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A Useful Invention

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a dover eombffltt&ttion of waiking.iiia tunbre.lfl was sfalowii a News Record repreeenifcative a few days ago, by i'.fimniit Waplee, of Buck & Waplee, attnrneyv, oí tJuls city. h:s brotber, ■ftufus Waplee, Jr., of PÜlladelphla, fea ;(■ Inventor and patentee. The . uiiM-li s ]css tli.ui an iiu-h in dianií-tiT jiist below tbe handle and tapera bcyward tble kruiiie end, is a íiianii.sioiine, and servlceable wnikinff-stick. and to all appearances !n]y. Hut tiponi nnacrewlng the iiiancür. ít is .-hown to 1h hollow and tío oonoeal wiih,n iiscif tlio covor of b sivlish. silk uinlM-clla, vlth variöus necessary accessoriee of riba and Jra sea. Jíue cover ba easlly witiidrawu a.nd aeread, tble sane serving ti iiu' ewpport tho umbrella. Mr. IWiapln le lateRMted tlijGeorge Artlinr r.rown and Qeorgie H. Btanton, 1otlx of Marqurte, Mica., in H'iiiptrag to orgamze a joint stock company to pwdham tbe patent riglit and undertake the manufacture of this tunbreoia-o&ne. Tlmy Kkould tncceed ín witliout any ilifficulty, as the articlo can be Bold at a moderato ïft-ice wlthi a good proiit, and is one tliat appeals strongly at once to evetyaoo Uutt Hees dt as a vory desiralHc llendns öf utility and tüuvenioncc. It is a boon to all who dl.slike to carry hn uinbi-ella, and yet desiro ta be proHected from tlie inolomcncy o! the


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier