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Short Tariff Sermon

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"Be ooi (ïiiriNcd. Kv.l cominunlcafeXM oorrupVgrood manneTs." Thi s tiuih, ttaenflore holj Scrfpture. It ;ts (HBomed aod asserfed mal those chü.ihímI ii what are called "the ]irotctel industi -ics" mcoopolise buainess and pro i:s. defranding the people and dotog wrong n tinir workmen- beíiijí wvne tham Dilicrs u llicsc respectB. ín üi: is dTcit. l1 no truth. As tor nriinopoly f husiiiucss, tilu' way [8 oiH'ii lor amy and all to makc ron. Steel. WOOleJ, COttonB, etc. and Hiere Ib no lack oí capital. Tlita oity ol New York ríinld lally a soi:d company o! nu'ii aHU' tD-nKHTOW m iinesi oOO.oou in theee üjoastrtes n wey ■.lióse, and none couM say nay, ami no law Btandfl in tliü'ir way. Neither aic Hu' ,(ilosal fortunes tliosc of mannfatinors. protected not. Here are most of vnt pi-oivrtis of iuil'ivichi'nls. approxlmately correct : WilliamW.Astor J2HSS'iS2 Jav liould lOOjOUO,(H John D. Koeketel Ier 00,000. Cornelin Vanderbllt ... . íki.oiki.oiiii Williwn K. Vandcrbilt MO.OWI.1XKI John .1. Aator 7K!'!Í! H M Fineer ... hd.OOO.OO" Johul BÍLir ó0..000 L.Stanford ffiíf C. P. Huuington oO10,(X)i Ia tuis list are demócrata and republioans. but are jk) "protected ra nopoKvts. Thiere are ri -li manufacturptr. mn whio haie the foroságlit ini genii'uw for ivealth, but none appronch tluase en tbfe liet. Amlrew Carnegle romes nearwt, bat lfe wealth lias not been wlhlolly from hi iron and teel prdJitK. Xbe PeortB (W.) Journal, s-ay s : "It is isail r Ja y (íoiild tluit once whien lie was asked t whfch of the r pBrttw he belonectl, h? replied : Wlwvn I am in a dennx-ratic state I am a deoaocrat; wbeo I am in a ropuUfcaa state I am a repabUcan, but I am lor Brie all tlie time.' The Jourwi'i, in anwrtng a ent as t liow these fortunes wepe made, replies t.lint the Standard OU ciorpoiialttioii i rep renen tod in politica by ex-Swrctary of tbe Navy Whitoey and 8netKw lïr;. e (dcmocmts). The Astor fortune was founded on iur uid Otber trading, and has multtplled thi-ougli the advftnoe in real stilte. The VandeHiiit üortonei wepe bom in steiunboat (iransportatlon, and luive been Ktoadily a,-i-nmulated throuííli the iwpM friowth of railwmv tians]Mrtati(i.n.. The Blair, Stanord and Iliinfniítoii [ortunee were obuum-d throujrii íar-s.ííhtod investment in railvay. The I'acific CoobI of tlic piirly flevelopeawirt ui its railuay systcm to Sranfoi-d anl his assi.ialcs. Jay Gould's fortune is the "ra oif" Iwwa gpecolatiOTB, wh:ih werc nnaffected by any problom of Tar.iff. He livinl in a land and time when afKb a fortune coulil be made wlitliiout PögJOPd to ]](litivs. It wfll tims be Been tïiat not a tugle one of these írrcüí-t fortunes is tb result of a protKVti ve tarlU direct or indirect." Gen. W. F. Draper, Of Massaobueetts, i. rel'iable mmi, in B late artkle in the Soda] Economist, stiltes the avenage yearty prottt of rtxty-ftve ujlaeUiniiiig corporatioais in tlvat state, tor ton years np to 1892, at only two and a half iw cent. on tiu'iv capital. Is tih.'s ;i inoivopoliziniï of profits ? Il to lo boped ottuem liave made mow, bat rot all Que "protected" mannfiirturcrs in tlie land Ore por cent. profil yearly wimiil be no under estímate of tSwir fíaiiií. Beaeemer Steel Ownpany (I'mitoilK in fi-cc-lnuli' ICiv.