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Ti' I', of M. I);i:;.v la a.nain 011 ils m, -iihI ruiímls. The i)ull; gcinools oi:M.-d Monday. Th,e teactaera feei better líu-r a Httle reet, ai leaet. Bev. Geteton win fin tihe pulpit oí the First Presbyterian choren o feroit next Sunday. W. II. II. Boyteun, "Bit," goee to ago to-day tu patnt signe for ■ muu't aSee I ■ Th L&dlii s' 8 i dety ol Ziou'.s church ■viii íiK'fi 'i iiirsda.v i, m., at fche resi(U'uee oí Jlrs. .lolin AN'alz. Oapt. E. P. Alien, oí Xpwllanfci, te to tn.e;iver un oration beforo tbé (. A. II. ol Brhrton, May :otli. Monday mOTntog &ome new slgual Bén tlew oivt to t'Jio sliivei-atinos])lien'. Il was a long feit want. Next Monday wlll be May Day. But tlic atmioepliere so íar doee not in!f nian;i May blosBome to celébrate it witli. A icvturc cmi Alexaador von HumHolt Avill be iiivni a: Inity Club next Monday cvcnint:-. by Prof. S. F. Peck!iam, of Aun Arbor. WUle ílic Deyll's Auetton was ia ie cfcy iliiiidaii took two oxcelleaxt 1'OrtraKs oi tlLc Fairy (ui'cii, and they are very pdeaaa.n1 to look upon. Capí. Ciras. 11. Manly 11 fíivt' a remloleoeaee í (tus battle of Gettyelnu-g,at Uic Uterary tneetáag oíWelch Post in tiit'ir iiH'i l'ridav eyenlng next. Tl! Wuinair.s Home Mi.ssiouary Soeiety oí Une M. J:. cíuurch, wlU hold ís regatear meetdag iu tlue primary l.'iss room, ou Frtday, at 4 o'clock 1. in. Hou. John J. Rolüfcon aolxl lus houso on N. Main 9., to Jolui B. Miner for ?,000 - clueap enougïi lavt Thureday if it (lid rain, and tli.i' vivcant lot to I. iruner. Une ncxt cxaininatinn of applir-auts ':■ Btatfi teaclu'i-s' corüficates wlll le ilLeld at the office of tin.' superior ttndt'iit of pufeiit instruction, Jnly 31 und AiiKUSl 1, -J, ;} and 4. Mr. DnajMr, tbs owm of tJie YpsClauti Opera House, wtldcll was deroyed by the recent wind storm, dfied last Mouday. He was nevo lold tlie extc-nt of Wis loss, wc beUeve. LouCe O. Miller, a student, was f.ned $1 and $2.70 cos'te iu Justjoe I'nnd's eouirt Tuesday, few rhling his ■ cle oii ttlLe sulowalU. Jliller wantI Vlic onttna ]]'(.■ cnfoi-cod afïaiust otters as well as liimsfli", Which is vei-y iiatuia!. Rev. Dr. M. A. Browiwoa, of Detroit, in gj-ve lectores iu the Intereel of tlio Happen Amoclatioa, at McMillau Hall, next Saturday evcning at 8 o'clock, and iu Hio Presbyteriao rUuix-li Sunilay ïiKjniint;" and even5uff. aróse In the car and proffered hls seftt To a lady wh eDtered the loor; 8he took Hand gave hlm the thanks Unit meet , And lio feil In a falnt on the Hoor. Kcv. C. l'.irr k.iu wlll nttcn.l ilHn 'iiiiis May 2d, in I)ci Krs-. Ij. Aiiino'i1. preeiding eider ; dde1 riet, wil preach at ühie Germian M. E. dhurch next Fri(ay r Twii greal evmte occiir noxt il ni■ opendog of the World's FaiT at and the appotatnicii! i.'." y ei ficeps i:y Mayor TTiiOmpson. huir si, V. E. Boy■ .i sale ol aboul ilni-ty ii. Tliey ai-'1 [ere l. -xi Süihl.iy, al the M. B. -!mrc!i, Rev. A. l'iiniy. I), i)., o" Asbury M. E. cínnirch, Buüfalo, N. Y., wiil lili i :i!i mortí'mg and evening. 4r gettdBg' Ín too ■ tor Bipring, anyway. HeretoSope oo Memorta.1 Day, May SOtlb., M I I lH 1o pro airea great abunáanoe of flowers. 'I b A.W 8o "ly of Trlnlty Lutlieran ehurch v.-iü gilve a bo - ; .- 1 1 Frldey -vcninií. ApH] 38t!hi, a1 of D. F. SchalTcr, 38 !'.. I Lbeitjy isi. AU are e-ordially i:oveneö iüi :-nov ;i lal PrMay mominig. It was ooi a .- ; n ; 1 1 thai cteUgUted thc betoereaíboute. Saturday thc sain: Siindïiy and Monday not nu b bétter. Th i i:iiy peraon lnn-t iy the cyclone ; tii'; innily ivas Daniel Sutlierland, ■ ■' i i wa quite IkhII.v in.inicil by a u outbtülding falliag apon li,;ni. Ele i; reported as ginlng Biowly. On o ;i ih May 1 1 1 h the orcheetra oí ti! ■ M. E. Siinda.v Sch.001, will give a i oneert al the M .13. clvurch. Tlie a win be uuclcr the directüon ►! Mr. üoütns, asáis ted l.r Prof. E. X. Kühif and 1 ) i ■ ■ - . Olaxenoe C. SwdnaSord the flreman ■ w&e lnlh'i! mi tlne Toledo & Ani Arbor 1. R. reoeotly, near Emery wias a rsepttuew oí bx-Qov. Swtaeforfl oí Alaeka. His fatiher, J. M. SwIöêDord, cam Bunday and took tlie reinaii Vo hite lióme In Fon-dn-lac, Wis. ThB A'.uiT üciHilili-an Club, of I)et ro; i -aiifd Mr. Jay C. Taylor, of ttlill csity, ti siiiií the tenor ]iail Of ■'.! lujan llarily" n tlvii' production of "Fatlir.tza, May 4, 5, and ü. Mi-. Tayl'ir a]SO has a concert on lianl Moiiday. April 24, in oat. M. ,1. C'avanaiiMÍL lias biought the líbrary and oCflöe fia-nitiu-c o! W. I.. Ma.rqua.rdt in Masomlc block, over Aun SaTiliiga Bank, and w i: 1 be fonmd there lie Mr iris eme oí i !■■■ tnoel pleasaní ee in tune city. Mr. Bogle i!i oceupy quartere with. him. l'iai;!; .! n.-iyn, ioiiiicrly uí Ypslllantü-j arad 6or i cdrcuH court aomm - onnty, bow oí Muskr;oii, was appodtnfced to thc ofJuBttce by tlio republiciii mayor, Mr. TorriMil, oí iliat cuy, íveak. L'rank's oíd Criiends -wül be glad to lea ni o.' good fortune. Thic coininit ice tuavlng in chi tílne raisiin gior filada tor t proposed Y. M. ('. A. buUdiag mi' t w i h excelBucoeee lasl wneek, and now pro. to ]ush. tlie work. Sa&h an [a neded here in Aun Ar(vtuere the town boye have been ttegiecte3 atncc Une town w&e gtarted. The great railroadB have ed .-i ïi-vrHy ii .Li 1 1 1 - eeteemed among tlue lady passengen, ivim are witlii a liauils.vnii1 ros. ■-luid or otihier iiiiwii' whT.le JoarnyJng on théir f.i-i LTradne. En case ol a Bmadhrup, low prcl t the victiiiw will look witik a rose-buri elasfuad In tb hand. -Mancttesiter Enterprise. Tlie Odii FellowB, ta Bne regalia, attemded semtwe last. Suoday moniIng at tfae l'n slytci-ran churcli. Rey. Geleton took tiuir motto, "Fr BÜulp, Lov and Truth" far his subject of dJacouTBe, and gtwe tibe traterairy vci'v excedleni (Jefioltions of tlm' real BnoamSmig of thelr motto, wii -u ii üi be well (or thena to follow all t'hroui;-li ilic. It te aniKninccil that mi applicatlon bas been Ued al Waebiugfcon, D. C, by Frel A. Howlett oí -t li i--; city, tor a íwjsiiittoii as eluvial aman! oí (he treagury öepartment. No appohitmcnt could be mad irom tliiits county tliat would iUra-r more i-copl. He Sa quffte a. partean, but nevort-licicss h,e doee not makr liCs politica ofLonBiive to anyonc, and is an a:i around good ïellow. Thie T., A. A. & N. M. E. E. has dndeed been mtafortane siuce tttie trouibiO wHli thcir wortaneo. Accklcnis hm e been oí almost daily ifcriinviici', and títere have been a nnmber oí doatlis. Scveral ragines liavo been dcetroyed and niany ars emaüáiied. It seoms aa lf tlie Old Nuk k:msvU' liail laken np his qnartors on raad and was piayinir havoc with sverjiSbUng. Hiere wJU probably ii" a fltoe lill i' costs 1o pay for lives loW on' tin: mabfortanes entlrely Come h ínter it is time to not, Full time th;ir yoa wei ■ We're slck of jrou and want, you betl No second tomi of ou. Bweel sprlng's til! May your intuiit : Bu t t (mr thinff wlll nol work to-day - AgaiD wc tel 1 you," Gitl" i l'!i:-. M i i h and Mise Lauta ffoward, i otjj oí t bis cit.v, have been caUed a I unas' chureh. Mayor ] . ( i i y Crk Milter ; 1 1 1 1 ('it-y Attoroey Norria went t ■ L&ne&ng Tueeday fro look after .- 1 1 1 s 1 1 i ! : j i : ■ u i - tu tíue i ity cliarter now lile lg. ürinU. . a. Wen ■ rton, i fcto, wi;i ín il'l quarterly meetjmg at the (■ M. E. 'iiui-cli , May 8d, tal lili1 cvcnhin, uní Mies LcmlBe Rot!h.woller, from ('ci-i-.i, w:i also sipeeuk al tibie saiji Bíince Iba editor, Carter Harrlscm, wiaa ejected mayor of t liicago, the Tinics tI 1 íki 1 -ty híua been boomlnr. . mam waa - City Mon(iay and Tuesd hcrs, ainl ili'livrnir. 9 to 1 II lo wiiull bake ttoiem. ñ añil ]as examiina 1 ■ i.-:i'-i tiiN c.junly OCCUM at Vlisüauii. Igfa school building, nu 1 iext, AprU t hr üStli. ereeted vrtü do well to renu'iii!. a t. No more examlna- o uní ü ncxt tall. V ]!:?.■'. 1 ; t i CoDMnercíal saya that i man oí niiai city who receatly ail TI :-r: , ir ;l wiíc. r.' ■c'.m1 1 S rc 1 1 1 1 ■ .- trom Aun lmsliaiuis ojfer■ ni tiiriis. -WayiK' Review, lïue Oonunercial man was merely g liis readera wind. You know I mi wind down tli It Jins jiwt transii'r,' 1 ili:il ;ui I c.- i ion caü-.'d i if Hen Party, has been i;.s ot íun all to thfinsi'lvrs. tlw.'iiast. winter. No rooster, no matter how "rara avüB," ever permltted i" ■ xed preoSncts :' ih-. fraternPty. ThN s no ünlverj aífair. The V. dl M. base laU tram lias íeiiu-ned with honor tia,vlíig won live cini-iiTiii i ve gamee, öhe last une bciii'j;- ivüli, ÜEe I'imlut l'niwrsit y nine ly a score of 18 to 0. Tliie liad weatihier kaocked out several games, and luit wOre playcd -ri1 ia cold ainl rouily atmosiilieri'. At tiic aimual electSan of TypogropbJcal l'nicvn No. 154, held la1 -Moiiday 'i-n inu'. l'iir COllOWisg of- dh.0Ben for tlie öneuJng year : FneeUdent, K. C. Kern; vleeI i ■ - -- i ■ li-n t , C. G. Cook ; recordiny Becivt.