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WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of nli the Llttest Oe-ifrn-. ÜPIRIOIES tlie LO"WEST j : - AT OSCAR O. SO1G, r.Tlxe IDecorator. 70 S. MAIN ST., AXN ARB0R. i SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. The suocess of this Grcat Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. AU druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietor?, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. ïf you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease ; Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for I SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo ets., o ets. and $1.00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LUMBER YARD I G'oruer Fourth and Depot Sts.. aud get our figures for all of LUMBER ! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantan VERY LOW PRICES ■ivi' us a cali and we WÏU make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telepbone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop Michigan Hentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table. taking effect December 12, 18tf-2. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. 3R &x a ' "t 2m % iioks. s ca j h g w g, A.M. A.M.Ip. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M Chi.Lv. 7 05 9(X)l2 2U 3 10 1 V 9-80lI 46 A.M Kala'o. i 25 2 U5 3 57 7 00 8 oi 1 5 i 25 7 10 Jack'u. 2 50 4 26 5 35 8 47 1U S7i 4 00 6 40 9 20 C'hel'a. 352 5 02! 4 58 728.1013 Dextcr 4 05 5 lli. ... 5 16 7 4910 A. A.... 4 2.5 5 30 6 28 9 45 1127 5 38 8 0öll040 Ypsi .. 4 45 5 48. 9 56 113S 5 57 8 30 10 54 We Je. 5 11 6 07. . . 6 22 8 511113 De'tAr. 6 00 6 45 7 25 10 45 13 30 7 10 9 35UM DETKOIT TO CHICAGO. 3m ï L■ L üm L,% m 22 _L j3 5, w gL g A.M. A.M A.M p. M. P.M. P. M. A.M P.M De'tl.v. 8 20 7 30 9 05 120 7 45 9 00 2 15 4 40 W' 858. I 939 9 4f 513 Ypsi .. a 21 8 15 ... 2 05! 8 45 10 10 2 58 5 33 A. A . 9 37 8 27 9 59 2 1 9 05 10 27 3 08 5 48 Dexter 9 56 927 1050 ... . 605 Chel'a. ÏOIOI 9 43 1105 . . 6 17 Jack'u. 11 15 9 30 10 55 3 14 10 42 1155 4 05 6 55 P. M. P.M. A.M. A.M Kala'o. 2 00 11 25 12 35 5 02 1 00 2 181 5 55 9 45 Chi.Ar. 735 335 430 9 0Ü 6 50 7 5510 15 G. W. RUGGLES, ïrwTHAYËsT G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt., Arm Arbor . TOLEDO R AnnarboIv (j AND [] J h NORTH MICHIGAN) (T RAILWAY. Lj- J r $y? liii 1 .vr.rd Cv y"'" B AY CITY V o"=s7j2-i - - 3ir TIME TABLE, TAKJ.NG KI r s-c-std-tt. ss, -O3. Traína leave Añil Albor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:A A. M. 7:0o a. m. 12:00 M. ll::s a. U. 4:SB p. m. S:47 r. si. Traína ruu betweeo Ann Arboínnd Toledo oiilv. W. U. BEJ.-SETT, G. P. A. II. 8. SlIlNWOOD, AGT EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TTT7"Q TKY DR. LB DUC'8 " PB J-JX.LU.IÍiO RIODICAL" PILL8 irom Paris, France. Establlshed in Europo lf0. Canada in 1878. Kor Buppreasions, Irrcsrulariind Mimthly Derangements. A reliable inonthly medicino. Thi i. Any drugglet, tl. American l'ill Co., Proprletoni Spencer. Iowa. Kobort Sjephensoo & ( :.. wliuli'sulo agents,and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pilla ure irarranted to brineon the "chance '■ Nerve. Bloocf Tonic MSfiPhfc Builder '7 S mIËËJÊt hísfg Water Back! A very important inventiun whicï will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. N'o more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., P'umber and fiteam fitter. ANN ARBOR, . . MICB BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Opera House Block. (Successors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest ageney in the citv. Established pver a quarter of a eentury ago.' Representin? the following first-elass compamies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Girard Ins. Co., of Phtladelpliia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of Londoii Liverpool, I.ondon and Globe. Ratcs Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjnstod and promptly Paid. BEflL L POÏNTD. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE Barber Shop and BÉ ROOMS. mwm aad EDT Sffl ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. PeiirsaiidGi'iipfiiiSpecialtf All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwanger and Barry. Order early bv mail. Syrups.Medicinal Wihes.Kaspberry Byrup, Boneset, Paudelion and otber Domestic Grape u nes. pre pared especially ior invalids. Pure Plymouth Koek i: ■ EMIL BAUR West hu ron St., Ann Arbor. jt Scisntiflc American ijk Agency for l-ín CAVEATS. XmÍF W OESICN PATENTS, ISS& wCOPYRICHTS, etc. For Informal ion nd free Handbook write to MUNN co.. 3t;i Broadway, New York. Oldestbnreau for securing patenta in America. Every patent taken out ty us la brought boforc tbe public by anotice given free of charge In tlio Larcost circulstion pf any scientiflc paper In the world. PpleDdidíy illustrateü. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 fíi months. Address iluNV & CO Publisueks, 3ül Broadway, .New York City. Why Suffer? When you can be Cu retí Tliousands are suffering with Torpid Liver-the symptoms are Depression of Spirits, Indigestión, Constipation, Headache. Dr. Sanford's Livcr Invigorator is a reliable rcinedy for Liver Disorders. It cures tliousands every ye?.r; why not try Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator? Your Druggist will supply yoa


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