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HULBBKT H. Waünkk, the patentmedicine manufacturar at Rochester, N. Y., failed for 1500.000. .T. II. ErNBST Wotk.v. one of the best known mining engiueers in the world, was found dead in his bed at Denver, Col THE lVnnsylvania legislature has passed a bilí prohibiting the selling, givingaway r otherwise disposing oí cigarettes and cigarette papers to minors. I Ces 8OHUI,KB and Miss Martha Kline were croesing a bridge near Akron, O., when the structure g-ave way and they feil a distance of 100 feet and were inBtantly killed. Tmt supreme ccrart of North Dakota has decided the state prohibition law to be constitutional and valid. E. M. Dubanx and Slater Howtfrd, of Atlanta. Ga., arrived in Chicago, haring ridden from theii' home to Chicago on bicycles, a distance of 829 miles, in foorteen days, 'l'iiKKi'. negroes were lynched by a inob at Bearden, Ark., for the murder of Jesse Norman, a prominent young business man of tlnit place. A in umi ank Bwept the New Hebrides and the whole settlement at the port of Sandwich was obliterated and half of .Ww Cttledonio mis snbmerged, leaving the natives homeless and destitute. Dan Stiart. a horse trainer, killed himself in Des Moines. la., afterhavingassanlted and probably fatally wounded Mrs. Webb Moon, a young married woman in whose housie he resided. The large dry goods store of J. B Wells & Co. at Útica, N. Y., wasburned, the loss being i.300,000. The ninth biennial meeting of the supreme council of the Catholic Knights of América met in Chicago. Lakge numbers of negroes were said to be leaving Tennessee for California. ltaUKDEK & Wolff, manufacturers of carpets at Vieuna, failed for 1,000,000 florins. ö earthquake shocks were feit at Madison, Howard and Carthage in South Dakota. One-cent pieces are being introduced in Oakland, Cal., for the first time. The smallest legal tender formerly used was live-eent pieces. Feijx Sciiweistiiai.. ;m ex-eashier in the Cook county (111.) treasurer's office, was said to be S4!2,OOO short in his ac counts with the office. Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wishard, of Clinton, Ind., the father being 77 years old and the wife(i years of age. Thb llritish squadron and nearly all the other foreiffn veseels at the great ■i-eview in New York harbor have sailed for home. In a libel suit in a New York court broug-ht by Edward 8. Stokes ag-ainst W. 1!. .Martin the fact was made known for the ñrst time that on December 1, 1884, .Mr. Stokea was gTanted a pardon by Grover Cleveland, then povernor, releasing liiin from all eonsequenees of liis crime of killing Jira Fisk. Tin: dciith of C. C. Maywood, cashier of the liank of Sania Ciara county at San José, Cal., clisciosed the fact that he was short in his accounts $150,000, and the doors of the v-t "k were elosed. NbabLY a thousand sons and ciaufihters of the Oreen Mountain state witnessed the dedication of the Vermunt state building on the world's fair grounds. The State Investment & Insurance company of California has failed, causing loss to many persons. Gus Thomaston, Cornelius Wagner and Andrew Olson were killed by the cars while crossing a railway track in Chicago. At the thirtieth international convention in Indianapolis of the Young Men's Christian association G. N. Pierce, of Dayton, O., was chosen president. John L. Lamb, of Scranton, Pa., grand treasurer of the international organization of machinists, decamped with $5,000 of the funds belonging to the order. At the annual meeting in Toledo, O., of the Order of Kailway Conductora Grand Chief Conductor Clark, of Cedar Rapids, Ia., was reelected by acclamation. The shrinkages in values since the panic on the New York stock exchange bhows losses of over $30,000,000, and most of this represents total annihilation of fortune. W. R. Drewey, an attorney at Norfolk, Va., was under arrest charged with securing a large number of fraudulent pension claims, the steals aggregating over $100,000. A NEW