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Cleveland to Buffalo While You Sleep. is the trade mark ndonted by the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., the new lake lino. On the first aay of Muy this Company wffl coinmence operating liet ween Cleveland and Bufialc] the magnlflcent Blde-wheel steamers ''State of Ohio," and "State of New York." One of these steamers wlll leave Cleveland every evenlng (Sunday lncluded) arrlvlng al Bulfalo early the following mornlng. The tourist who is contemplfttlng a pleaenre trip to Niágara Falla, the Thousiiiui isiaiuls, r any eastern resorte daring the coniinj; nimmer, or the business man cast iil appreciate tliis departure, as it atfords the meang of enjoylng a pleaeant lake rlde and nlght'a rési enroute. The Bteamera are'amosg the be1 on the ( I.akcs and the ciiinpany promise- a fii-st ciass service throughout. Electric Bitters Tiii remedy Is becoinlnpc so wel] kimwii and so popular s to need no special mention. All wiio have used Electric Jutters siuy; the saino song of praiae. - A purer medicine doesnot cxist and it is guaran leed to do all that la elaimod. Electric Iüttcrs -vvill cure all di.-cnses of 1he Liver and Kidneya, wlll remore Pimples, Boils, !ait KhiMiin and other affections caused l)y impure blood.- W'ill drive Malaria froni the Bj'stem and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.- For cure of Ileadache. Conatlpatlon and Indigestión try Electric Bitters. - Entlre gatMaction guaranteed, or moncy rofunded.- Prlce 50 ets. and $1.00 per bottir -.', Bberbacli & Boa's Drugstorè and Geo. '1'. HeBeler, Manctïeeier. I'.rv. E. II. Inman, Baptist clergyman of Oentervllle, Mlch., saya he lias never fouml au eqnal to "Adiionda," Wheeler'a Heari and Nerve gold by John Moore. It Cures Coldo, Cougbs, Sore Throat. Croup, Influenza, Whoc-ping Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a uure relief in advancea stages, Tlse at once. You will see the excellent effect after taking the flrat dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. Large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. GIJCOILOïlD CURES RHEUMATISEV9, ïf onf hott'e does you no good, don't buy anothrr. for Sale hy Dravgialat er at-nt postpaid on roceipt f price, $1.0. BURDSAL MEDICINE M'F'C CO., Maaunic Temple. CINCINNATI, O, E. E. Calkins, 34 S. State St. Eberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. COMMISSIONERs' NOTICB. STATE of miciiiga.v. County of Washteaaw. The underslgned havlng been appointed by the Probate Court for said ( ounty, CommisBioners to receive, examine and adjuct all claims and demanda of all persona agalnst tlie estáte cf Henry Tower. late of sald county deceased, hereby give Dotice that ix months ■ luie ai-c allowed. by order of said Probate Court. for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ■■: -;::1 !rr-a-:''il,aud that they v.ill meet at the office of Thompson, Harrlman A: Thomjison in the city of .Min Arbor. in sflld county, oo the twenty-tbird day of ■' une and on the twenty-third day of 8cptember next. at ten o'clock a. m. 01 eacli of sai1 days. to receive. examine and adjutfi claims. Dated, Marob 28, 1898. COMSTOCK V. IIII.L. i, ..,,...., i,.,,„ra GIDEON 1.. HOYT, " ""'"!"" Estáte of Jennie X. Benxktt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden al ProbateOfBce, in the City of Aan Arbor. on Saturday, the rust day of April, lu the v , osand ciht hundred and niuety-three. ent, J. WiUard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. 111 Ule IMIIIU'I UI Lllt tMbUW UI Jeilllie Cl. Beunett, deceusi d. on readlng and filing the petition, duly veriQed '" ; :ett. práylne that lie may ■i Bell the Real Éstate whereoí Bald d ■ ' eelzed. Therenpon it is ordered, that Tuesday, day in May Dext, ut ton o'elock iv. the fa cned tor tb Uearli s:i' pi titioD, and ilnit tin1 beirs at lau oí said i and all o buterested in ear at a - holden at the Probate Office, in thé City ot Anii Arbor. aiiil show cause, i j el ttiooer sbould urther petltloiiei I t'i the persona toterested in aM estáte, "f ü"1 penaenc) of said pétlttou, and t he hea H :■:: i ; this order to be publishecl iu the .mi I Courier, ■ ftd in said Counl . to said day oi heariüK. J. WILLARD BABBITT, (A c jodge of Probate. ■ U'. ii. Duiv, Probate Register. Sotice Chancery Sale. IX PURSUANCK aini i.: rlrtue oí an order and derree of the Circuit Court tor the C'ounty oi Washtenaw, in chaneery, in tbe of Michigan made. dated Rud eutexp od of Fébruary, '.. n . i'.1-. In n certain cause thereln pending, wberefn Kobert Cuthbert is complaÍDant, and Samuel N. House, Ellia House, Charles H. Manly.Izora Manly and James Tolbett, are defendants. Notlce ie brereby erven that I sha4] Bell -at public auctioo to tne blsrhest ladder, at the east front door oí the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, said Court House being i place for hol unís the circuit court lor said C'ounty, on l'riday. the twenty-eijjbtb day of April, A. D., 1898, at ben o'clock In ihe forenooo to raisc the amount due to said complainant for principal interest ándeoste in this cause, all of the following descrlbed plece or pareel of land, to wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land sititated in the city and town of Ann Arhor In the County of washtenaw and State of Michigan, known. bounded nnd described as follows. to wit: Comnlenclng at the east quarter post of section twenty-one (21) in town two(2) south. range six (6) east tbence west along the east and west qnarter line seventeen (17) chaius and elghtyelgbt and one-hall' (S,s' .,) links to ihu southwest corner nf John Fulier's land.thence north twenty-flve degreef (26 west alom; said ITuller's west line seven (7) cbsfrjs and twenty 2Ui links to the BOutbeast ide of the Dixboro Koad, theiur south flfty-siï degreea iö6-"l west alons the Boutbeast Blde of suid road about six (6) oftalns icer Lemon!e land,thence sonth twentytnree degreea (28) and lifty minutes (MC) east three (iï) chains and twenty (;t) links to the cast and west qnarter line, tbence sonth parallel with the north and BOUth ii'Hiter line three '-i chaina and fifty (."i)i links, thence east parallel with the 'ast and west quarterline flve (■") ehaius and seventy (70 links. thence south parallel with the north and sonth quarter line two (2) chains and seveuty-rive (76) links, thence tast parallel to the east and west quarter line seventeen il7 chaina aud eightv-elght and one-half W.,) links to the east line of said Bectlón. theiici' north aiong said Etection line six (6) cnalnsand tw enty-tive ei')) links to the place of beglnnlug containing Bizteen aud one-fifth aeres of land moi Said aale wlll e made In accordanee with the terms of said d l'ai. A Ann Arbor. Michigan, this Htli dav of Mareta, A. D. 1888. P TIU K McKERNAN, Circnit Court Commissloner Ín and for Washtenaw C'ounty, Michieau. .. v. kiho, Solicitar lor ComplatBtnt. lO.í-'i 166 Teachers' Examinations Examinations oí teachers in Washtenaw county, for the ensuing school year, wlll be held as follows: Tlie regular examination will be held each year on the first Thursdny of March and August at the county scat. Applicants for all grades can only be examined at these dates. Special examinations -n-ill be held at: Ann Arbor, first TaursGay of Mar., 1893. Ann Arbor, last Frlday of Mar., '93. Ypailantl, last Frlday of Apr., '93. MARTIN J. CAYAXAUGH, Com.


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Ann Arbor Courier