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The Ann Arbor Courier Is "agin"

The Ann Arbor Courier Is "agin" image
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■ I ,-i lol. 1 pe lamí oen!H 'IFut M ivav, Mr. Sentinel : The kangai oo be lot :- ■.■n" tbe besi Intcri peoplfi. le eipeci ■;!. ara graduaUy talltag ta lili,' and pattiog Cleveland on th-.1 b;u-k flor the impetiOotác acthms ol ■■lis" conunioB i the Hawall,m Ilainls. Slianic h]kiii BUCb fnwnng sycopbímcy. Accord'ling to tbe Monroe Commerai oí ttue 21et tost., Mr. Qllday reoeíTed 2,628 votes in Moaroe county, and Jul(gie Kinne, hie opponent 2,014, Un Mr. Giléay 14 majortty. i.u t lint COOXlty, in-tcnl of 114 as benetoüore pobfiBiied. Last week we gave some statistios ín regard to orinir, and trne rapldlty witiL wfatcta it was locxasing. Here le .-uiotiicr subject upan wtlch a few Bguree been complled, thal may of Interest : A stattetician wbo lias been looteitKg tato tho matter of Ölvorc, lias íound that the proporf;n f dívorcee to popmlation la least in Ireiand- only eme dlvoree to every 400.000 Jnliabitanis. In tln' l'nited Btatee the proportlon ol dlvorcea Ís tj i,m ge, 88.73 to erery 100,000 populatlon, t known, Intact, save in Japan, t li. ■ lipuree ror Ithat happy empire lieing 608.45 iiIwroee to every 100,000 populatton. Th Oottdwater ReputoHcan has this 1i nay oí a brother editor : 'Een" Barker is p i t, editor, and an all arouod valuable citizen of Dteril Cfrty, this state. He was a soldier n thie Union army, servlng wlth (litin rtive li'inoi', in muiH'rous battles. 'Jt [8 now report&l trom Washington- die l'vvv Prese is the that Kt H'" ia markecl fw lmmedlate deeapitatlOD iy the poetofflce ilepartaent on account of 1oing an 0BenBlT Vart.isan. "Iion" was au olfenftlve parBa trom 1861-65, and as a repubïican iic is a trae to the prtncllee ol bis party bo-day as lie was bo vhc TiLiirii In iis days of peril. He can ( uii.-itk'i1 hjmeell fortnoate in liaylng 11 is past services so prominrntly noticed iy bis politica! opponente


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Ann Arbor Courier