counterfeit $5 United States silver certifícate is in circulation. It is of the series of 1886, check letter 13 B, bearing the signuture of V. S. Rosecrans, register, and E. II. Jvebeker, treasurer, and has a small, scalloped seal. The portrait of Gen. Grant is poorly engraved, having a seratched appearance, and some of the lettering is irregular. The Washington erop report for May shows a decided falling off in the condition of wheat during last April. The average for the whole country is gïven is 75.:: per cent., as agaiust 77.4 for March. The condition for the six great surplus states is reported as: Ohio, s: Michigan, 71; Indiana. 79; Illinois, 62; Missouri, 72, and Kansas, 51, the average for these being üS.3 per cent., against 74.2 a month earlier. Tuk Xorth Gorman Lloyd line steamship (lera, from Uremen, arrived iu New York with 1,400 steerage passentfers, 180 oí whom were suffering frozn smallpox. Tin; .New York Central engine Xo. UOti, which had made ;i record oí loa miles a'i hour, beat that by doing ;i mile in thirty-two . which is equivalent to 112}-i milea per hour. The levee near Lakeport, Arle, gave way, fibodinff thousa&da oí ba res oí cot ton land and causing heavy losses to planters. V.i;i:i: ('.. BlITTEBWOIH 1 70, committeil suicide at Warren, Mass., liy shootiny himseli through the head. lis dauphter Emma, who was trying to prevent, the Bhooting, reoeived the bullet in her brain aíter it haü d throug-h her father" s heatl anl she died also. Tuk Bteamer Danube left Portland, Ore., for China with 406 Chinese on board who had been retraed admission to the United States. A FKEIflHT train on the Ohio Iliver raüroad went off the tracks at Walkers, W. Va., falling 35 feet, and three men were killed. l'ir.E destro3"cd two business building-s at Pittsburfh, I'a., eausing a losa OÍ 150,000 and the fatal injury of two fi remen. Thk seventy-seventh annual meetinp of the American Bible society was held in New York and the reporta Bhowed the total cashreceiptefortheyear ended March 81 to be$5"s,930 and thedisburaements 1526,587. Thk Colambia national bank in Chicago suspended witíi liabilities of over $1.000.000. The principal bosiness of , the bank was with country banka and they will be the chiei Bullerers. E. I!. EoBDfSOS & Co., banlícrs and i brokers at Wilmington, Del., faiied for 1300,000. Tuk Capital national bank at Indianapolis c!..scd its doors with liabilitiès of $1,000,000. A OHAXiTK monument to the memory of James Harren Hope. known as the poet lauréate of Virginia, was unveiled at Norfolk. Tuk Scotch-Irish congress of America convened at Springfleld, 0. The house of .lohn Mahin and two other houses at Muscatine, la., were destroyed by dynamite. Mr. Mahin is editor of the Muscatine Journal, postmaster, and an ardent prohibitionist; and the resulenees destroyed were those of prominent citizens who have been active in prosecnting saloon cases. Mrs. Anna Harris, of Tonawanda, N. V., eharged with starving ber 9year-old stepdaughter to death, was convieted of manslaughter in the second degTe and sentenced to eleven years imprisonment. This is the iirst case in the history of American jurisprudence where a person was convieted of manslaughter in the second degree. The Sioux City (Ia.) engine works failed for $200 000. O NE-half of Spring Lake, Mich-, was destroyed by fire and fifty families were homeless. Total Loss, $175,000. The power house and carhouse of the Grand View Beach railroad near Charlotte. X. Y., were burned, the loss being $100.000. Dciïing the week ended on the 12th the leading clearing houses in the United States reported exchanges amounting to Í1, 370,604,109, against 11,878.088,166 the previous week. As compared with the week of 18U2 the increase was 11.0. John Z. Carlisle and Charles Ltittrell were hanged at Sherman. Tex., for the murder of r. T. Sherman at Denison on April 28, 1898. Thkkk were 257 business failures reported in the United Statos daring the Beven days ended on the 12th. In the week preceding there were 216, and during the oorresponding time in 1S92 the number was '209. K. .1. Hobinck, conductor of a general . and private bank at Gerand Et: 111., failed for $300,000, and scores of farmers are rained by the disaster. FOBKST lires burned hundreds oí aerea of oak, pine and cedar timber, many valuable cranberry bojs and three houses in Berkeley township, N. .1. Tuk twenty-five ringleaders of tho mob thattookfrom jail at Chattanooga, Tenn., Alfred Blount, a negro assaulter, and hanged him, have been indicted for murder. The Hygeian Ice company at Trenton, N. J., failed for $150,000. Several. farms east of Pinckney, Mich., were swept by a cyclone and buildings were wrecked and several persons were hurt, but not seriously, though many horses and sheep were killed. The collapse of the Columbia national bank in Chicago caused the failure oí banks at Rusiaville, Ureentown, Oxford. Morristewn, Arcadia, Spieeland, Orleans, Hebron, Brookston, Dunkirk, Genevii. Hoswell, Knox, West Labanon and Ureenwood in Indiana, the Richland. Edwardsburg, Lawton, Rockford and Charlevoix banks in Michigan, the bank of Oregon in Wisconsin, the bank of Casey in Illinois and the bank at Clearmount in Ohio. M kmbers of the local world's fair directory passed a resolution that the fair should be open Sundays on and after May ül, the admission to the grounds to be twenty-five cents, and the big exhibit buildings to be elosed. This action may be annulled by the national commission. Joe Braxnon, aged 19, was hanged at Charleston, S. C, for the murder of Stephen Kearney on the 31st of August last. The poliue at Buffiilo. N. ?., claimed to have diseovered evidence oí a plot by anarchiste to blow np the water works and fire the world's fair buildings to avenge upon Chicago the execution of the anarchists condemned for the Haym ark et murders. Thk ncw Canard line steamship Campania made the trip froin -New York to QueenBtown in 5 days 1" hours and 4:3 minutes, the quickest passage eastward yet made by any steamer. 'l'iii-: total value of the exports of breactatnffs from this country during the ten raontha eoded April :;o lat was 1167,858,913, a decrease "f 106,000,000 from the ccjrrespon od oí 1893. -JOHN Weiss, ü.ihI treasurer of the Order Qermanla, a raüef fund, sickaod benefit association, departed from his home in New Vork with .-ïüü.otio belonging to the order, Im.mim.i. & Smtth, the largest milling- firrn in Nebraska, failed at Lincoln for f 250,000. Tuk big department store oí Frank A. Kappen & ('o. and thefurniture store of the Lappen Furnitnre company in Milwaukee failed for sjoü.ooo. v hkvkhk winnstorm at Aston i. Ore., overturned a number of fishinij boats and four men were drowned. At Loulsville, Ky., the firm of W. H. Thomas & Son, the largest dealers in old Kentncky whisky in the world, suspended with li;ibilities of Y000,000. PERSONAL AND POLITiCAL. TnE national convention of Republicaa League clubs met in Lonlsville Ky. , delegatea from thirty-three states beinc DrfiAent Joski'H l-'KAXfis, of New York. the world-famed inventor of lile boats, died at Otaego lake, Offed 03 yeare. '1 'm; president bas appolnted .lames A. Blonnt, of Georffia, minister to Hawaii, and Frank H. .Iones, of Spring1field, 111., first assistant postmaster general. Gek. Edwabd I). Townsbnd, fora numlicr of years adjutant gfeneral of the arniy, died at hia residence in Washington. At the meeting In Louisville. Ky., of the Nati(;nal League of Republican clnba V. W. Tracey, "f Springfleld, 111.. was cfcosen as president. Tuk National Republican College league in seseion at Louisvillo. Ky., . ,.-. ted L. E. Hawklns. of Syracnse miiversity, as president. Edward O. Leech, director of the mint, handed in his reaignation to the president, to take effect at the end of this month. The stilte convention of Ohio prohibitionists will raeet at Cleveland June 27 aad 88. FORE1GN. COLRUMBSTS' ribbon factory at 8t Btienne, France, was bnmed, the loss being $1,000,000. Thk authoritii's at Bremen have ordered a quarantine against all veaselsarriviug from Freneh porte. This aution is due to the spread of cholera in Franco. Cholera was increasing in Tobolsk, the most westerly fjovernment of Siberia. Thk Bank of Victoria at Melbourne suspended mth liabilities of iü,000,0üü. The bank lias inany branches. Fa.mink was said to be decimating the population of the rural districts in southeastern Kussia. Admirai. (ioMEZ Y Lono, who eommanded the Spanish vessels of war in the recent naval review in New York harbor, died in Havana. IIekk Dai.czik, an actor at the thoater at Lemberpf, Austria, committed suicide on the stage during the play because of jealousy. Cable adneea say that the revolution in Nicaragua is successful and that the revolutionists under ex-President Zavalle are now practically in control of the government. Tin: otlicial announcement is made that Queen Victoria has approved the apportiomnent of the earl of Aberdeen as rovernor general of Canada. Thb ofticial estímate of the Bengal (India) wheat erop for the season just closed is 443,'243 tons, against 249,930 tons for last year. Kev. Dr. K. W. McCai.i., who was identifled with the well-known Evangelieal mission at Paris founded by hina twenty year ago, died in that city, aged 't r years. Thk schooner Esijerance and her captain and crew of ten men were lost wkile on u seallng voyage in the gulfof St. Lawrence. George Victob, the sovereign prince of Waldeck, died at Marienbad, iioheDiia. of pneumonía, aged 52 years. DtrctiXG the Maximilian holiday celebration at Durango, Mexico, an afïray occurred between a mobof intoxicated Mexicana and the pólice which resulted in the killing of five of the mob and one policeman. LATEA. The steamer City oí Hamburg collided in a íog off Trevose Head, coast of Cornwall, with the ship Countess Evelyn, and the crew of sixteen and nine I passeuffers of the latter vessel were drowned. Kexdaix & Smith, grain dealers at Lincoln, Neb., failed for ÏÜ00.000. An overflow in the Illinois and Sanpamon rivers in Cass county, 111., flooded several thousand acres of rich farming lands, entirely destroying the wheat sown last fall. Clarence P. Teller, the noted Cinciunati diamond robber, escaped from the state prison at Jaekson, Mich. The jury in the case of V. C. Rippey, accused of John W. Mackay in San Francisco with intent to kill, was dismissed, having failed to reach an agreement. TES men feil 3,000 feet to their death down the Red Jacket shaft of the Calumet :ind Ilecla mine at Calumet, Mich. Jobs TuKUET, who shot and killed Li. F. l'rice, a conductor, on a train at ' tji-ymour, Ind., was taken from jail at liedford by masked men and ljnched. An extensive tin-ore miao was found near Kenova, W. Va., the analysis showing 70 per cent. pure tin. Thk rt-publicans elected a senator in North Smithtield, K. 1.. which gives thein a majority in the nest lcsfislature and enables them to elect republicin state ofUcers. V. 11. A. I'.issKi.r., bishop of the Episcoiuil diocese of Vermunt, died at j lington. A Finí: cansed by a detective flue in the bakehouse of the Aldine hotel in Philadelphia resnlted ín a ;.ss of Í1 40.000. Thk Standard Oil company's ïvorks at WhitiniTi Inii.. ui-iv buraed, the loss beinir tlOO.OOa. Thk Klssamee (Fla.) City bankclosed lts doora with liabii.ti - of f100,000. Tifhtness of money anJ slow eollections caused the failure. A feud between rival campa of charcoal bnrners near Ma.atlan. Mexico, led to B conflict in which ten men were killed and a number badly wounded. A REVA8SE gave way at Brook's mili in Arkansas, cansing the destructioa of crops in fi;'ht or nine pari Tuk percentages of the baseball clubs i 1 1 the National league for the weck endeö mi the IStli were ;is follows: Cleveland. .667; St. Louis, .M7: Washington, .643; Pittsburffh, ,686; Brooklyn, .583; Cincinnati, .572; Philadelphia, .500; Bal ti more, .429; BosLon, .462; New Vork, .885; ( hicago. 286 Lrjuisville, .00.


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