ülund, at ih.' ■lose of Itfe fonrteen yiws limitiition. ildiis property and closed up, each rtockbolder recéDvlujg In dlvidenda and ■riiip property si(! $80 for eyery dollar tnvested, royaltlea For patenta boW i.c: min el. M aiiwhü o tlicy liad iiiiid norkimeai lv:ilt" 1 li ■ wages ptiil !n out for ltfce work. Oarnol I. Vr;;:ii . ü. 8. tat'.stl lan connpuites iii;it Por every dollaT a Brit leli pa.y oul tor fam7!y ï.i'i -i f-iü"s. a Mas-achuscl ts workiiuHi pays mu' dollar and seveoteen i -ents Bor l!ke aat-lclee, 'Hit for every dollar the lïrilis'a waire-i-arner is pald the Massarliusi'i ts uaye earner. in il siate in-re the inclust rics are ]y protected, In paid ome dollar and MMiiiy cente. Th's (and many Hkfi .i -t.-o prove thr tateehood oí the asser;:on tiini tibe emptoyera in protected 'tul u; t riri do, o-r can, monopolizo a larger í proíBtB at Ure expense of tfaose tliiat omploy than do other, inil tli.' lart tlvat vragen Tn this count iv. iüi protected Industries, are tu)gber t ha n 'm Bpee trade England, provee th beneflt of piftoction to tbe wage-earaer. Mr. (Madstono, in his aiti'le in the North Aiwi-i'.-aii Revtew, January. 1890 saiil : "In your protected traden proWs are hard pressed by ■naiips." Tivc iinniKtrioim KnKliüliinaii is a írpe trailer, and tliik is his lionest Btatement. Hiitfh O'DonoM-ll. while lying in a PlIttBÍbuing jail nul Hm.-ii-t.iiig nnder a M'iisp of bwiiK wi-oiiKcd. had the BíneM to send ut :i lbtr to work'l)LM;iri;, nf whirll (I. M'llU'lll'P s ÍIS ínllnu - : A uumber oí aHejgied duamploní ol our cause, wiw have Ih'h iii" gource Ol CXMBtiand iii!ui- to Wt, Innr Iveon i i;i - i-i the part ui the demgOLue boi'h,- people of country, pretendltag tOiat t lie llomcslcad Btrtke w:is cauBi-ii by Uh tarifí. I was always a publican. I was always b pwHec-i. I ain ; repulí): au and i protecs1 to-Ui.v, Btronger tfaan ever, and altiwugb I mi In primo to-nght, for sake oí myeeH and my fciiowworbStogmen wbo are totereeited in tiie cause of Am, -rifiiu labotr, I lies of tbem W1 tO tttfbk for B ïuciincut protectaoo is iiot the greatesi blesslng 1 !;.u een be bestowed u "- The Impriwoned wartogmao and jreal Eöglllsti Btatoioum bcar like ir.-; iinuiiv m bo vosea, and II dcatters all thilfc "monopoly" nonaense to Wie tour wltode. DiiuHth'.-s tbere iro bad and h-li■Kii men amone protected torens, and anuoog workmen ntoo, as veil as fiscwhcr '. and (Jwu'btlesB there are wwxngB to be rigMed. But proteCtiOO does oiot foster nnjust monopoly, tnui W brfngB gooct, it UI, to tii s airi' worker. We lvavc had ;i pourtag niim rf pestttent falsehoods on this mwtter Por the toet fow ramittis. L-t rJii' trutli coma nit Tke Kunshino to rlir up t'he tos ""! dr' "P the mud. "i;l tlie prwent ldffMatuiv repeal tlw bfll that g-nve the people of the wttite tflii4 quM-wlnick oil ? In Spr.üngJüioM, (Vhio, there was lxtri,lnitel to labor employed in raaouwicturtntr. $t,&Tai2 Ln 1880, amd $3,193.1 in 18itO. The awsesetoti valut.ion of tibe ciity's property rowe from $ft,82,759 to $16,530,557 !n tüwi ftante period. It will trouble llLe Ohro frec traters to argai away tlhese ■■%leinct'S of prospíirity.- N. Y. Press. Ttae 'fiTSt terrifie wind torms of the Miasoii raake eonspdeuous again the nlnumt universal misUike of caillag a tornado -a cyclone. Thin error is pecHliarly iiniortujKite beoause it euiifuaei two taiángB radic-ally diffp-rent. Tiiie true cyclono is a re vol v;mr stiorm of grvit dSmeostona as tvcU b of extreme diostruct' vonoss, whoreas tlito tornaA) bo common in ihe western sitiales tovoIvcb witün almost inerpdiTlV Sjpeedi but mioves fonvard in a .■-, i ai.iílit or noarly straight line, and umuUly Cto work oF nii'ii te (.onfined alnwxst wiiolly t a narrow path. The donlK" matton of tbÏM tiiniado of the praric regSon b WU Ilustra tcd ly tune In vh Uli :i common top aptkw repUy on its axis, wfctle is elides down pai incllned surface la a traiglit line. The truc cyctooe cove a far ezteivt of torrltory and s almoei unknown outr!de of tlip trópica. At a moetmg of republicana and Kemi-repuWicans ii iew nigUts since, one or t'o interestod partlea issayed fao crtUciM the Courier for what they claimed was its luke-wunniwBs in the repu'bUcaa caus. When thpy were pdmed tam thir grtOTaooe S'oeraed to lo tliat the Courier had not pitched ín and abUMd th.e candidatos on the dentocnU&e ticket, etc. That is somictlhi'np the Courier fcs not givon to. It (Uw not believo that th.TP ík thtag niíwle by it. And rigüit hiere the (Vrarier dosirc to say a word aboiit Manctf and j der th circumstance beltevw t proper t-o do so. It 'is nol ffiveji to ''toot:ntr its om hom" in seaeon and out as soinie journals not far distant are, but :s always found on tlhit Kide oï pro .urscss and imiinivcincnt . nevi-rl lK-icss. In peKiard bo tfce ('ourior's service to liir icpublkan party, tlwrc is not B weekly paper lo 1' ■■■ Btato tliat dei-otes aa mn h spaoe bo t repubH,-in cauae, ae doee tJi's paper, Every lesroie cotttaJms seTeral columns of :ii-i". ;■■; and ariiunii'iii s in iH'half of arty. It novcr ceaeee ts work. Thie (lonn-ivr bellevoB in the principies ot tii" republlcoii party, but not in any crank iiic;imhví or men. It '.sn'i comet&ntly dodging ofl on to this bobby t'h-at "fad," and Hndtag that the people are nm witii t and then riawrnir back m a little time to lts oíd pía asa n. ]i always found advoca.tJmg thie prtnciples tf the n-pui!i ai) party, lm i iji the tanks of ihc extremlet8, theorteta and craoks. It beCeree i" an honest cnforcenicut of the Uiwk. and in goo6 gOTfl-nni'iit. It (k-s nol bflicvc in takinpr every tiiivieu occnrrence hiere in Aun Arbor and nuagnilylfiig it into a íeriou crimina] oíteno. TliK-i-p is m wiii-mer supporter of rtght, no more determinad condemner of -wroiiK. Hut it does not believc t ha t a.ny pnrty, any city, r any (■iiiisc ík aMed by abuse and hard worde, nor will it be a party to them. A tirm on Maiík'n Iinc recelved the Hf)]lw'!ns telegHMtt : "A mosquito 111. Un. A. B- " Thoy were unable to ilii vine why tibe sendcr oí the message Hlioulil have take'ii them into hor conOdence rewpectiivR tirá occurrence. Personally thiey wonld have been Klad to know thiat all the moaqnitoea were 111 bcyond hope of recovary. One of clorks did mt nppear that :iití. iimvcver, ana lus tubeence enabled tbem 1 put tliis ccmstniotion 011 1h' l(4cui ani : "Amoe iniic I1L" 'I'li-' clcik's uainc w.'is Aillos. He W&8 111. 'i'iir operator was Oïtiior Btuptd or miHi.v. New Vork Sun. Ncvor flirt - Convent lolls. A IküI boy -The spolled chlld. Is is güngui&r that Mr .Cleveland who is credüted with great aaxlety for the good, shpuld allow the ''tariff Tobborr.v" to ■ontiime to oppreM 11)e pwplc anotlier whole yoar, were an extra irtüirtltl lmt eallel. This slownes to oorreet a "great wrong" i hard to expluiii. - Ypeilantitin. At the sale oï WaMliington'H wlics in FlïilatK-liyliUi lat week, a notabl- ohe wan Georgi' Wasli'iigtoii's Becretoix and bookcase. It i.v a large uiahogany bookcas, tjmli'ng hx feet from tJi door, ïiilaitl wlth white holly, and surmoiuited wïih' a pilt eagte. Tlve top is the bookcase aod has four düamoïid fwittem plass door and a Beoret HióKYittg cora part ment oontalnïtik iigt'on Ii-oles and two drawer. TThie Iower ia.rt ü the wcretnry, contain-tajï drnwprs and olosets. W. R. Bnjam.iin, of New York, wa tbe cïtancr 5or $2,000. Mr. Benjamin ui-, so serured Waahington's two c&rd t;itaMai Of mnhogany, inluid with whi:t hioii.v, paylng $200 aplece for them, iind the (litiing UAAe for Í305. A hpíiim-t lielonging to Fellie CurtiB. WarihiiPiTton's adopted damghter, sold Hor $1 ,400 : and Warfn'mjjton'a last letter tor $850. Thi the IVnnylvanVa Histork'.-il Society captured .


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Ann Arbor Courier