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How's Your Complexión? Most toilet preprations ruin the face. Rozodoro does not. It is guaran ted to remove freckles, taa, sunburn and blotehes of all kinds, leavins tl i e face 'i natural white, and Impartí ng rt youthful delicacy and to the skin. Thousauds of ladfea hav'? irstd it for yeart and would not be without it.' If there is itu ayenf in yonr locftllty, send 75 cts.'to the Rozodoro ('o.; South Remi, Ind.,foïn lartre büttle eiit in l'hün wrapper. Agent wantod. GarfieldTeasi Oures Coustipation, Kt-dtortí Complexión, Saves Doctorn' Bills. Sample OAriKLDXKACo.,SlUV.45ihSt..N.Y. Cures SickHeadache VllCHIGANfTBNTRAL "The Niágara Fans Route." Time table. takiug effect December 12, 181P2. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. = 5?M O i-M J M L 5 TIONS. BH ftH j K-H hv; „ .- A. M A. M. P. M. I'. M. i'. M. I'. 11. P.M. Chi.Lv. 7 05 ü 00 12 20 S 10 I .V. 9 30 1145 si Kala'o. P.M. P. M. A.M.A.M. Jack'n. 2óO 4 2." j:S 84T10:,7, 1 00 8 40 9 20 Chel'a. S52 502i. .. .... . .. I 1 ■ 738,1018 Dexter 105 5 11!. ... I 1 tí Ju 21 A. A.... 1 23 50 628 '.i 16 LI ! Ypil . . . 866 11 " 10 54 W'e Je. 5 11 007 ... . 1-JS M 11 IS De'tAr. Uuo 6 45 7 35 10 46 12 301 7 10 9 85ll 52 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. - !T! . ö ! ö- 35 = i-x r_ x :_ Vh ;. e _a: TIOKg. gW ft j gW -jx - g A..V. A.M. A.M P.M. 1". M p. .V. A.M P.M De'tLv. 8 2U 7 30 'J 05 120 746 900 215 4 40 W'e Ju. 858 i 823 9 i:; . 6 18 Ypsi .. 9 21 S 15 . 3 05 ï A. A . 9 87 8 37 ' - 5 4 Dexteri 955. .. 9Ï7I10 50 .. . 60S Chel'a. 10 lol. 948 1105 . (17 Jack'u. 11 15j 9 30 10 55 81410 . 0 55 P. H. P. M. A.M. A.M I K 9 45 Cbi.Ar. 7 aól 3 3ó 4 M D 00 t. 60 G. V. RL'GGLES. 11. V. I1AYES, G. P. et T. Ast., Chicago. Agt., Anu Arbor f . TOLEDO n AN]lARBOJy_ il Vb AND 0 , J' JNORTH MICHIGAN? C Y RAILWAY. ---l t' te - Mr A'"afilTJT - ( Howard Cf. J" JY Cl T - TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT S-CTi7T3.-2-. SS, 'S3. Traina leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:20 A. M. 7:O0 a. M. 13:00 M. 11:32 a. M. 4:25 P. M. 8:47 P. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. R. S. Gbeinwood, Agt EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A "rkTTPa TRY LE DUC'S "PEJ-lü-UXJllO KIODICAL" PILLS from Paris. France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppreasions, Irregularitiea, and Montlily Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any druggist, 12. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sjephenson & Co., wnolesale agenta, and all otner druggista in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted to brinfir on the " chanpe. LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S LUMBBR YARD I Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee VERY LOW PRICES T_(.vc U8 a cali and we n'ill make it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephoue Connectións with otlice. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT Prop GET J TICKET OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. And you are entitled to a choice of TlieHome Instructor, tlie Life of General siierniHii, or the Life of P. T. Barnura (free). when cash purchuse to the aranunt ol $15.00 has been made. THE HQME INSTRUCTOR, LARGE OCTAVOÍ478 PAGES, ILLUSTRATÍD. A compendium of useful knowledge necestary for tbe praotloal asesof every-day Ufe, A complet1 uncí perfect guide to life in public and pi vate. THE LIf E AND OEEDS OF SEN, W, T, :,-■;.::,:: CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAOKS, ILLISTRATED. A graphic narrativo of hls boyhood and arly life, educatlon, career In Florida and california, military achleveraents, Ufe asa cltlzen, last and deatb; with fine steel portrait. THE LIFE OF P, T, Mm, The WorldRenowned Shoraas, CROWN OCTAVO, S20 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. Hls early life and struggles, bold ventures and brllllant success; liis wonderrul career. hls wit, genius and eloquenoe, bil life as a citlzen, etc.- to whlcu is added hls famous book, "The Art of Money Gettlng." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1092 Hntzel's Water Back ! A very important inventiun which will be hailed with delight by every body using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of ex perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simpie and perfect WATER BACK [t dvercomes aii the present troubles extractiiïg Urne and oth:r sediTuents which accumulate in water backs, otten making them useless and in great man) inatances becoiuing dangeroüs. The outiay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without ït. No more trouhie by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in ain stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for ■;ale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this nseful invention. HUTZEL & CO., P'itmberi) and fiteamfitttn. ANJ AKBOB, - - MICB. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE JtGENTS Opera House Block. (Successors to C. H. Mlllen.) The oldest agency in the city. Established over a quarter of a century ago. Representiug the following first-elass compaiies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gieard Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liverpool, London aud Globe. Rates Low as the Lowest. Losse Liber ally Adjusted and prompt ly Paid. BEAL & POND. Jerome Freeman ! POSTOFFICE Bark Shop and Bath ROOMS. SODD 3E0B ud B3T 1ATBS ! I ! ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM. Pears and Grapes a Spedsdty All kiuds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Ellwangvr and Biirry. Order early by mail, Syrup, Medicinal Wiues.Kaspberry Byrup, Boneset, Dandellon aud other Domestic GrftpE Wlnes, prepared MpeoiaUyfof invalide, l'lyniuuth Koek Eggs. EMIL BAUR West Huron St., Ann Arbor. 1 Scientifio American I MYlÉ trade marks, MlS DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN CO.. 361 BllüiBWAV, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by ua ia brought beforo the public b; a uut ice giveu free oí charge In tha f tkntitit mman Larcost circulation of any sclentlSe paper In the world. fplendidly illutrateii. No intelligent man should be without it. Wcekiy, L3.00 & years fl.SOeix months. Aiidress J1ÜNN & CO Pudlisueus, 361 liroadway, Men York City. Do you Know? That more ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestion, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigörator is a vegetable specific. for Liver Disorders and tneir accompanying evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigörator. Your Druggist will supply you.


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Ann Arbor Courier