-u-v, .1. O. .inikjis ; eecTetary and tifasni-cr. (ico. 11. L'ooper. i re wïua a peculiar colncideoce Ín tlue tasl election in tbte city. "the oanwB öf tui) oppostog candldatee Dcw one ofttoe vrere Vai:s and Wlnes, tor anol.hrr .M::i.'i' and Mili-, for anotihiar I'.riiiü'it and liutts. In cai-li linetanoe tiliie one comCug ürst In alü 1 al OTdr waa elected. A spade and piek bee to be hrid tw-moiTOW .'is 8t. Tlhiomas cemetery, trenehee ui ïay tthe water pCpes to trt-y. And its awful hard p on that h:;i. boys. Those who d ) uní report for duty are oxpected topay $1.50 to hTe Borne man tu taki' btueáf place. II. .!. Buown, secretary o ■ ci.miiiii bee tor entertalning the !:i vc party, anmcrances tibal Uucnmniit !(■■ 1.: 1 a 'livid iitl ::." per tent. and hie bas sen1 clhecks t.i all eubeci-ïbers ... iimt proporción of t lucir Bubecrlption. This fa i BÍiowB thai the affadr was carefu'.ly and eocmomiteally managd by Bhie .oiiMiiíl tri'. '1 ii ■ rww tertilfl ory it la propoecd to tak.' in: o Öhe city Uicludea th' G-rand Viyv adiliiiiiu, on titue v,r-i. (the old " ; - 1 n . ■ i iaimi tinne rtiiiii il] ü" nortli to Cü'. u bb st., t tuis inrluilin.ii tht city watrr wiirks supply reservoir- which oühIii tu 'be in the city iiinits- but DOl tb'' n-;iiiT woi-ks. On tlif cast t talas !n all t! thr boulevard, whlch ottght also to in the city limit . lii" animal meetStig o the WashIcn.iw l',apii-t Asstniat (in WÜJ be liclil v'vh the lsl l!a])tst clitirch of Ann Arlior. Wcdnc.silay and 'liuirsday, ,Iay ! ;tnl -t, begCtmlog at 10 a. in., of tlie BH, With the annual sermon to be öelfcvered by Eev. J. L. Clicncy. l'li. 1). of Yp.silanti. In t lic evwatag of Wedneeday, Kev. I). I). Mlac Lam-in, receiitly of New York t'ii.v, iiow pastor o Uu' Woodward ave. Baptiüst cJuurch, f Detroit, ■win gbve au axkfrem. Otter Intorestlng exercteies wüi occur oo Wcdnesday. XÏW 1'. ui' M. Glee and Banjo Clubs ïvtuninl Sunii.-i.v evenlbg trom thWr western ti-ij. '1 'jic 1k,vs report good m's ■vt'i-ywhcrc except at DetroJI and I Tlic o'tJuer placee visitcd were (rand Hapids. Ohjicag, Dofl Mcnnos, Inwii ; Lt'jDHBlO and lïr.i I ri ,-. Xcl.; EaWU ODtJ .i nel St. IXMiis, Mo.: and SparftaSffleCd, iu. At Graad Kapids. chi -airo. Dea Modales, Lincnln and Kansas Oit.y, tli.oy were oepeclally well entertoAied. Tlue journey lias ln'i'11 ]in;'tal)e in more way than oim. 'i papen trom the varhraa ii es vlbited, h.u'o Uie people have ,i BO liad au opport uniiy 1o licar Yale. Harvard and the oastern OOUeQTe clubs, glroe uur Ixnys llie jialni.


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Ann Arbor Courier