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When sinjí the írogs mul hop tl1 toada A ml meada are decked in green. Then come the days when country roaa show niuiiv :i niuddv seeue. on the 28th insí. Mrs. Jane Bancroft RoWtiaon, will speafe al the M. E. cliurch. Flower stealera are no better than eommon thievcs who sneak tato houses and take other people's property. They honld bo punlshed the same, aleo. The youngeet of the pall bearers at the funeral of Miss Sarah Qoodrieh, last Wedneeday was 72 ycai-s and the oldest 80, the comblned ases of the six beinj? 448 years. frmvtls a fcllow when it geta at it. W'. W. Watts, presiden) cu' t lio Counnon Councll f this city, lias been chosen a director of the Saline HorsemiMfs Aesoclatioo. ■one of the fiwrt Bymptoma ol paregl8," snid n prominent physlclan yesterday, "te a tendency to texaggerate one'a own Importance. The frequent, use of the personal pronoun T la regarded as almost a ure ïorerunnor of paresis by the medical fraternlty." (reat ! .lust Ihink of the num1 1 of alïlictcd ones in evcry commln, . y : Mr. O. C. Yates, oí New York City, who conducti'cl a vcry successful BketchJng claea here last June will return agaln next month ií n eatHclent number of pupila can lie sevureil. All persona desiring lcssons will jilease leave word to that effect with JliKs Denimon, 76 Washtenaw :ivenue. Tlio sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mr. Oscar O. 8org in the loss of their little nine year old daughter Viola, who died on Wednesday laat. The funeral was beid on Saturday from the family realdenoe No. 70 S. Main st. Mrs. W. R. Bawyer, of Port "Worth, Texas, formerly Miss Alice M. Schryver, of this city, where her mother and sister still reside, died on the 12 ." 1 1 1 ol April last, of heart disease, leaviníí a liusband and three litllo children. The deceaaed graduated at the V. of M., in issa, taklng a ii of B. S., and the year following, a post gradúate (ïegree of M. S. "l'is iiíuv the prudent pergon triee To fix up screena to keep out flies; 'l'is dow the lly Been, i'iir by, To lmigh and wink the other eye. -Wathingt A. TciuVi is id execi a new rrsidence on Hill st.. 1 coat 1,7OO. The Columbas clOCk wliieli Jacob líailer has is quite a eurioslty In that line. The Junior League oí the M. E. chureh meets Friday at í p. ut., in tJM primary clase room. Mayor Thompson wül dellver the wtk'ommn Bpeech al the ! A. K. prescnlatioii on tbr 25th inst . It la now lawful to use the Engiish eparrow for trap shootlng. At last the sparrow has l'ound Is forte. Wind bicw here last Thursday eveaLng, at the rate of 30 miles an hour. h iiicw taster than that near l'inckncy. The Ancient order of Hiberniana wTll meet on the second and ïourth Wedneeday evenlnge of each month hereafter. The W. C. ï. D. 11 meet in Harri.s Hall Thursday May 26th, at 3 p. ni. BuSlneee of Unportance is to be ti ansacted. Bev. A. W. Manu will hold services for deal' imites in St. Andrew's chapel, next Sunday at 'j o'clock and it 10:80 a. m. A new time sohedule went nto effect on the T., A. A. & X. M. K'y Sunday May 14th. See corrected time in nnother column. Mrs. Kusie Halliday nee Clark, is to appèar on the stage for the flrst time in New York City about the midtlle of August, at Daly's theati-e. John W. Bennett will dispense justtoe from fcfce new and pleasant office in the Allmendinger block, oppoeite tbe sooth door of tlie court house. Tlie gradtng of W. Madtoon k. has been completed by Commissioner Sutberland and hls workmen, and it s an improvement that is much appreciated. John S. Hammond, father of the late A. Et. Hammond, died Tuesday a. m., at tlie ï-rsidence of his daughter, Mre. A. F. Martin, on Geddea ave., aged si yi'.