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The Midway Plaisance

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There vasa verltable babble in the Midway PlaisanC6. Turks and Arabs, and Eequlmaux, Javanese and Chiue.-e. and a host oí represent.■11 vos of other strange lande brimful of enthuskism, lent their voiccs to tlie opening of the expoeition to the world. A mile, in length and some geven hundred feet in width, this thordughfare -vlth. its Frenchilled name is jirobably the most unique attraction of the great enterprise. Frlnglng its bordera for the entire distance are Turkish mosquea and MoorIsh palacès, fac-almlliea of South Sea laland villages, Arablan dancing halls, a representation of a streel In Cairo, a Chinese vlllage and theal re, as well as a representación oí a loa liouse from the Celestial empire, a Germán village, a Dutch sottleinont, an oxhibit of Iri-sh Industries, Japanese and Persian bazars, a Dahomey village, a i'oniíifiiau house, a minaret tower íroni the plnnacle ol whlch the faithfnl are called upon t:i bov to Allah at each recurring gunrlse and sunset, an Hungarlan Orpheum, a menagerie oí the wildesí oí wild animáis froni the thlcketa oí África, and a collection of other animáis that is absolutely beTcildering. Each attraotion is attended wjth a greater or lesser number of thc natives of the countries represented, somc eiempllfylng thelr native Industries, other a glvlng entertainmem Ier the tashion ol thelr own lands. Ín :iic Turklgh village are over a hundred Bubjects ol the Sultan In thelr piOtureeque atttre, busily engaged In weaving ruga and i that repmi a fortune when completed. 0ut8ide the famoufi ■■donkey boy ol Cairo" uiih liis equally famous longenreö steed, known to every American that has vlsited hls native city, acampering up and down with a doten Ol liis COmpanlona and the donkeys in the rear. Here is i beauty-ehow- sí'inií two score maidens, handsouie ol foi-m and entranclng of eountenance who are supposed to represent the combinad charme ol the teminine Bei of the United States and England and all the countries oí Europe. Hen alai i a Colony of four Betlouins, wel equipped with camela and dromedarles, t (j-ether with tliree score of horses, chosen from among the treasoi the Sultan'g stable. Last, but not least, loc.ated in the very center of the thoroughfurc, is thc American rival of the Eiffel toner, the gigan li Ferrta Wiieci. erected at a of nenrly hall n mllllon dollars, and wlth each revolution of whlch two thoueand passenger, occupying cara as largc as the ordlnary rail raad coach, may be carried tn ; height of two hundred and slxty fi e1 A.nother piece ol "republican extravagance" is ahown In this fact - nn "extravagance" th:it ;i great inany cltlzena il appreclate : ■ The prlmary school fund, arising fi-om sjecific t;ixos and interest on sales of prinary school lands, whlch is report cd 1o the superintendent of public lnrtructton Beml-annually (In April and October) apportionraent among the school dlatrlcta of the state, reached a higher figure for the sik months ust ended that ever before, being $519,741. is.' Farmera who potatoeg would earn eomethlng to thelr Interest, pertape, ïiy applylng to tiie Agricultura! f'olli'Ki1 tor Bulletin No. i)-'!, tontaiaing a report of experimenta in 'ajslng the trish tubera.


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Ann Arbor Courier