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The reelgnatlon oí lr. Abel has been accepted by the reg ml - The junior laws dc.Vaied ili' Normja il Vpsii.-mti Baturday, by a score oí 24 to 18. The Alpha .u defeated the Adelphl'e Baturday at base ball, by n acore of 1( to II. The memben ol the Junior engineering clase li'ït Monday eveniag tor a month'e practical work at Leiand, i. - lanau county. Tbe last Manchester Enterprlse has (uite a lengthy wrlte-up ol the Unlvn-sity. locludlng a cui oí the Llbrary building. The regenta have grantcd Proís. BpauMlng and McLaughlln leaves oï absence, whirh they will spend in atudy in Europe. At the r. oí Pa. las! Batarday, a Btudent named Oagood rode a bicycle t vi miles in ö minutes and 8 seconda, bhus beatlng the record. '1 hc taculty conrerl whlch was programmed for to-morrow niglit, wlll not be given until June 8. The faculty is too buey U81 no-w to prepare for it. The lit. 1'reshnu-n and Sophomóres conteated at base ball .Monday afteriiiiiiii, and the Freshinen again proved to be tlio best nini by a acore oí 1 l to 13. Tlu: present Krrslnnen - are hummers in an athletic way at lea-t. The Cornell base ball nine defeated the U. of M. Saturday. by u score of 8 to -. Tlus was leurgely due to the fact tliat Cornell would only allow one umpire, and he one of tlieir own men, and refused to play under the new rules to whdch our boys rere accustomed. A dellghtlul entertainment was the matinee given by MIbb fioodykontz and iliss Ticknor, pupils oí Prof. T. C. Trueblood, last Saturday afternoon in Room 24. The recitations were very line indeed, and the powen Ol tliese ladies as eloeutionists were brought out in a marnier ïnuch to tlieir credit. Dr. E. E. Hagler, who has held the position of assistant to the chair of Ojihthalmology and Aural Surgery, for some time, is to sever his connection with the University at the close of the year, and will go to Springfield, 111., and enter apon the practice of his profession. Dr. Hagler has beconie an expert in the treatment of the eye and ear, and his p leasant niaiinei-s and gentlemanly ways have in.iili' of him a faYOrlte here in Aun Arbor, aml il is generally regretted iIkii be seeks anothei locatlon. Wherever he goei he wlll attain sucC688, and remaln at th head ol lus professlon. Kor benefit oí the athletlc asgoclatlon tbc U. ol -M. Minetrels wlll glve au entertainment ai the Opera ". mi l'nilay eveninjr. The studente in astronomy are organ'.zlög a club. Why not V There are Bome spott on the sim tUat need tu be knocked oti wiih gome sort ol a (luli. .Mr. Seymour wül umpire the Corucil game ai Detroit nexi Tueeday. Dr.. Wood was elected president of tin' llahmemaunian Society a few eveminga ago. Aml huw there is an addltlonal reason why the regenta would be warranted in not retaining the services of Dr. Obetz. See Daily Times oí the 28d. Ticket to Detroit and return Incliuïin.iï an admlsslon to the Cornell game, Tueeday May .".o. are tor sale by the athletlc associatlon tor $1.25. it is probable t'aat J'roí. Stanley wlll act as director ol the new Detroit Symphoiiy Onhestra. wlth Prof. Yunck as next in authorlty. Dr. Vlrchow, professor of anatoiny at tlie Iniversity of Berlín, Germany, was a iruest oí President Angelí last i'riday and gaturday. The professor in is a son of the renowned Dr. Vlrehow, has charge oí the educational exhibit at the Expoattton, and at present is engaged in visiting Anierloa'is groat schools. The regents took no act ion on Dr. Obetz' case, and he still remains as Dean of tlïe Homeoiiathic department. Had the question of the Dean's reeldefice been brouglit before the board the resnlt niiuht have been different. No one can occupy that Misition and properly perform its duties, and reside in soane other place. Ann Arbor student ghouls carry tlieif niekles in j)ocket books. maüe trom human bidé. They .-hinned a cadáver and liad the skin tanned. The Orase I.nke News appropriately remarks tlia,t the wretches ought to be tanned without shinuing.- Stoekbridge Sun. Yes, and the fellow.s who start such ya.rns as the above ought to be tanned, shinned and -liided," all three. The animal spring field day, held at the Athletic grounds laat Saturday, was a success in every way. and considered superior to any other event of the kind ever held here. As a result of the day's contest the '95 lits made 40 pointe, far ahcad of any other class and wlll have its name engraved on the $100 silver cup offered by the Student's Lecture Association. The points made by the other classes is as follows : '98 law, 20 ; '98 lit, 18 ; '93 lit, 13 ; "J.j law 12 ; '94 lit, 11 ; Dente 7; Medies 5. The great event was the 100 yards dasli, said to have cqualed anythiug yet given in college records, made in 10 seconds. The 220 yards dash was won by the sajne person in 22.2-5 seconda. The events and winners wère as follows : 100-yard dash- Wou by G. Chapman, lit '9'. Kcnsoii. dentf second. Tíqiq 10 2-2i-yiircl diish- (J. Chapman first; KeLson secoud. Time 2'J 2 5 B6C. nu yurd dash- Ashley, ":■; law. flret ; Banderson, '93 lit, second. Time 55 BOc. 880-yard run- Oroah, ".'i lit. Brgt; Holt, '(.i5 secoud: CasBidy, dont, tliird. Time, 2:161-5, Mlle run- Holt, '95, fl rat; Tltswortb, '98 law, secoud. Time, 5 KW. 220-yard liurdk- White, medie, Brstj (. Reed, '94 law, second: Ueary. "M lit. third. Time, -J7 -5 sec. Mlle bicycle- Belden, '98 lit, Brat; Seeley, 'M lit. Becoud; Finch, '96 lit, third; Morris, fourth. Tlme,'2:5i. Two-mlle bicycle- Belden, '98 lit, fust: Seeley, second; Parmelee, third: Finch, fourth. Time, ó-ó8 3-5 Running broad jump- Qeary, ",I6, first, 19-ft '.tin: Coffln, '96, Becoud; l'uttersou, '94 luw. third. Btanding broad jump - Geary, first, ii-ft 7-ln; Coflin, second; Horton, third.' Running liigli jump-Geary, first, 5 ft 4-in; Comn, second ; Horton, third.' Polu vaiilt- Anstin, "95 lit. first, 9-ft 6-in : H. Chapman, ':n law, second; ('rum', ".m, third. Hammer throw- Perry, '93 law, first. 74-ft; Lautnar, 95 Ut, second ; Hall, '98 law, third. Shot put- Hall, '98 law, 84-ft U-in; Fiudlay second ; ];■■'{. third. High kick- Truc. ':i4 law, 8-ft 8-in; Geary second.


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