-ii-s. "Primitive Man in the Garden of Eden," will be the evening topic in the M. E. clmrch next Sabbath. The morning' topic will be "How to spend a Happy Bunday." A collision took place Friday morning on Broadway, the colliding vehicles being the buggies ol Mrs. Mary C. Whitlng and Mrs. Hannah Graves, the tonner losing a wheel. Only l,."00 people greeted the Beid] orcheetra at their iirst home concert in New Vork. Here in Ann Arbor Soidi had 3.500 fieople In attendance. Snrt'ly B prophet is not known in lus own land. It is said that tbis year is e greal year to get married in ; the Columbian year ; a sort o' souvenir year as it were. If yon are going m get married remember that the Courier office will fit yon out wlth styiisli wedding Btatlonery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. II. Belser were called upon to suffer their iirst sorrmv Thursday, when dcatli stepped in and took from them their little son Walter, who had been ill for some time wlth brain fever. Funeral ser iris were held Saturday from the reeldence on 8. Thayer st.. Rev. "W. Tv. Tedrow condueting the services. ('lias. M. Jones, of Wichita, Kas., formerly of tliis city, was elected grand warden by the conclave ol the grand commandery Knights Templar of Kansas, recently held at Topeka. The Wichita Daily Bagle saya : 'Truc merit will win. and the honor was vrry worthily bestowed. ('hailic is exceedingly popular with the Masonic traternity, and is conceded t be one of the brightcst Masona and best workers in the state." The animal Roll Cali Ol the Bapti-t church will be held Thursday evening, May 18, at 8 o'clock. The members are expected to respond to their ñames wlth a brief passage f scrlpture or other quotation. The animal offering tor the Ladlea Society will be made and the ladiea will provide lunch includlng warm maple BUgar, at &30. "l'liis is the principal social feature the year at tuis clmrcli. By reference to iiü' --tiiititiii council proceedings it will be Been that the names of all oí Mayor Thomp appolntmenta were conflrmed excepi that of Parte Banfleld as marshal. In refusing to confirm Mr. Banfleld we ïioiii-vc tiiai a majority of the council has erred in ]udgment. The mayor should be held responsible for the management of city affaire, espedally in the pólice department. Tliis cannot be done without his choice of officials shall be conïirnied. In refusing to confirm the council asmuih's that responsibility. Mr. BanfiPld is one of our best cltizens. BCe is honest, upright, strictly honorable In all relations with his fellow men, and wc believe would have made a good marshal. It was not personal hostllity that caused lus rejectlon, bat other reaaona entircly. It is the opinión of the Courier that the conncil has made a mistake. A ulcani of gold in the nietidow, A Djili ni iringa i" the ky, And dandelion aod Bwallow ri'y, ■ May is passing byl Sosweet. só sweet, the twllights, ít wri, bo b ■■■ eet t he daj s, u. h h eaunot liiv forever ' Be only a rouul of Maya? -Annie .V. Libby. A íiew wood turning shop has i n openéd ;it Herman Krapfi planlng mili by (has. Dosey. The Brotherhood ol 8t. Amh-ew wlll meet Thursday evening, May 18, Iri Hall, a [ 7:-".l p. m. Nex1 Sunday the Epworth llague oí t lie M. E. ehurcb wlü be lead by Bobert O. Austln, subject "The Law," Ps. lJ:7--8. All the Jewelry stores In the city will close thelr doors from now untll September it, at 7 o'clock p. ni. shaxp. A good move. (has. s. Millen is to erect two fine nc-w dwelling honsea upon hka lot on S. I'iítli ave. tci nisl about $3,000 each. The oíd house la to be mored off. Bev. B. II. Clark, rector of St. Paul's chureh, Detroit, Hlled the pulpit of st. Andrew's chureh last Sunday. a exchange witb tlev. Henry Tatlock. The Woinan's Borne Mtesionary Society of tbe M. E. clnm-h will liolil a mite box opening at the reeidence of Mrs. A. I,. Noble, on S. División st., on Friday .May li(. The Knight's Templar, aumberlng about 50 swonls, marched to Forest HUI Cemetftry last Sunilay afternoon and decorated the graves ol all ïvnights buried therein. Wm. (ates, a carpenter, fell from tho ncw hotist' bcini; built íor Dr. Martin, at No. 49 E. Libei-ty st., a dlstance of some l'5 feet, and as quite scriously lnjured. It was thought tliat apples were scai-ce enougb last year, but thia year liii'.s fair to out-do the last one in tliat respect. For some unaccountable reason tlie apple trees have no fruit buds or blossoms. Mrs. Maria Phillips, mother of Geo. Olp, (lied Sunday afternoon, at her son's realdence, on s. Thayer st.. aged 81 years. Funeral gervicea wereconducted by Kev. e. M. Cobern yeeterday p. m.. and the remains were taken to Vpsilanti for interrment. Tliere will Be an adjourned meeting of the common council on Tuesday evening next. It is expected that the matter of newers will be brought up and eome decisión arrived at. This question being an important one the council do not feel llke adopting any plan untll certain oí being rlght. II you want to own your own liome the ïirst thlng to do is to get a lot and tlien you will soon find a way to Iniild a house. The greal sale of lote Mi Ooilege Hill Addltion, to be held on Thnrsday next, May 25th, at the Palace Kink. at 1:30 p. n., will enabl-e every one te secure thle greatly desired object. Terma will be easy. See "ad" on sth pa A very pleasani and eojoyable reception ivas given by the older members oí the M. ;:. Sunday School last evening, in the church parlors, to tbe orchestra -,! the Sunday School. Tliere was music, se!e;M readlngS by Mrs. Trueblood, and a general social time, that will last; ;t long time in the memory oí the young people present. dn Wedneeday evening May :'ist. tbe Chora] l'nion will give Wagner's geratesi opera, ■■I.ohengrin." That will be 1he last concert in the serles, and the members oí the Dnion teil us, will 1! the very he1 ever given. Mrs. Johoetone-Bishop, oí Chicago, will render the soprano solos. This amtouncemeni alone will (111 University Hall full. for she is a greal faVOl'iie here Assistam Adjutant General ('. V. R. Pond, of Coldwater, Hon B. 1'. .Allen of Vpsilanti. Aeelstant Adjutant General .1. .1. Phelpa oí loiii.i. and inany other eloquent Grand Army men will be present to asist the ;. A. R. oí Washteuaw in extendlng a soldier's greeting to the new departmeni commander .lames n. Kldd, at the Rink, onThursday evening, May 25th. This will be a grand public camp fire, and all veterans oí the late war are especially Utvited t be among those participating in it. Then let everyone come and Hll the Rlnk. Wlll not hold water- The sieve. Means a good deal- Four aces. Let'well enough alone Physiclans. I The day is raw and damp without, No feathered sonsters .inu;: But gennine barda such trifles scout, ■ -ir down and w ri ti-s about The lovliuess of üpring. II the editor of the Durand Expresa s not mistaken in this item, people will wonder how it never happened before : "Mrs. Amy Jane Jones, who livea near Ihirand, has been troubled wltb salt rheum for tbree years. By accident Khe Bpllled BOme ordinary kerosene on her raw and BWOllen liand, and it gave her such rcliii that she made further application of it to other afflicted parte, and was surprlsed to find that it not only eased the agony of pain slie suffered, but in a sliort time healed the diseaae." Bro. Slocum, of the Holly Advertiser publishes the following timely advice to married men, as wcll as those who intend to get married : 'How common it is for a man to díctate shall be used in the house, jn the way of decorations, furniture, etc, and yet how pigglsh. It is the lady that must live in the house, do the work and spend all her time there, and she should have her say, but it is seldom that she does. A husband that will díctate just how things should le in the house, is selfish to say the least. He should bear In mind that his wlfe is equally as good a lic and shotild be 80 recognizcd." There is one thlng, however, about wiiich the husband aever dlctatea : he sweara about it sometimes, bul never dlctatea : housecleanlng.


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Ann Arbor Courier