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Ttoe iiKTit ir Hood's SanseparUla s proven by tho iriany wonderfuj cura :i is ■■ucomplisluiiü. Ii te just tlie mc.livinc ,1'iir you. ,s__ . Just Uk clock-work. lfl v9F"V -L - that's i-he way your flxvlfo whole system moves V-s'-JV along, when Doctor SSK Afll Pierce's Pleasant Pallet S I,'L have put it in order. f_ - ;O That's what they're a;__;-y made for - to regúlate - rS the system as well as clean se nnd reno vate it. These are the original Little Liver I'ills, tiny, j sugar-coated, anti-bili ous granules; mild and fentï in tbeir action, Öut thorough aad effective - no pain, nogriping. One littl Pellet L-l for a laxativo - three for a cathartic. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestión, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are promptly rt'ipved aiid permanently cured. They're the smallest, easiest, and best to taVe - and the chraaest pil] you can buy, for they're guarnnteeii to give satisfaction, or your monoy i returnod. You pay only for the 7)od you get. Cau you ask more or better proof of the superiority of these little pilLj Í WANT COLUMN. Short advertisementg aot to exceed three ilues. or Lost or Found Houses for Sale or Rent, Wants, etc, iuserted three weeks for 25 'ent-i. Situatlona wanted. free. Fou SALE- 'The corner property No. iL E (Jniverslty Ave. For particular see ad columns ol Washtenaw Evening Times, (Dairy, L. i.. Janea. 83 nlïOOM house on East Hadison at., school -rai and windmill factory on N. Fourth Ave.. Aun Arbor, for sale. AlBO two lots and ■ blacksmitb slio]) at Whitniore I.ake. ( . H. r,S8 N. Fourth Ave., Ano Arbor. 62 FOK SAI.K - A good fttinily hnrse, oarriae and harneas, wlll be sola toecther or sepMrntely. Inqalre at 50 Thompson st. (l ("t ET John Robiuson to clean yonr vaults H and you will not regret it. John alwaya does a goód job. Prices. reasonnble. 60 fiii f A AA SHAVES - If you want a O-L .'JJJ good shave try one of Krank Mlnnis' pat. f) lied razor straps. For sale at all tirst elass drug ain hardware stores. 60 SALESMKX- Energetic men wanted. Free pald outfit, une of our agents has earned over $2u,000 in flve years. P. O. Box 1371. New York. 60 FOR SALE- Two Farms. Mis. Xorth's farm near county farm and liullock-Everett farm in Salem town. Andrew E. Gibson, 30 Maynard street, Ann Arbor. tim $50 Jersey Buil for Sale. $50 Solid color and a richly bred beauty. Slred by York Stoke Togis, son of Stoke Togls of Linden, full brother to the great Matllda 4th, who yave ]tl.i,"[ pounds of milk in one year. Dam, Perrotta Belle, Imported. J. F. Aveiy, Saline, Michigan. 62 Sale of State Tax Lands. Auditor Genkral's Office, I.a.nsinu, JIich., March 24, 1893. ) Notice is hereby given that certain lauds situated in the County of Washtenaw bid off to the State for taxes of 1889 and prerloua reara, and described in statements wnich will inTt'ufter be forwarded to the office of the Treasurer of said County, will be sold at public auction liy said Treasurer at the County Seat, on tlie first Mouday of May next, at the tíTiu' and place dcsiVnated for the Auuual Tax Sales, if uot provlously redeemed or canceled accordlog (o íaw, Said statements contain a full description of each parcel of said lands and may he Been on application at the office of the County Tretaurer after they are received by alm. Th land struck off to the state for taxes of ]'.' or othcr years, at the Tax Salon in May la-t. will be offered subject to the right of redemptlon prescrlbed by law. BtanlEI V. TriiNKi:, Bi Auditor Genera . Ann Arbor Fruit Farm Small Fruit and trees lruiii F.lhvanger and Barry, the oldest uursery in the United States. Raspberry and Blackberry Shrubs, Doniestic Wines, I'lymouth Rock Eggs, and Artichpkea. E. BAUR. Ann Arbor Mieh. For the NiatÜonal Convent ion of Re{rabllban Ieaguo Clubs at Loulsvllle, Ky., May 9tt to lltli, 1lie Toleilo, Ann Arbor & X. M. R. ï. wi'il make a rate uf one aml one-t!liinl fafe (or the round trip. R. S. OBEENWOOD, Agent. ÁBIROÑDA mms.. (Dl MARK ■- ■ Nerve Vy"" I'OSITIVKI.Y CIKES HEART DISEASE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. sk'ti'lessness and nll derantjement of the Nervou.i BvBtem Unexcelled for Infants A Blessed Boon for Tired Mothersand Restless Bables. Purely Vegetable, guaranted free from opiates, 100 full size doses, 50c Ii-v. I!. N'. Hlddleton, pastor M. E. church Cedar Sprints, Mieh.. says: Sleep and rest were strangers tomeafterpreaehingtill I used "Adirondu." Now I sleep soundly and awake reireshed, and I can heartily reconimt'iid it. Prepared by WHEELER aiid FULLEK MEDICINE CO., Cedar Springs, Mich. SOLD BY JOHN MOORK DRUGGIST, 8 E. II uro il St.. Ann Arbor. MRS. SLOW and easy Remark lo her friend, MRS. (who is up QUICK, and doing,) That there is plenty of time to buy a hat before July, but Mrs. Quick no sooner reads the millinery ad than she is down at No. 10 E. Washington St. and selects her spring hat while the stock is fresh, new, and styles attractive. The prettiest line of children's hats and baby bonnets to be obtained has just arrived. Mrs. J. M. Morton Successor to SHADFORD CORSON. FOR RENT-ll room house full of roomers and bourders. Seatlng capacity for J5. üoqd baru in connection. Will sell or rent cilniiiK room furniturv cheap. Oiher business reasous for selling. Enquire at resideuee or CODBIBB Oma, M 8, state St..opposlte University Hall. Best loeaüou in town. Also iood yonug driving horse forsale. Cl


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier