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Council Proceedings

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Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, May 15, 1898. Regular seeslon. The council was called t; order by Pres. Watts. Eoll called. Full board presen'.. The jouriiiil ui the Ias1 session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS FBOJJ 1 1 1 )■: MAYoIt. To the Honorable Common Council, Gtenflemea :- Vour attention is callto the fact that there is no ordinaoce egulatkng Elie sale oí Intoxlcating icinors ta tiiis city. It is dealrable, n my opinión, that there Bhould be such an ordlaance tor the lollowlng casons : First, the entlre cost ol police supervisión is paid by the city i mi therefore all (lneg collected should go Into the city tre'asury. iecojid, when there is a vlolatlon ol iiic law, the jiu nishnn:it Bhould be prompt. Th is a tmpoBslble when the prosecutlcma are under the state law stace the circuit court is in session oni.v tour a year and there Is an attendance ol a jury In that oourt for abou't ten weeks during the whole time. It is generally understood that tbere is eua ordiaance permitting saloona to keep open bcyond the time. íixed liy the statute. Th is is au error houever, in the opinión of the city attorney and in hks opinión I concur. Of coorae nu compladnt has l)een made Hgalnat my person for keeping his place open alter nine o'clock. 1 have thought tinit .simple ju.stice requlred that wfaat everyone suppoaed to be the law should be regarded as the law for the present. Your :i tl ent on is called espeeially to this mat ti".' and your immediate actlon reqiicst cd, ií yon desire to take any actlon, as f sliall assume in its absence that yon desire to have the statnte enforced and the saloons closed at nine o'clock. ü. M. THOMPSÖNi Mayor. On motion of Aid. Prettyman, the communication waa referred to the ordlnance Committee. PBTITIONS AM) COMMUNICATIONS. A communication from Welch Tost Xo. 137, G. A. R., extending a cordial invitation to the common couneil to particípate in observing the coming Memorial I);ty, May 3Oth, was received and read. Aid. Prettyman moved that the invitation he accepted and the chair appoint a special committee of three to make the necessary arrangements for obserrtng Bald Memorial Day. Adopted. Pres. Watts appointed the following committee: Aids. Prettyman, Manly and lïerz. To the HonorabU tfu Cnmman Council: At a meeting held by the Board of Health, May 16th, the following resolutions were unanlmously adopted, for your consideration: Resolved, Th&t inasmuoh as the counoll haa prohlblted the keeping of pigs in the city limita, and Baid actioo was done by the direction of the Boiird of Health, we wo'uld respeetfidlyask your honorable body to devise -ome measure to remove Karbage and 'swlll"that mlatesat bouses, whicb was taken away fonnerly t-y persons keeping swlne In the city. We wouw suggesl that tl' honorable council appoini -" -ir persone to remove i al least once a week during the hot weather, at a, reasonable compensntioii. or empower the Board of Healtn to appointthem; sald garbage tobe removed ti somc place deslirnated by the Board of Health. Resolved , That the honorable common eoan011, enforce the ordlnance relativo to slaughter house8, enacted Deo. 5th By order uf the Board of Health. W. .1. Clerk. Aid Manly moved that the commun-. munJcation be accepted, tiled and ordered prlmted. Adopted. A petitlon Blgned by John Karberg and eighteen other residente and property holders of the 3d ward, nsking for the gradlng and fillins in of N. First streot, between Mlller ave. and Elngsley gtreet. Iïeferred to commitlee onstreets. A petition signed bj' Eev. E. D. Kelly and eleven others, resideuts and property holders on North State ut., city of.Aim Arbor, aaking that M!ewalks lie ordered built on the west side of North State st.. froni Klngsley street to l'nller stree4 . Iieferred to the committee on Bldewalka. A petition slgaed by the business men and citi.ens on Si ate street, asking that the COUOCI] delégate one of the patrolincn of the city, as a night patrolnian on State street. lleferred to the committee on polii-e. A petition .signed by Adam Schrater and tweniy-seveu others, residente and property nwners oí the 3d and 4th wards, asklng the council not to grant the laying of a track on depot street i I'ourth ave. Referred to committee onstreets. RBPOBT8 or STAND1N'. COMMITTBES. FINANCE. ■ Council'. Your committee on finance, to wlioi referred the petition al property holdera.adJolnlng the Court House square, praying that the city cause to be done the Bprinklfng of tlie Btreets adjolDlng the Court House square, reBpectfully report that they have had th ject matter under conelderatlon, and would recommend that the peUtlon bé denled, for it i- a matter [or the conslderation of the board of supervisors and not the council. We would recommend that the bid of the Aim Arbor Savings Bank foi theenstody of tlie money, be accepted, thelr bid belng the higneBt. Kespectfully anbmltted, W ALTER L.TAYL0R, WII.I.IAM BERZ, A. 11. FILLMORE. Finance Committee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be accepted and approved. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Schaircr, Wagner, Hen, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. AVatts- 13. Nays- None. chairinan Martin of the street committee, reported progresa and asked for flirt lier linie. tiranted. ril: Ymr committi i ut, to ed the petitiou of Klehard . pi :i Ing thai permisslou may be grant(1 li i ni to erecta frame dwelllng-house on lot , block 8, North Range t Kast, City of Aim ri;or. siiid house " ben nN ïr-iin any building ou adjofaing property, tfully report ths tatter ander consideration , and your comilttee feel that the flre limita oaght not to exend any further north thun UHtneriue Btreet, ti Main Btreet. aa said block betweeu Catuerin' and Klngsiey Btreets belng built up wlth aces, and jout cominittee would thereore recoramead that the pra er of sai.l i-itioiit i be Respectfully submltted. J. O'MARA. W. O.8NOW. Commlttee. Aid. KJteon asked time fco make u mtaority report on the matter. Cranteil. ('liairinan Prettyman, of the Bond commlttee, reported that several bonus had been presented Ki him tliis evenlng, and afiked for further time to report on them. (ranti'il. EEPOBT8 OF BPiCIAL coMMITi I 9EWERS. To tht B ' teil: Your commlttee on sewere would respeotfully report, that at a meetlngoí your oommittee stDd Board of Fn ï ' i Works, il was dptermlned tlmt better progresa would be liltt'ly to be ntade If oertatn matten ere tirst acted u])"n by the Oomman Oounoli. The comiiiittee flnd that while the route of he maln sewer h:i im-ii iíxhcí substantlally, stlll,8ome partsof suid route paai over private property, and henee tlie route as flxed is dependent apon obtalning a rlghi ofwoy over sucii private property, andalso over and Llong the rlght 'i" va of the Sliolgan Central Bailroad Company. Alsi. to euable any person ti bid for the construction 1' sucli maiii eewerwlth lntelllgence, or the city to act upon such biils with justice to tax payer, lt -ill be necessary after sueti route is lully determined upon, to urocure a complete survey of the same, a profile to be made, also plans and speeifloations of the manner of the construct ion. Your coinmiftee, therefore, would reeommend as follou-s : First, tliat the Couucll refer tlie matter of the route as iilready deturmined apon to the Board of Public Works with dlrectlous to obtaln a release of the rign t of way o ver all private property.including the rallroad oompanv's land. Second, the Board be directed to cause the City Englneer, onder tlie supervisión of Prof. (liarlos K. (reene, to makeafull and com. plete survey of the route, also a proper prolüe of the saine. Also plans and Bpeclncatfons of the niannoiof construction, that sucli pruil Ie, plansand speclficatioii-. !.■ flled with tne City Clerk and reported by the Boiiru of Public Works to the Oomraon CoudcII for consideratloh and approval. Your committee discussed somcwl at the subject of construction of lateral sewers, and the best method of payment Of the sarae, bilt reached 110 deflnlte oonoluslon, or at least, nu (■(inclusión wblob wc are able to report at the present time. Your oomraittee, tberefoi i leave to report on such question at another time. II. -pcctfullv Kiibmitted, CHRISTIAN jrAUTlN, OHAS. W. WAGNER, C.H. MANLY, A. P. FERGUSON, I!. C. PKETTYMAN, W. Q, SNOW. Comnilttee. Aid. Martin moved that the report be, and the sarae is hereby approvcd. Adoptcd. Aid. Kitsou made the following mlnority report : To thr Common Cwtndl: Your committee to wbom was referred the petition of Richard Kearn, asklng permli Blon to erecta frame dwelling iuside the fire Umita, would respectfuliy report it has liad the subject matter under consideratiou. and cannot see how it can grant the petition without violating a city ordlnanoe, and your oommlttee ha vlug do desire to do that, recoininend the petition be denied. Respectfully submittiil. ART1IUU J. KITSOX. Aid Ferguson moved that the report of Aid. Kltson be luid on the talilo. Adopted as followe: Yeas - Alda. Hert, Martin, O'Mara, Snow, l'illnioic Ferguson, ['resident "Watts- 7. Nnys - Aids. Seliairt1'-. Wagner, Tayloi-, Manly, Prettyman, Kitsoii- (5. Aid, Fergueon moved that the majority report made by the Pire commlttee be, and the aame is hereby approved and confirmeil. Adopted as followB: Yens- Aids. Schalrer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, l'crmison. Tayliir. Manly. Prettyman, Kii -on. Pree. Watt- 18. Naya - None. ON CITY OFFICES. TntUi Honorable Common Council: Your special commlttee oB building of city oilieus unid respectfully report that they are thoroughly convlnced of the neoesslty ox obtalnlng fl building put up wnli the view of lurolshlng Ruitable Omces fur City Ulerk, City AsBessor, i itj Engiueer, elc. T ie Clerk's office coniuius itiuiiy documenta of great value totbe city.not to apeak of the larra number of cliattel mortgageg on tilt-, whlch are in great danger of Ure No busineifl man would keep Buob valuable papers in snch an unprotected building, It Is onlv lia1 eity'a good fortune tíiat it luis bitberto escaped ereai losa by flre. Many papers oí value have ueretofore been Lostowni- to the frequent remováis of the offices of what were formerly termed city Recorders. And the loss of these papers has frequently, in the past, entallecí expense upou the city. The office for City Clerk musí uecessarily oe provided uitli ii Hre-proof vault, with plenty of room for riling papéis. Sucb au office cannot novv be rented. The Citj Assessor having qow become h regular salaried offleer to take lus time during the rear, should be provided witta an oltiee in whieli he niay keep bis plats, books nnd notes and keep traek of the various Iers. i i n buglneer sboald nave an ornee Ín which to keep the files, tbe variuus grade plats, mapa, etc, and do the work which wlll be requir&d trom hiin durlng the time the seweritem Lstelng construc antof buen an office h:is eaus.i the loss of inuiiy grade plats throügh the cl t; and lias frequent iy oecasloned the same worl being done over leveral times. The office should be contignous totheoth j, so that Ín case the city Marshal is not at hand, tl 1 Clerk muy be able to Lnform lnquirlng partlea where be nuiy be foumt. lt niay be well to have the city taxes collectt'd at the same place every year, as many oltizi-ns are at a loss t a-h year to kuow where taxes niay be paid, whether, as a printing office, drug siorc. a hardware orjewori'. ( )w íiiíí tu i be i;Li'i that t ir c now to taxed tor putting in a aystem o ■ expëd len t for th to the outlay i erei city bulldil Tin' proposl tlon r)f David Binsey to erect a snitaMf building o F urlh Avenue, near Huurn street, to be built as the citv desires its of arranged, to be rented tot: ivntal oi ten per cent. (10 per cent) of the cost of the constructiou, strikes your committoe most feaslble plan ior the city at 'rt-srni. building e. ui be erected 'for thonsand (f8,000) or three thousand Bvehundrei ($.'ii0) dollars. It will also fi (orthe First Ward a po , somethlng t has long needed. All of whlch is respectfully submltted. A. P. PBRGUSON, ARTHUK .1. KIT80N, D. F. SCHAIR] Committee. Aid. O'Mara moved that the report lic and the saine is hereby approved, t-onfirmed and l'ilcd. Adopted. O KAYOB'a MK88A1 Your special committee to whom was re ferred the Mayor's animal message tor división and referenoe, beg leave to report that bo much of tha message as refere to the sewers, should be referred to the sewer committee. Thatso much of the message as refers to the p snii-divisions and Burveyor's notespbe re] to the street committee. Thatso much fers tn plat books be retened to the fl nance ' committee, and bo mueb as refers to pólice der of the city be referred to the pólice coinmittre. AJÍ of which U repectfully Bubmitted, and ,-k to be digi A i'. FERGÜ8ON, C.H. MA NL Y. Ii. F. SCHAIRER. C'Oüllll i Kot'. Aid. M:uily moved that the report be, nul the same is hereby approved, conflrmed and ordered spread on the Journal. Adopted. OS BALABIE8. I ■ Your special coralttee to whom as refi the reiolution at the last regular meeting relating td Balarles of city offleers, would recommend that the reuolution be adopted. The alarles liuiiiK iixed tho Baxne as laat year. We further reoommend that the city Assessor's salary be lixcil at one thousaud dollars per nnuiiM). the siiiiu' i_o de payable uonthly. All of which i respectnilly aubmltted and your commlttee ask to be discha rged irotn the luriher conslderatlon of tnesublect. VVA1 I .VI. OU, WILLIAM HERZ, A. 11. FILLMOB Committee. Aid O'Mara moved t ii,it the report be, and the same is hereby aecepted ip.d adopted. Aid Prettyman moved the report lic su anicmli'd M to makc the mar.-lial's salary $1,000 per year. Which niotion was declared out of order. Aid. Wagner moved as a substitute that the report be acoepted and filed. Adopted as follows : Yens- Aids. Scliairer, Wagner, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, Frettymau, Kitson- 7. Xays - Aids. Herz, O'Mara, Fergueon, Taylor, Manly, Pres. Watts - 6. oX PRINTING. Tri the llntni I ii Council: Your special committee to whom yas referred the bids for printing the proeeediugs of the council, and tne board of public workfl would report thut they find the bids are incomplete, for the reason tfiat the rcsolution aaklng for bids did not ask for bids on the pamphlets. We would, therefore, recommeml tfiat all bids be rejected and new bids lor, to be presenteil Ht the next meeting ui the council, for publlshlng tbe proceedlngs in the paoers and ui pamphlet forin. Kespectfully submitted. W ALTE E L. TAYLOR, 1). FRED.SCHAIRER. C'dinmittee. Aid Ferguson offered the following minority report : To the Honnrabh ' 0 .ril: ïhe present arrangement of jirintiug the proeeedinjis of the council having given satlsfactlon to the people generully, the underslgned membera ui' the coinmittee to hom the matter was reierred, reoommend that the bid of the Courier and Argus be accepted. A. I'. FEHQÜ8ON, Aid. O'Mara moved tliat the minority report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Prettyinan moved as a substitüte that the majority reIort be accepted and adopted. Adopted aa follow.-: Yeas- Aids. Schairer, AVagner, Martin, Hrs, Taylor, I'rettyman, Kitson - 7. Naj-s- Aids. ijnow, l'illmore, Ferguson, O'Mara. Manly, Pre. "Watts- (j. On motiou of Aid. Taylur, City Treasurer Beakc was allowed to addicss the council. ON MAYok's APPOLNTJ1ENTS. 'ƒ' tlu I Your ttpudul ooinrultlee lo wliom was retened tliu uppolutraenls al the Mayor, beg U-;tvr lu repulí as folloWH: ist. Wu woutd rucoinmead tbat tlie appoiulmeulB ol (Jotllob i.uiPlt, Warren 1.. Walker and Herman ECrapf ruembera of the Board of Building luspeeiura; James E. Etariiins, ineinber of Lhe Board 01 Klre Commls- ; Thomas .1. Keeuh, member f Board of PubllO Mniks; Ueorge 11. rond, City Treasm er. In: (Mnlirnied. 2nd. Vii' reoommend that t!ie appointmeni o! Paris Banfleld au UHy ilareüal, be referred bacÈ u ibe i oauolt without reoommeudailuu. Ui ■sim-ci fuHv submltted, W1LLIAM IIKKZ. A. P. KKBGUSON, WALTKH L. TA ï LOB, 11. (i. 1'KEl'TïlIAX, W. j. .sNijYV. Committee. Aid. Wagnw moved that the rcport bc accepted and filed. Aid. Manly moved as an amendment tii.u the report be accepted and adopted. Adoptad as followa : Teas- Alda. Schatrer, Herz, Martin, Snow, l'illmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, ïaylor, Manly, l'rettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watta- 12. Nays- Aid. Vfagner- 1. Aid. Prettyman moved tliat the appointment of Paria BanüéTd as city marshal be conürmed. Lost as iollows : Xeas - Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Prettyman, Kitson, l'res. Watts- ö. ■ Nays- Aids. JIitz, Martin, Snow, Flllmore, O'Mara, Fergoson, Taylor, Manly- 8. ÍÍEI'OUT OF BOND COMMITTEK. Ciiairnuin Prettyman reported that the bond commlttee luid examlned th bond of City Clerk Miller -vith David EUnsey and Moeea Seabolt as rareties; and recommended its acceptance wltn the euretlee aamed. On motion the bond was approved as follows : Yeae- Alde. Schairer, Wagner, Herí, Martin, iiuow, Flllmore, O'Mara, FergTieon, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pree. Watts- 13. Naya - None. RiPOBTa OF CITY OFÏJCEBS. Au opinión oí the city attorney relativo to the two ga& ordinances passed April 5th, 1898, was read aud Aid. Manly moved that the commnnlcatlon bc l:iid on the table. Adopted as followa i ïeaa- A1Ó8. Bcnalrer, llerz, Martin, Snow, l'illmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, I'res. Watts- 10. Nays- Aids. Wagner, Prettyman, Kitson-i!. ÜNFINISHKD BÜ8IN] Aid. llerz moved that the appointnients oí the mayor be now 6eparately passed upon in their regular order as preseatted by the commlttee. Adopted. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. [ OFFICIAL.] Aid. Ferguson moved tliai the appolntmeni ol member of the board of building Inspectora iIC'l. Adopted a.s folien Teas - Aids. Schalrer, Wa{ Martin, Snow, Flllmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Kltson, Pre Pres. Wal ba -13. None. Aid. Ferguson moved that the jippois Warren E. Walker as member n' the board oi building Adopted as followa : Aids. Behalrer, Wa Maltin. Show, Flllmore, ó'Mara, i. Taylor. Manly, lv' Prettyffian, Pres. Watte- 13. Naj ■ Aid. Martin moved that the appointmenl of Herman Crapf, as member of the board ii building ii tors lic conflrmed. Adopted at follow : iTea -Aids. Schairer, Wagner, Serz, Martin, Show, FUlmore, D'Mara, I'crjïuson, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pree. Watts- 18. Naya- None. Aid. iierz moved tiiat tiio appolntment of James E. Harklna, aa memler of the board of fire comnÜMlonera be confirmetl. Adopted aa rollows : Yeas- Aids. Schalrer, Wagner, Herí, Martin, 8now, ■ Fillmore, O'Mara, l'erguson, Taylor. Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, Pree. Watts- 13. Xays- None. Aid. Kitsou moved that li polntment oí Thomas J. Keech aa ineniber of tlio board of public WOrkS be confirraed. Adopted as folloWB : Veae - Aids. Sehairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Flllmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Kitson, Prettymaa, Pres. Watts- 13. Naya- None. Aid. O'Mara moved that the appointment of Geo. II. Pond os city treasnrer be conflrmed. Adopted tollowa : Yi'.i-- Aiils. Bchairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Bnow, Flllmore, O'Mara, Fergiison, Taylor, Manly, Ki Prettyman, Pre. Watts - 18. Xays- Nono. ]}y Aid. Taylor; Resolved, Thai tbc sulant;;-, of the following city officers be flxed at tbe following pricea for the coming year: CityClerk Í800, City Attorney $300, City Treasurer WOO, City Marsbal Patroltnan tUH, City Assessor $1,000, the same to bepayable monthJy. Aid. Prettyman moved to uueml by striking out the worda "seven hundred and eigtaty dollars" relativo tothe city Marshals salary, and Inserting ín place thereof the words "one thousand dollars." Aid. Wagner moved an amendment to the amendment by striking out the words "seveu hundred and eighty dollars" and inserting in place thereof the words "nine bundred dollars." Whii-h amendment to the aniendwas lost as Eollows: Feas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner- 2. Nays- Aid. Herz, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor. Manly, Prettyman, Kitaon, Tres. Watcs- 11. The yeas and nays being called on Aid. Prettyman's amendment it was follows: Veas- Aid. Schairer, Prettyman, Kitson- 3. Xays- Aid. Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow'. Fillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylur, Manly, Pres. Watts- 10. The yeas and nays being called on the original resolution, it prevailed as follows: Veas- Aid. Her., Martin, Snow, Fillmore. O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly. Pres. Watts- 9. Bfays - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Prettyman, Kitson- 4. Aid. Prettyman explained bis vote which explanation was on motion of Aid. Manly spread upon the records as follows: "On account of the inadequate salary of the City Marshal, I vote against the resolution." MOTIOXS AND BESOLtmONS. By Aid. Taylor: ücsolved, That Dr. Anna M. Flynn, be and is hereby appointed tothe otlice of City Pbysician fortbe ensuingyear. Aid. Ferguson moved that the resolution be luid on the table. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Herz, Martin, Bnow, Fillmore. O'Mava, Ferguson, Tres. Watts.- 7. Nays- Aid. Schairer; Wagner, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson.- 6. By Aid. Ferguson: Resolved, That Dr. E. A. Clark be appointed by this Council as City Physician fortbe ensuingyear at a Balary of one uundred dollars per year. Aid. Taylor moved' to amend by inserting the name of Dr. Anna M. Flynn in place of Dr. E. A. Clark. Declared out of order. The resolution was Uien adopted as folio ws: Yeas - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin. Snow, Pillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manlv. Prettyman, Kitson. Pres. Watt.