress, committed suicide at Tyler, Tcx.. by saturating her clothing with kerosene, applying a match and roasting hersell to death. '1 iiikk woiv 7,000 families the Kansaa border awaitiny the ífrand rush to the Cherokee lands and it was thought that the Indiana ere uuxious to close the sale of the strip. If the opening is delayed until fall 5,000 people wül be cli'stitute. A PETITIOS was prosented to the Massachusetts legislature which providesthat intozicating liquors shall be sold only by salaried appuintees of the . The Redpath Uros. Mánufaeturingr coinpanv, boot and shoe jobbers and manufacturéis at Boston, who vvere burned out in the recent flie, have failed for 8100,000. Edgar Hroome (white) and Albprt Taylor (coloree!) were the principáis in a prize fijcht at Grand Rapids. Mich., wiiich llroome waa struck a probably fatal blow. Haki.ani) Murky, of St. Louis, after a. dispute vrith bis wife attemptfd to .shoot her, but the bullet instead struck and killed hls 67-year-old rnother. Ex-Repkksiwtativtc Blouht, of Georgia, le rt Washington on a mi.ssion to Ilawaii to ioqntre into the desirbility of annexinff the island, and more particnlarly to determine wliether the people of the island detire annexation. At Pass Christian, Miss., the dead i bodies of Miss Alma Nnnnemacher and W. 1!. Miller, both of Milwaukee, Wis., were found. The father of the girl is a wealthy man, and his refusal to sent to tneir marriage causea the yoiing1 couple to take their own lives. Firk at Eureka Springs, Ark., destoyed bet ween fifty and sixty houses of the cheaper clacs. Whilb a lecture Rev. William Graham, pastor of the First Reformed Presbyterian church of Hoston, feil dead. Trains collided on the Erie road at Laekawaxen, N. Y,, and a Pullman Rleeper was demolished and ten passeng-ers were injured, some of theiu seriously. In a fit of despondency Abner Carter and his wife shot and killed each other near Relfoot Lake, Tenn. UUBIXG the absence of Thomas Dixon his house at Rutherfordton, N. C. was burned and his wife and two children perished in the flames. The Wheeler opera house was totally destroyed by fire at Toledo, O., the loss beinjj 5200,000. Mrs. Vincknt Olivkr, Mrs. Walker and the latter's child were killed at New Iberia, La., while crossing a railroad track in front of a train. Turner hall at Paterson, N. J., a coverinp a block, was destroyed bj fire, the loss beingf 8100,000. ! Eight persona were injured, two ! tally. Nearly 300 new hotels hare been erected in Chicago for the entertainment of world's fair visit.ors. Authority has been giveu to Secretary Gresharn to exchange with Minister ürip certificates of ratification of the extradition treaty between the United States and Sweden recently ratified by the senate. It has been decided to name the new military post to be established near Essex Junction, Vt., Port Ethan Allen, in honor of the revolutionary patriot. Thk Kinyon block and the Jones block were destroyed by fire at Oswego, N. Y., the total loss being 8175,000. Howard J. Sciineider, who murdered his wife and Frank Hamlink, his brother-iu-law, January 31, 1890, was hang-ed in Washington. Lizzie Ü. ÜVSOKLJtr, the 12-year-old wife of Henry Ilinckley, of Hridgeport, C'onn. , gave birth to triplets, two g-irls and a boy. THE hrm of William Schwab & Son, album dealers in New York city, failed for L225,000. TiiEexchanges atth? leadinfj clearing houses in the United States the week ended on the 17th aggreg-ated Í1, 23 1,454, 629, afc'ainst 51,301,830,710 the previous week. The increase as cornpared with the week of 1892 was 2.1. Thk Platte river in Nebraska overflowed ts banks and earried away stook and houses as well as ehanging bouadaries. In the United States the seven days ended on the ITth the business failures numbered 880, ;ig-ainst 225 the week and :;4() for the coirespondiug1 time last year. Fi.amf.s at Newton, Ala., destroyed the hotel, to-vn prison. the pust office and all the stores and their contents. The project to builcl an eleetric railway bet ween Milwaukee and Chicago ■i is mn re ivoo. A mail ponch over $85,000 in drafts mysterioualy disappeared Bomewhere between Akron, O., and Pittsburgh, Pa. ■ Lewís A. Wbight, aged 17, has confessed to startmgthe recent large fires in Boston. PERSONAL AND POUTICAL. Wks. Margaret Hoopbb died iu Brooklyn, N. Y., írom heurt disease while funeral services ivcre being held over the body of ber busbond, Robert Hooper, the wrfter on field and üthletic sports. :l knriY Kebnell, the famotw Irish oometliitn, died in the Bloorningdale N s i Dsane asylum, ;iiriii 45 vears. 'J'iir: anaual oatioml conTeation of the National Bepublican league will be lioïi] at Louisyille, K ... May 10 next 'J mt president has ■ edtbe resignation of ex-Gov. ■■ M. Stonc, of lowa, commiaaioner I he general land oiiici-. t,i take effect Murch 24 next. Mbs. Mabï E. LKA8K has been elected president of the Kansas state board of cb.arities. A CoNFKRKNCB of ministers and prohibitionists intarested in tbe iorroatinn of a new natioual polltieal oranization was held in Pittsbnnrh., I'a. The platform recog-nizes God as the author of civil g-o vern ment; equal : i hts for all without respect to face, color or Bex; abolition or suppression of the drink trafHc; and such other moral, economie, financial luk! industrial reforma as are Deeded in the country. Mbs. !'i:acks, of Boston, the eccentric widow of Dr. Uilier, trho 's "" 10,000, has marri.-il Peter Surrett, her coach man. HENDKB8ON SMITH died ;t Quincy, Ili., ag-ed 11!) years. He married kis secoud wife ut the age of 90. Mus. Sahau RüSUUORI niCKs diod at hor home in Oíd Westbury, L. I., aged IOS years. SAMfi:i. iC.MGii i'. affed 40 j'ears, the x -champion pool plaj-er of America, feil dead i-i New Vork. Green B. Raum, coinmisioner of ■ ■. senl his resiffnation to the president Wai Dale, coiored, ape 1 10.' years and worlh abont S"O,ouo, (lied of pneumonía In KanM,. ]e careful record of his birth and hie, wit'n statements of owr.orshipsince j bis lOtli ye I I ' AiriiRXEV Gknkrai. Oi.xev hiis appointed Frank Strong, of Arkansaa, fi-enprai ajrent of the deparlment of jnstice, vico 1'. ('. Koster, íesiijiied. Cpt. Dahikl Smith Harrís, the oldest settler of the stnte of Illinois, died at Galena, ag-ed 85 yeara. Gen. Simeón B. Bbowr died in St. Clair, Mich., at the ajfe of 81. He took part in seventy-three eng-agements in the late war. Gf.oröe O. Sharp, postmuster at Kickapoo, Kan., and justiee of the peace, died of erysipelas. He u uk the oldest postmaster iu point of eonseeutive j'eai-s of service ia the United States. FOREIGN. A norsE at íSalmdorf, (ermanv, inhabited by a widow and three e.hildren was burned, and the remaini of the four found in the ruins bore plain evij dence that all had been murdered. mobs had possession of Cawarea, Tuikey, had established a reign of terror over the Armenians and had robbed hundreds and killed many. i A FIKU in Bootle, Enylnnd, burned two cotton warehouse belnnying to the Deene company, the loss beiug S500, OOi). Skvkbai, eaees of cholera have appeared in a convlot prison in Moscow. NuMKBOtra Anstrian, Swiss and Oerman Catholics have petitioned the popo that he cali an international conference to take steps to abolish g-amblingat Monte Cario. In a Chinese village a band of sixty pirats were matisacred by the villafrer. The immenee linen factory at Gottschalk was burned and 5,000 tents just completcd lor the Germán ariny were destroyed. At Barcelona, Spain, six anarehists were arrested, and ia their houses were fouod a nutnber of bornbs apparently of American manufacture. In the city of Brinbane, Australia, and its suburbs the damaffe done by floods was estimated at $15,000,000. Nearlï 200 villajes around Warsaw and the town of Arecheff, in Kussia have been inundated by a sudden thaw. There was great distress and milliom of rubíes damage. Owino to the spread of cholera incertain districts in Russia a congress of sanitary officers has been summoned to meet in St. Petersbursf and arranffe for protective measuresasfainst tlie disease. A mineh naraed Hoelime purposely exploded tn pounds of d.vnamite in the iron mine of Volkmarskeüer in the liarz district of Germany and he and sixother rainers were torn to atoms. The motive was revenge. A snow slide on the Mountahi división of the Canadian Pacific in Manitoba carried away the track and snow sheds and buried twelve men. Two had been taken out dead. M. Jii.ks Febrv, but recently elected president of the French seiiate. died suddenly in Paris of heartdisease, ag-ed 51 yeans. 1'iik governraent of Arg-entine has resolved to destroy 81,000,000 each montli in order to reduce the circuí, tion of paper notes. LATER. Historio Tremont temple was to! tally destroyed by fire in Boston, the entire loss being 8500,000. The temple was owned by the Union Baptist Temple society and portions of it were leased, among the occupants being six newspapers and the offices of the Baptist foreign, home and state mission societies. A memueiï of the Winnebago tribe died on the reservation near Pender, Neb., at the great age of 120 years. JBS8B Jones (colored).who shot Sheriff John Burnett at Jacksboro, Tenn., was taken from jail by a mob and lynched. iiTK.Mï-iiNE persons lost their lives l.y a lire among tenement hauses in St Sebastian, Spain. Fi.amks in the distillery of James Walsli & Co. at Covinjftor, Ky., caused a loss of í-250,000. Robrbt Spwn&BB born a slave in Newoastle, DeL, ia 1TT4 and consequenlly 119 years old, died near Morgantown, Pa Tuk Wholesale liqnor house of the James Walsh Merc:intile company in 81 JosepU, Mo., faUed for $141 T8S. David I!. Armstko.vo, who was LTniled States senator Erom Missouri in ' ' ■' his home in St. Louis, ajjed I o] yeai s, K. i. V. Moitsa & Co. 's large briek coiton thread factorj al South Bastón, ■ troyed by liie, the oss '.000. A man nained Wallaee, the koe per of ibe lijrhthonse near the entrsnee of Millport barbor in Scotland, and lus children weru drowned by the capsizinjjf of a boat. 'luí: senatorial eleetions in Spain reBulted in a sweeping victory for the mona'chists. Hkbr Most, the chief of anarchists, h;is been expeiled trom all anarchistic circles in New York. He is accused of betraying secrets tü the pólice. I'OSTMASTKH (KXKIÍAI. BlSSELL Ordeieil the iliscliartre of thirty-nine fourth-class postmasters in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky and Virginia NiiKKUK KirjiKüFORl, of Aniierson county, was killed in a free-for-all fight at LaryviUe, Tenn. , and three other men were mortally vvounded. Th LTovernment expenditures up to date tliis nionth are 123,181,000, oxceeding the receipts by S405.000. The affsregate collections fi om internal revenue for the first eight months of the current fiscal j'ear were 9107,830,543, an increase over the oorrespondingf periodof the previous fiscal year of 87,154,104.


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Ann Arbor Courier