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The weather has a new spring comblnation made out of chilled steel. The city cemetery on the Northcide has been cleaned up and the lots ill put in good condition. The Youiir People's Society of the J'resbyterian chureh hold a social at McMlllan Hall, l'rhlay evening. r'red Brown, of this city, WM the f;rst saloon keeper to take out lus lieense. It coet $500 in cool cash. The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will hold a social Thursday lay ovcninji, to which all are invitod. The Gesang Vereln Lyra aro rehearsing for their "Trial bjT Jury," to glven at the (rand Opera House, May lOth. Henry Meuth and bride will occupy one of his Detroit st. residences whlch has been Qlcely furnished for their reception. A. II. Fillmore, alderman ol the 3d ward, in quite scrionsiy ill, his frlends having had fears for his recovery for a few daya. He is reported as imurovinir now. The 45tli blrthday ol August De Fries was made pleasant lust Thursflay evening, by the Main si. ehrss 1ub being entertnined at Iiis home on S. Fourtli ave. Cliag. B. Davis, of this city, son of Prof. J. B. Davis, has gone to Sault .■t. Marie where he will act aa an inspector for the government in the Hay Lake ( 'hiinuel sliij) canal. Miss Stella Ackerman, of Dowagiac. lias taken the place of Bteaographer in A. J. Sawyer'a office, vacated by Míkk Nellie Carr. uiio lias returned to her home in Union Springs, N. Y. The liop given by the Social ele oí the Hobari Gulld Ias1 Sátnrday evenlng ,-it Harria Hall was vrry pleasant and enjoyable. The chaperonea were Mra. Tatlock, Mts. Doaglass and Mrs. 'Walker. llie veslry of St. Andrew's church liave united n a remonst raneo againgí the MU now belng dlscuesed al the capítol, whlcfa provides for the taxatlon oí ehureh property, and the same has been torwarded to Bfepreaentatlve Mills, at Laneln, to ie preM'nted to the leglslature. It is not always the boys who shoot the robins. To their hame be it said that gome men, out of pure wantomiess, and nothlOg else, shoot any Mrd tliey can et sijrlit oí. There ought to be a few fines eníorced. Tliibins at $Q a head uonld be toó expensive to be kepi up long. Etegéot Whltman, who was in Chicago last week, saya that the World'a Fair people have a lm ol hnatllng to do to gel everything In readlneaa for i He blg show. Many oí the exhibits are behind time and many oí the buildings Hot yei completed. It will be June before iverything is ín readlness he thinks. owed to spring- these bad colds. Walter, the second son of Mr. nu Mis. F. H. Belser, is very low with brain f e ver. It only takea about 40,000 feet of gag daily to run Ann ArbOT nou agatnst 80,000 along about the holiday season. H. J. Brown was elected trustee of the Forest Hill Cemetery Co. last Monday, in place of Jolm M. Wheeler deceat'd. The 23d annlversary of the marriage of .Mr. and Mrs. Win. Frank was obeerved ta a pleasant way by them Friday evcning. The Brotherhood of St. Andrcw will meet at Harria Hall, Thureday erenlng May 4th, at 8 o'clock. A good attendance is deslred. Dr. Nancrede wlll lecture to the Vonun's League on "Emergency cases' Saturday, May . at .') o'clock, in Newberry Hall. The liet ure will be followed by a short business meeting and a social. Rev. Wm, (ialpin. formerly assi.-taiit to the reetor of St. Andrew'a churcli and curator of Harria Hall, has received a cali to All Saint "s cburch, Saginaw. He is at present loca teil at Ishpeming in the Upper Península. The C. A. Et. and S. oí Y. posts will attend a "cyclone box social" at the Odd Fellou's Hall, Ypsüanti, next Rrlday evenlng. Everybody will be made weTcome, and the proceed devoted to the soldier's monument fund ol that place. The addresg of Capt. Chas. II. Manly, wliich was to have been glven before the 1. A. B. post bist l'riday evening, was postponed until Frlday evening May 12th, wlicn an openini ctiim will be li' 1 1 1 at the post room lor pui-pose. Capt. Manly will ilústrate his talk by mapa and drawIngs, and it wlll be of great interest. Dr. Guy Keifer, son of Regent Keifer, of Detroit, and who as a student liere has made many warm friends, was married yesterday, in Toledo, to Miss Josie Henion, of tuis city. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride'B aunt, Mrs. C. C. Jenkins, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bach and Miss Dunster of this city attended the wedding. The couple wlll reside in Detroit. Poor oíd Saín Woorster, a sad wreek of humanity, now 88 years olcl, is wanderine: over the earth homelem, ragged and penniless. For 40 years Saín has been a tramp in Washtenaw and livingston counties. He was once a talented lawyer, but in an evil hour, he met a terrible disappolntment ín love, and the drink curse dragged him to ruin and degradation. He made Ann Arbor a visir last week. Jas. L. Gilbert, of Chelsea, has been appointed oil inspector for this district, consisiinii ol t he counties of Washtenaw and Jackgon. Mr. (lilbert can have the satisfaetion oí pullIng out the only politica] plum given to Washtenaw county by the present state adinin'stration. Hl3 inaiiy ïriends here believe that he has earned the office, and extend their congratulations apon his success in obtaining it. Death has entered the home ol Anilrcw Et. Petergon and wlfe, and has taken trom them their only child, Garitón, a brlght little fellow ot cight years, wlio (lied on Suturday evenlng in.ii last. wltta typho-malaria Ferer. Everythlng was done that could be to save the life of the ehild, but no human sklll could aceompllsh it. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'dock trom the famtty resldence on N. Main st., Bev. Camden .M. Cobern oificiating. The fainily havo the deepÓBi and most sim-cro nympathy of thelr many frtends in their greal niiliction. Xext Sumlay eventag Dr. Cobern wlll begin a serios of lectures In the M. E. ehurch entltled "óld Testament Bible Storleí, re-examlned In th'l.ight oí Modern DlBCOvery." The First lecture will táke op "The Creatlon." After tliis will i'ollow ■Adam and Kvr," "The (larden oí Eden," "The Apple and ilie Serpent," "Xoali and the Flood. l'lie Tower of Babel", and "Jonali and the AVhale." Ii the speaker Ireats these snlijects as he (lid ''EgyptOlOgy and the Blble" in tlie series glven a a?j,-.. the interest will inc.-rea.-e until the ui'eat ehnn li will be too sniíill for the congregations. The people ol this community were gfreatly ahocked last Tuesday afternoon tO learn ol the dcath ol Mrs. Eunice ,T. I. Ford, wiïe of Dr. C. 1. Ford, of Washtenaw ave., svlio epired about noon of tliat day, wilh beart trouble. Mrs. Ford was about the elty l'riday in apparently good health, and on Baturday arose and went abont her usual duties. A little later slic began to fee] 111, and Dr. Yaughan as suiiiiunncil, but she conblnued growlng worm, untll her death resulted. Mrs. Ford lias resided here ■iliinit 'M years, her nativo state beIng Mnssaehusetts. 8he was a lady ho was held in the greatesi esteem liy ihe people of tho city, and her leatb wiil be greatly monrned. Tho lunera] wili take place trom the famly residence on Wasliionaw ave. at 2 o'clock i. in., to-morrow, Elev. .1. W. Bradahaw conductlng tho services. Oysters nre now out, or should be, for there is no r in May. Froga may croak all they please, but just keep jour underwhirt on yet awhile. The Wolverlne Cyde Club khw aa eitremely pleaaani hop at their Club Imusc on S. First Bt. last Friday evening. A large audience is expected at the lyj'ra entertainment at the Opera House, May lOth. Get your sea t s reserved at Watts's and Haller's Jewelrv store. On May Stli, Rev. T. I.. Milsted, of Chicago, wlll lecture at Dnlty ('lul on "EmenOD ; as the Man, the Tliinker, and the Poet." Paris Banfield, who last week bought the Paquett house, on Nortl Main Bt., lias set the carpenters Bi work and is to give the house a gen eral overhauliag. Iït-nj. Glasford (ellji-om a BCaffolt whlle woiking on a house belongtng to D. J. J.oomis. on Fuller st., last Thurtiday, and was injured so badlj that he died the nexi day. W. K. Cliilds lias secured a back lHiunty of $200 tor Mrs. Abbte O'Ril ey, wldow of ïhos. O'Rlley lato, oí th lst Mlch. Infantry. Mrs. O'Rlley i a resident of Klngsley st., and tilt olitaining of this sum will be a great helj) to her. The I.adies' Aid Society of the M E. church, Ypsiianti. havlng extend ed an lnvltatlon to the Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E. church, of tliis city, to meet wlth theni to-night several ladlea and gentlemen are going down this in response. Miss Allle M. Dren, of Detroit, is ii the city in the interest oi a diocesai paper connected with the Eplscopa church, entitled The ('hun-h, and pub lished by Eev. 0. L. Arnold, Detroit The paper is a live one, and contalna many t hiiiys tliat the people of that denomlnatlon wlll deelre to read. Rev. T. L. Milsted, of Chicago, wil preach at the Dnltarlan church next Siimiay mornlng and evening, in exchange with Mr. Sumderland. His evening subject will be "The World's Fair ; Life more abundantly." On Monday evening he will lecture before Unlty Club on "Emerson." Mr. Milsti'd iw the succes.sor of Robert Collyer, and is a very eloquent speaker. The following is taken f rom the Yosemite Touriet of April 18th : "Junius K. Beal and wife, of Ann Arbor, ölich., accompanied by Miss N. A. Daniels, of the State Normal, at San José, are spendintf a few days in the valley. After visiting the cities of the southern part of the state, inCludlng the Santa liarbara flower, and seeimi this wonderful park tliey go to San Francisco and n May return home through Seattle and Portland. Yeeterday they saw the sun rlse on Mlrror Lake, vlslted Vernal Falla and after lunch drove down to the Cascade l'alls. Today they are taking a horae-back trip Ki the Dpper ïosemlte l'alls. Each expreBs themaélves as hlghly dellghtil xviih iii' vondera ol the Sierras, and especially ol the way the yosemIte grows on a tourlst the more it is Been."


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