- 13. Nays -None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That tlie bond of the City Treasurer be and is hereby üxed at eiiility thousand dollars for the ensuaar. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Schairer, Wagner, lier., Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, guson. Taylor, Manly, l'rettyruan, Kitsen, Pres. Watts.- 13. Nays - None. Bj A!d. Ferguson: Resolved. That the surn of $4-5 be appropriated from Uie bridge, culvert 1 1 1 crosswalk fund for the purpose of building a stone cross walk om Fourth avenue at the intersection of Detroit Referred to sidewalk committee. By Aid. Scbairer: Resolved, That $50 be appropri from the street fund for gradina Monroe street, between Packard and State ; ; ! ; n tí lo lie r the Board of Public Works. Referred to street committee. By Aid. PreUyman: Resolved, Thai the matter of gas ord i nances be referred t the ordini committee. Adopted. By Aid. O'Mara: Resolved, That the special eoin tee on city building be directed to make arrangements wlth David Rinsey for the erection of a building suitable for city oflBces, as outlined in their report, and to report the contract in writing to thia Council forconfirmation. Adopted as follows: "i eaa Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Martin, Show. Fillmore. O'Mara, Fergnson. Taylor, Manly. Prettynian, Kitsun. Pres. watts.- 12. fcíáj A 1.1. Her. - J. By Aid. Martin: Resolved. That the A nu Arbor Street Railway Company is hereby ordered and required to forwith fill in, repair and make reasonably safe the roadway between its tracks throughout the entire length of its road. Adopted by a unaniínous vote. By Aid. Martin: Resolved, That the question of the most feasible plan of coustructing the lateral sewera and raising the money for the payment of the same, be referred to the sewer committee, with instructions to report at the next meeting, regular or special. Adopted. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the printing of the Council proceedings be let to the Courier and Argus at the same rate as heretofore, until new bids are rece i ved and acted upon. Adopted as follows: Yens - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Tillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor. Manly. Prettyman. Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. O'Mara: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works are hereby directed to cause the sidewalk in front of the engine house built. Adopted as follows: Yens - Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara. Fern, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts. - 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the Board of Health be authorized to procure the sen of some Buitable persou to remove the garbage froni tlie city, as in the communication of the Board of Health requesting it, uut il such time as the Council can dispose ui' the subject matter. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid, Schairer, Martin, Snow, Fillmore, O'Mara, Ferguson, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Prea i.- 11. Nays- Aid. Wfcgner, Herz.- 2. Bj Aid. Prettyman: Resolved, That the bids for printing the Counc dinga for the e ing year in botli newspaper and parophitained by the city ■ uid oponed at tlie next meeting, regular or special, the bids to be by tlie 1,000 ems aml the bids Eor the p imphlets to be by th dopted aa follows: Veas Aid. Schairer, Wagner, Herz, Maiiin, Sikiw, Fillmore, O'Mara, Taylor, Manly, Prettyman, Kitson, Pres. Watts.- 12. Nays- Aid. Ferguson. - 1. By Aid. ManLv Resolved, That a committee of six, one from each ward, be appointed to meet wiih the Boldiers' relief commission at some day to becalledbythe chairman of Uie relief commissiou. Adopted. Aid. .Martin stated that Mr. F.C. TwitcheLl, stale agent for the Chicago rock breaking machine, was present and he would like to addreasthe Council upon the meritsof lus machine. On motion ui' Aid. Prettyman, Mr. Twitchell was granted the Hoor. Aid. Kitson moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet ïuesday, May i, 1898, at the usual time. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier