Pungent Paragraphs For Farmers
works ín the mornlng and on. tal and quai Ier in pre1 ■ i fco care it. No new pro " 8 ■ a. steek ■ Langeet, moei :;:.■ airl 1 c-t BOWfl fO ; BreedtaB au' onld be In a iv maiüiiim u lira mated. Stock do well on tmKgfal straw, il ttoey liavf suifi .-icnt grain feed. Many an (iliin-w Ne gOOd animal is siinted in tino dam's body. line Bral six montbe ol a eaU'a life al] i.nt mates Mm oow o art Clean food and clean qoarten make Ik a ml meftt. It is eaeier -lo keep an animal in gwod ,-(nci:ti"ii tbaa to gwl it so. Tlii ' ( ■lrn-iict-iT o: tlie farmer te ïofle tM in t.'liio cüinütioii oí his stock. Introduce new Wood occaelonally, bat be smv that IK is mot Inferior. Tra, li anhnais to onderstand the ■worde w you addrew to tbem. Tlw rarly niatiirfty if the draft k Db an Important factor In lus faxr. The di. id ba that whlch beel resulte In the shortest Tllh-. If ii,uii (eed&Kg helpB cholera, starv: 1 1 ü" will ncit prevent it in tlie least ee. Thie man wiio negtecta or abuses liift anímala wfll do the same by his fcimi'l.v. One of the best foods tlKit can be trivcii aftcr the ewes lanib is wbeat 1ran. Yary tOie pj'g'e diiet. The liog can bot live- and thirive properly- by corn feloine. Even with g-ood pawturage hogs will be the better wttta a little grain eveIry -day. Feeding cold milk is a frequent tause of scouts ila calves. Feed milk ftt blood heat. Onexf thie best mea.ns of making'and keeping tïie eoil fertile is by growing clo"er. The adaptability of different crops fo düfferent eoils is one of the secrets fot farniilng. As a ruile no one tlhiing wül pay contíiiniuouBly as well om tlie farm as a combiinaition. The peculiar flavon oí nuitton i.s Itwigiely due to tbe fool of the sneep ■and its irratmen.t. As a general rule Et is a safe plan to mU piügB wbenever a paylng prtce ban he receJlva fcw t-inem. It dlon't .pa y to sc'.l thOgB in the fa 11 imd .-ave th,e money UU spring to buy ■ii and lard wiih. OleamMneBs is a specific preventivo aft well as a remedy for many of the sea ii:it affect stock. No breed of 9bock has reached the txItlm of greatest ueefutofiBS uut il fariiK'rs boc.ome trycrs of it One ;ii using old brood sous ja t'hiat Uto pjga ai-e so much ind grow up so muctü fastfcr. GtaUoway rotoee dneeeed l'.ke buffalo robes are tLandeome and valuable. rr%dB operas a Dew avenue of proiit.trom hiles. Tlu; aiwt'.-isary Bupply of seed for the bext eeaaoa'B planting, siiould he selectedout anl stored; after ttioronglijy divina, beüore cdd, wel weathei toets in. Don' t keep any Btock tluit does not Vay any profil cm iis keep. Abortion may be caused by improp■! leed or by au insufficient amount (óf food. Every cross in an upward direction fenpsovea tJne quality of flocks as niutton slhieei). All of tliie gool qualities belonging o tlLe race caiuiot be found in any b'iiiKlc breed. Every rado nnds to curry nitrogvn, pSnoephOïft: acid and potash down intjo tlie Mft, It is iiiiniu cbeaper bo make the Brtafolee warm tlhan to niaintain aniinai beat w iih extra fol. StoL-k rtutelng and fattening must be iuaiic more tbao au incidental pari i farm ivork. Tiir bteedtng ol good horses should bn lookd apon ta i tue same Ugbi as n .: a laj-ni One arU be at Itood may 1m. snificirnt a in tal, bwt nexi time you may vaiii og etee. Do n..; iiiini on wtntering young ■ ; ' 1 1 ] ; ai ertraw gtack aml securlog a ppofttable fiTowiiii. it is thri keepíng a mi feeding; tbat kills the bog of the preeeot day more tlian Uu' .iHistimtione. On-e aihainaii,' ,,f ]km ing thoroughlri-il slok s tl, at it lcads one to íhoroujíli-lM-ed fecdiing. If cattle tthlat are boiing fattoned lor t.lilo inarket are fed oii cora, twice a daiT, Igii-ro tflipm hay at ncxn. Tlilere is no singlo fact tliat glvee letter evidence of a farmer's proslerity tliím ho has firet-clas cattle. One ewlvantage wátüi winter dalryinj; is tba botter can be kept loner and WtU eell at lettor prites. To keep animalis lioalthy, focd generouelj', but do not conffino in closo and poorly ventilattHl etables. Conisiider tlio likes and dislikes as well as fine needs of your animáis and make provision,s for litan accordingly. Attent: on to lood, bed, and all that te produce tlu-ift win greatly Wlity ta disoaso among "tilie liiog-s.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier