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Henry Watterson's Paper, The

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Louisville Courier-Journal, does not forget the platform on whlch Clevelan! waa elected. Hear II : "Abollan reciprocity and give tis as near au apapproacb to free trade as the necessii oí our governmeni justify." A llttle Iroay In rogar is spoken of liy the st .Louis Globe-Democral : Jt v-ill serve the Bugar planterg rigiit to deprive them of their bounty, but there is grim lrony In the tact tEal tiiry are to be thus punlahed ior their Ingratitude 1 the republican party iiy a democratie president." The wrie.s of ïnaniiestors sint out by Mr. Cleveland to his iriemls, the office Beekers, aluce his electlon, would make a remarkable collection, whlch could not be equaled in any way since the Declaratlon of Independence. The las; OB8 tells these gentlemen to keep off the White House grasa. He does not care to know them. The lead duty is another Item in the tarlff whlch hac earned the andylng lio.-tility of the free trailers. Yet it has Increased prodnctlon from 42,540 tons in 1873 to i' 1S. 500 tons in 1892. but bas'pal the New York prlce down trom (j.:!2 cents a pound in the forme to 4.00 cents a ponnd In the l.itter year. Tliat is why the free Irader hatea ü. - Jf. Y. Pre. President Cleveland can la part rec1 il v the mletake he lias made In Hawallan mattera by caüing lióme his unpatriotic commissiuncr, Mr. Blount, and sendlng Borne person to Honolulú who is in Bympathy wlth the United States, and In Bympathy wlth freeilom. Blount is a disgraee not only to this ndministration but to the entire nation. It is an insult to Uberty loving people all over tlie world to kccp liim Hiere any longer. Thoee Intendlng to Chicago wlll be pleased to learn ihat the WorUl's Pair managers promise to Investígate the extortion of the restaurant keepers who have been Meeding the public by charging 15 cents for lukewarm coffee and 25 cents for a itnntlve geel Ion ol Chicago pie, and remedy the abuses. It is true thai Chicago pie. egpeclally Chicago minee pie. s excellent, bul hardly worth ■_'.-, cent.s for an one elghi b sei tlon. Blaáop Hugh Mlller Thompson, of MleeUslppl, who deltvered a mtí.'S ol lectures before the Hobart Qulld In Hii.s city tliree yeara ago, thlnks the race questlon is solved in hls state. He sa.v.s : "Negroee are practically eliminated froin politics in OUT si. ue. They never had much chance and they have less now. The new constitntion provldes thai they musí lie able tu read it Intelllgently tu 1he. Uowed in register. Qu1 ■ a large Dumber oí white men ar" also ranchieed, bul the negroea who are denled t!i' right oí sruffrage number Dearly 90,000." Sometlmee we hear t sniil thei 1 : par3, bul we beg to remlnd Buch per- as say thls, that there is ;l mighty big dj as wlll be clear when t i-; remembered that almosi ■'"■ : o! President HarriaoD was i" raise the American ilas over tlie first repreaentative of our n. merchant marine, whlle Mr. Cleveland' first ie! was i" lower the flag in Hawall. i'pallantlan. Th republlcan party la the Amerli party, and bellevea In America tor Americana. The democratie party is "anythlng, oh 1 Ix)rd, to beat the republicana," and bellevee thal America Bhould be run in the Inter■ he one Is ■ posed ol patriota, the other o.'- ■., "(i place has yet had lio keen sar,...iii to attempí to secure Mr. Blount for a 1 tli of July oratjon. Tlio ■Washington Tost remarka : "The Georgia colonels have cnught tiicii second wind and are again fi.iing up to the pie counter." 'i he only "trust" with any larga amount ni "8ole" i.s "the leather Hillsdalé Leader. It would be difflcult to "hlde" that lact. The southern demócrata ill nsist ti pon íiavins; wild-cat currency, and it is very doubtful 11 Cleveland will be able to prevent fchem trom getting it.- st. Louis Globe-Democratt. Paderewskl, the pianist, Is so plous tliat he carrles a chaplaln around Aviih him to conducí mornlng and evenlag prayers. Very few people can afford t be as plous aa that. There is probably no foundation for ihc rumor that the Sing Bing anthoritii's are quletly waitiiifí ti) Vind tluir escaped murderers Ín Mayor Güroy'a in't li-t of appolntments. - N. Y. Press. LONGFELLOW. .wak , !:.■ loved thcir And mu e t In-m Tito bis rh un-, And tbe slc oí thfir laughter Wm With 1 1 i ni all ttie time. Thoueh be knew the tonques of natlons, Auci thelr meanlngB all mrcdear, The prattle and Up of h Uttle chlld Wae the sweetest for him to hear. -Jumes WhitCOmb 'i lu Argna made a most Uecided Improvemeat last weck in ezcludlng all editorial matter.- Ann Arbor Eteglster. 'iio tbou, and do likewiee." - Tpsllanti Bentinel. What "sarkasam," as the lato A. Ward ased to gay. The la test achlevemant of the demi e Tammany government in New York city la the appolntment to the office of Tolice Justicc. ,ii a Balary of 18,000 per year, oi' on ex-saloon keeper and the tormer partner of "Eed Leary," the bnrglar. - Boston Journal Wedneeday's i'rrc i'nss ti'lls of a iew ■■six-story" block that is to be trected cu Michigan avenue. It then ays the building win bc of brlck and 'three stories high." It la posaiblê !iat the other three atorlea go downward. - Plymouth Mail. Oh, no ! They are simply Free Presa Btorlea : afr. The judicial morder of Carlyle Ilarrte, at sin. Stng thia week, is a sample of what a law compelling capital puniahment will do. The authoritiee killed an innocent man, at least be was not proven guüty, and the majority of people who liave watched the case are coiifident of his innocence. - Fenton Independent. It wm brought out in a snit in New York City, a few days since, that Grover Cleveland, when governor of New York, graated fnll. free and absolute pardon to Edward 8. Stokes, the man who murdered the famous Jim Flske. He not only pardoned hiin, luit reatored hini to citizenahip. "Which act is no credit to the record of the present president of the United States. Herc is the way in whlcb the ('olumbian Exposltlon is beatlng the Oentennla] In the matter of paid adini.-sions, the figures being official and for the first six days on inch each of the the big slmws was open : -o. Phlladelphia. -t day. - 129,200 7y;a Al fluy - 14,2X2 11,722 id da; 11 10.352 Ithriay __ 20,466 11,658 - ll.'.i'l; Ithday 17,149 Vtluliiy -ji.-iii 12,117 Mhdav 17.1:;:; ujom )thday 18,198 K,W lOth day 25,261 12,409 llthday 80,129 üxíi 481,972 208,800 In isTfi tiie geaaon was further advaneed and the weather was better than it lias been at Chicago, and the ezhlbltlon was more nearly complete when the gates were first oponed. All things considered, we continue to think tliat the total attendance at the Chicago Fair for the season will be tliree times as greal as ii was at the Contennial. The Baptist people in thls state known as the Regular and Free Will or Close Commnnion sects, liave resolved to unite their forcex, under the sini])le name of l'.aptist. Xeither are to abandon the doctrines held, that being left to individual conscienccs. The Lord's Supper wl 1 be served without invitation, it being deemed that the simple ánnonncement is gufflclent for Chrlstians. Baptism is Inslsted apon precedent in all Christlaa duties. Ratlfication meetings are being held all over the state t. sanctlon thls unión, whlch will make the Baptiats one ol the 81 i aenominal in the anlon. The varlong Regalar and Free AVill Baptlsts In the United States number 8,468,148 eommunlcants, and they have 88,898 churehes. The total Btjrength of the Baptists of all kinds, in lliis country, is as follows : Churches. Membera. Value rth 7.,,-j.,;:i:i ith 16446 1,271,002 in.. _. 12,410 l..;, Primltiye '.'. i IÍS2JM2 ''11- '■■li && 3,115342 Original Freewill... 167 11 HtH General BaptlgU... ni ai,-.'.".:: 200AS0 - 106 9,1M -.-.l.uiii Sil Principie 18 987 19,800 1 "X"' ! .. 18 1.0(10 -' I 1 ,599 OldTwoSeed 'ju 71,750 ilfi-Z) 3W,09.-: $83,834,272 Bound in raige thunder- Llghtulng. The sime begina fco pinch. Here N what the Louteville Oourier-Journal ui :iy : "The Worlil's Fair ík :i big thtng, and mi s the rallroad tare." Thta trusim cornea trom Kate Vleld's Washington, and doubtlese its author s ;m authority : '"The beet place tor maiili'ii t:-ips s on the gea ol niatrlmony." We notlce that Bome ol our republican contemporaries are already brlng;n oui iiamrs tor t lic republican nomin it'.on in '96. Ii a little early yet, gentlemen. The Conrler bellevea In nomlnatlng the best man. and thai when the time comea the man wlll come wlth it. The oation wlll be only too glad to return the republican party to power at the end of thls ailininistrali )ii. 'ilic dlfferene between the democratie and republican partlee has been well iUustrated of late. Republicana tutve proved thelr protewlon that they more för tb country thantb Hcea by thlr aovase during the recent financia] íhn-ry. Brery republican leader and newepaper has tried to Buetaln the admlntetratlon and aa ure the public that there was iw danger of a paule, and they havo succeeded. What a contrast thelr conree presente to the action ol the democratie preM and demagoguea who dil thelr utmost to dlscredlt the flnanclal policy of the Harrison admlnistratlon jnst before Cleveland ltecame president. Ii the Invent Ion gpoken oí In the followlng paragrapn is trae, it wlU be Indeed a wonderful discovoiy : "A Ilunmiri.-ui Inventor claims t be aWe t.) gpln nnlinary wood pulp or cellulose tato yarn, írom whlch n 11 Borts of textile u-Mies i ■ 1 1 1 be made, In the ordtaary wa.v, equaUng In duraiiility. appearanee and faetnees of color the best cotton goods. if lu.s BCheme is practicable it -vvill vevolutionizc the textile imhistry. It is clalmed the method te appllcable aot only to cellulose, but every sort of Bhort ïibrous material, rage, BCraps oí cciiton, and linón gooda and the likc, and the fiber can be dyed before belng span ïnto yarn"


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Ann Arbor Courier