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pst Free Masón, dled Id Iowa, the other lay. He evldently waa an hnposter, r we cliBtinctly remember that the oii'c.-i Free Masan dled geveral yeara ago in tliis state. The work of tearlng down has lcgun. The U. 8. flag has come down al Hawall and now the reciprocity treatiea itli Brazl] and Spain ure to lic dtscontlnued. Oh, that tlred Midland Republlcan. ii i si ai i thai Mii higan'B religions exhlbit ai the WorWa Fair wil] iimsist ni gome 350 photographa of churches, parsonages, pastors, ''te. Aun Arbor could head the list in all thosc respecta, What is ahe liiin about it ? There is no doubt but that Mr. Herbert, the present Becretary of the navy, is a bright man, lint Borne of the people of tin' north wlll remember tiiai last -May. whlle actlng as preBlding officer ui the House, he snstalned an objection made by Klcker Kllgore, en1 Texas, thai caused the striklng out of a provisión in an appropriation bill calllng a statue of the beloTed hero r the nat ion. Gen. Win. Tecumseh Sherman. The attentlon ol tl. e Ann Arbor ■ ourier and other papers, whieb Uorror-struck at the wlthdrawal pi the American protectoral ■ oi thepro■ la] government at Honolulú, t lia t "Oíd Glory" i-; pulled down y ' ..ry ïort and gavrison in ilic country. When the sunset gun is flred ''down come the stars and Btripes" l.y the run. Vet no one a moment tha1 there any treason In the act.- Ypsilanti Benflael. The Bi i lom bega the questhat, and H ia astonishing it Bhould in Hum Instance. i v.ouldn't ir there was any excuse tor .Kl . Uichlgan'a building on the World'g Fair grounda at Chicago, was the first of the stat!' buildings to be dettieated, the ceremony therefor taking place last Baturday morning. The' weather was not as pleaeani as it niiglit have been, bu the exercisea vere weU attended. The building i ivas present cd to Gov. Blch li.v Hou. I. VI. West'in. prealdem ol the state World'a Fair board, and was accepted ". muí wmi a iow c wordB. Speeches rere then mude by ["resident Angel! ol the Úniveralty, ex-Gov. Winans, Speaker Tateum, and thers. The building is saiii to be a vcry fino affalr, and an honor to the state. ín it is placed a considerable portion ol the magnfficent LJniverty exhiblt. Luey Larcom, whose mortal career has just closcil. was a rrmarkablc IILustrntlon of the pogslbUltles attalnuble by women ander adverse elrcumstiinceB. Xhrown apon her own resources early Ín Ufe, she pasaed ten yeors as an operatlve in New Engí cotton milis. Thts occupatlon ueitlier stllled her asplratlons for r thlngs, oor smothered her manly qualities. Wüli other ylrls 'f lier clans she devoted her upare Unui-s to mental Improremeni which in time led to tlmorous ventures Into the Held of ltterature. Ii was these as a mili employ thai tracted the attentlon and awakened the memorable h-lendshlp o! wiiittler. Her aubsequeni tolla and suc eessea are now pari ol the hlstory el American litrature. Her cxampli thould prove an Inuplratlon to young "■ aa ii akso provea tl. at Indugl not by any meana : barrier to Uievement. In fací a b mem . oí i 11 kinds are onlj al talned by indnstry. All honor to the m ry ol ihis noble tornan.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier