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Wu.TEii O. Oí. lis has been elected chief justice of the suprema eourt oí Indiana. Edward McDtjffie, of Malden Mass.. lowered the American twentyfive-mile road bicycle record by riding the course in 1 huur. 13 minutes 55 2-5 ieeonds. Mas. A-.nii: PïTEHSOH was sentenced to the state príson for tmi years at Columbus, O., for smuggling a small saw 'to her husband in jail, by which he made his escape. 'J'iiE water in a well on Joseph Stowe's farm near Northfield. Minn., has turned salt. The well has been in for thirty yearu. The Calumet v Hecla Mining company has divided 825.000 ámong the widows and children of the ten men killed in the recent mine disaster at lhiug-hton, Mich. A 'Ev secret political society has been formeel amone; Kansas tarmers. In Ohio a terrific windstorm killed four men at Cleveland, destroyed property valued at $1,000,000 n Lima and vicinity and did great damage at Findlay, Fremont and otlicr places. The national eommissioners of the world's fair, by a vote of 31 to 27, sustained the local directory in its decisión to open the exposition on Kunday, and unless legal proceas res training the directors from acting otherwise is resorted to the gatea of the fair wil] be thrown open Sundaya to visitors. lx tlu nnv city of Helden. Mieh. , a fire wiped out a full third of the business houses of the town. Loss, ?1T5,OOO. William Young, John I'orter and three other men who worked at the fire drank some liquor and died soon after Home kind of poison was thought to have been in the whisky. VINCENT, ex-treasurer of Alabama who was sentenced six years ago to twenty years for embezzling S'JO.Oüü hat, been pardoned. Officials of the Pennsylvaniarailroac Kystem and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad have informed their employés that between now and Octo ber 30 every employé, irrespeetive o: his or her departinent, wil] be given a two weeks' vacation to see the fair. The national bank of Elmira. X. Y., elosed its doors owing to the financial diffieulties of its president, D. C. Robinson. At Brunswick, Ga., Mayor & Ulman, wholesale grocers, failed for í'280,000. Mad dogs bit twenty persons in Chicago in the neighborhood of Fortyeifhth and West Lake streets. At ürant university, Chattanooga, Tenn., students hauled down the stars and stnpes and substituted a flag of the eonfederaey. The income derived by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe from the famous work, "Únele Tom's Cabin, " has ceased, the copyright which for so many years has protectediher interests having expired, and it now becomes public property. A FiitE among tobáceo factories at Winston, N. C, caused a loss of iiöO.OOO. A WTND8T0RM blew down or unroofed twenty-five houses in the eastern part of Louisville, Ky. A i.evkk broke in Louisiana and the fi-reater part of East Carroll, Madiaon and Concordia parishes mis overflowed, causing the destruction of growinjr orops. A tornado in Michigan did great damag-e in Detroit and at many points in Wayne, Monroe and Lenawee eountics. Ix Indiana a tornado wrecked houses and did other damag-e at Jeffersonville, Elvvood, Marión and Columbus. Ephriam MüCHLERandanother negro who murdered J. J. Brovvn, a prominent business man at Nichols, Ua., vvere lynched by a mob. On the Wabash road a train made the run from Kansas City to Centralia, Mo., 153 miles, in 108 minutes, breaking1 the record west of the Mississippi for lonjfdistance running. A mob at Durand, Mich., lynched William Sullivan, the farmhand who brutally murdered his employer', Layton Leech, and murderously assaulted the latter's wife last Januar'. Sullivan was captured in Detroit recently. Commis üjters all the Europeau nations and Brazil have withdrawn their exhibits at the worlcVs fair from competition for awards under the single judg-e system. An extensive and desperate of counterfeiters has been unearthed in southwest Missouri by g'overnment secret service officers. to the depth of 6 inches feil throughout the northern portion of Michigan. A SMAi.r. town in Cherokee connty, Tex., was al most wiped out by fire and Dr. J. E. Roberts was burned to death in his office. LawbbNCE Bbvakbt was caught in the machinery of a Pittsburgh (Va.) mili and torn liinb from limb. Charles Schaeffkr, of Sedgwicki Kun., the newly appointed consul to Vero i'rv., was made consul before he was a Citizen of the United SI An attempt was made to wreek a ]aseenffer train on the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton road on which Superintendent Husted was a passei es Nabto, of (reen Bay, Wis., killed his wife and then took hls own life. The woman had applied for a diToree. Amos Avebt was hanged at Lamar, Mo., for the murder of James A. Miles on September 88, 1891. H speech on the ffallows proclaiming liis innocence. Charles Townb, a farmer, ;md his younií wife were probably fataliy shot while eating supper at their home uear Plymouth, [a., bysome person unknown who fired throug-h a window. No motive was known lor the ..-rime. A BILL women the right to vote at municipal and school elections has been pasbed by the Michigan legislatnxe. Thk Farmeis' state baak of Brooklyn, Mich., closed ite doors, with liabilities amounting to about SiO.OOO. Fked Mcüih.nev, Thomas O'Bnen and Thomas Kilisky, small boys, were drowned in the rirer at Brooklyn, N. Y., by the upsetting of a boat. A WKBT-BOUND passenger train was held up by two maske.l men at Colemiin. 1 ix., and the express car robbed of all its contents. A ivi LONB swept over central Mis. ioinjr immense dsmage. The town of Ladonia, with 1,800 izthabitants. wíis entirely deitroyed and twenty persons were killed. At Mo bcrly, Sadalia, Brookfield and other places property was destroyed. Fr.AMKS Bwept away two-thirds of the business portion of Kocklin, CaL Thtbtt convicts died in three days in the I'ratt mines near Blrmingham, Ala., f rom pneumonía. KiciiAKDso.v & Dehnte, dealers in hieles in Boston, fail"d for $300,000. Anna W.u.nki:. an Indianapolia Bervant ifirl. is oharg-ed with the death by poison of five members of the Koesters fainily. where slie was employed. Bx-MaTOB DlMOND, of Areola, 111., wa.s shot and killed by David E. .Miller, his partner. J. A. MoAüLET, who was working to get money enouyli to go to Chicago to receive $1:2,000 left him by his father, was buried and killed under tons of rock in the Uerdilla mine at St. Louis, Col. Coinaok is to be suspended at the Canon (Nev.) mint after the present month. .Miss uk CüLBKRTSON, of Chicago, eng-agect to a líritish offlcer, eloped " it li Leigh French, of Minnesota, wbom ber father's will leaving lier $500,000 f orbade her to m;irry on paÏD of disinheritanee. DUBnra a iire in the Arab camp in Chicago threeeamelsand Beven Arabian horses, one valued at .1U,000, were cretnated. Dubing the week ended on the 26th the leading clearing houses in the United States réported exchanges amounting to 11,043,014,447, against $1,821,647,406 the previoua weck. As oompared with the corresponding week of 192 the decrease was B.S. Thkbe were 27.', business failures reported in the United States the seven days ended on the 26th. In the week preceding there were 261, and during the corresponding time in he number was 198. The Brunswick state bank at Brunswiek. Ga., where the state funds were depositad, lias failed. Fostek, ex-secretary of the treasury and oneof the most prominent business men in Fostoria, O., uiade an assignment with liabilities of 000,000 and assets about the same. Stringency in the money market was given as the canse. The Bank of Puyallup at Puyallup, Wash., elosed its doors with liabilities of $80,000. The children of the Brooklyn Sunday School union celebrated the sixtyfourth anniversary of the or?anization by in different parts of the city with more than (55,000 little ones in line. Whii.e fishing in 'Wall lake near MarshalTttfwn, Ia.. George Burgesa, Bert Corey and R. Core3T weredrowned. A governmext surveynijf party os the Coïville reservation in Washington was attacked by Indians and two of its members were killed. A CYCLONE in Illinois wrecked many houses, barns and trees at Rentenier, Olney and Lawrenceville and injured several persons. BoBEBT Ai.exasder and Louis and Howard I'ug-h, negro boys. werehanged at Tuskegee, Ala., for criminal asRault on Mrs. Cox, a farmer's wife. This was the íirst legal for tliis offense in the state. The father of Lou Trenck, who was hanged by an Indiana mob in Jackson countj', has offered a reward for the conviction of the ringleaders. Thoüsands of people have been rendered horaeless by the floods in northwest Louisiana and an appeal has been issued for aid. The sixteen foreig-n countries dissatisfled witb the single judge plan of making awards at the ivorld's fair have decided to enter into competion among themselves. The American Baptist Publication society held its sixty-ninth annual session in Denver. The reports showed hat more than 35.000,000 copies of xoks, tracts, pamphlets and periodeals had been printed during the year. 'I'wo CHILDKBN of Frank Manaiget, of St. Clair, Minn., met death by the exjlosion of the tank of a gasoline stove. JAMB8 liiiiiws and Miss Mary Snutz were killed by the cars while walking on a hiffh trestle near Bluefield. W. Va. Uavid C. Eomxsosr, mayor of Elmira, N. Y., failert for $1,500,000. Ant express train on the .Missouri Pacific v.'as held lip and fobbed of $1,600 sy fonr unmaaked meo jast bevond the suburbs of St. Louis. N. A, Nettukson, a potato dealer at Scandinavia, Wis., ivas robbed on tlie I iiiiway by two men Whtlk eagaged in a dranken fig-ht at 'ueblo, Col., E-van Owen and (rirt larris, employés of tbe steel works, ell in front of an electric car and were instantly killed. monument toAlexanderH. Stephens v.-;is unveiled ut Crawfordsville, Ga. The Atlantic tannejy property at South Salem, Mass., operated by I'oor Bros., was destroyed bj fire, the loss ,000. factory oi D. Buchner & ■Sor'.; was burned. the loss being (L00,800. liií.ii Etter, i colored man, shot and i another ■ ian oamed DeWitt Sherrell in Chicago in a quarrel ever a wonjan, and Etter was fatally shot resisting i:i-i ik Polson, a 16-year-old girl at Morberly, [o., poiaened herself witli Btrychnine because her father told her to perform household duties while her sweetheart was iu the parlor. WabRANTS were issued for sovcral disbonest gatekeepers at the world'a fair, frorn 5,000 to 10,000 souvenir tickets haring been purloineil daily. A mahbi,k bust of Harriet Beecher Stowe, the famous anthor of "Cncle Tom's Cabin, ' was nnveiled in the library of the Woman"s building on the j world's prouttds by Mrs. Isabella Beecher Booker, her sister. The entire work is a gift of the women of Connecticut. 1 111; town of Blue Jlound, Kan., was nearly destroyed by a tornado. Houses were lifteJ bodily and blown away, orchards were ruined, fences blown down and ras1 damage done. Thomas Higgins was k-i' PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. JüDGK K. F. Lvov, one of the most prominent jurista in Georgia, died in Macon af ter a long illness, aged 95 years. W. E. QüÏMBY, a Detroit iMich.) editor, has been appointed Dnited States minister to the Netherlands. iKN'. lÍAirii V. KiHKHAM. a hero of the Mexicau and civil wars and a rniliionaire. died at Oakland, Cal., aged T'i years. Pko]-. Moses O. Fabmeb, ff Boston, one oí the pioneen of modern application of electricity to industrial uses, died in Chicago of pneumonía, aged 78 years. Daniel X. Mobsak, of Connecticut, the ni'v Dnited States treasurer, will relieve E. R. Nebeker June 1 next. It will take two and a half inonths to complete the count of the monev. The Michigan legislatura adjonrned sine die. The session was thirty-live days shorter than the precedingone - in faut, tlie hhortest for the last ten years. FOREIGN. AT Vaordal, in Xorway, flfty farms were destroyed by a landslide and over 100 persons perished. 'I iir. i-isli leader, Huffh O'Neill, died in Ulster. Iruland, aged . The two months' drong-ht in Franco is estimated to have destroyed 32,000,üoo francs' worth of eropa. Rosai.ik BuittboDb aud her lover, Frjtz Erbe, were beheaded at Ma burff, Germany, for the murderoi two (?irls. l'];sii)i:T BlCHABBS, of the h-on and Steel institute of Great Britain, savs tlie year 1892 u-as one of the most disastrous to the industry ever known. Thb T4th birthday of Queen Victoria was celebrated in London. I. a battle near Masaya, Nicaragaa, the gurernment losses were 155 killed and 305 wounded, and the revolutionists' losses were 12 killed and 8 wounded. TIIOUSAND prisoiKTS, exclllsive of women andohildren, wereawaiting dispateh to Siberia in the pri&ons of Mosco. Tuk powder mili at St. Inbert, Oermany, exploded, and ten laboren were killed outright and a large number of others were wounded. The departure of the new Chinese minister to the United States has been deferred pending replies to questions concerning the Geary act. Advices from Roumania say that floods have destroyed over 500,000 acres of crops and that the damage is nearly tö, 000, 000. Choi.i:ka has appeared at Cette and Nimes in southern France. Tuk .Mercantile Financial Trustees, & Agency company at Melbourne, Australia, failed with deposits amounting to Yl..")()!l.0(l(i. Tnrc Halian irovernment will raise its representative to the United States to the rank of ambassador. LATER. The World'a fair grounds were thrown open on Sunday and also all the main exhibit buildings except the United States headquarters and the exhibits frora Great Britain and the British colonies. Eighteen state buildings were open niid twenty-tuo were closed. A DBCBSB e.xpelling the Chinese has been issued by the government of San Salvador. Kiv. Wii.i.ia.m Grahaji and wife while walking on the Central raüroad neai Milner, Ga., were struck by au engine and both were ld] U-d. The sugvr reflnery at Baltibnore, Mei., was burned, the loss being $1,000,Oüü: insuranee, ?8fió,000. )wi.N(. to the recent Hoods there was said to be 10,000 homeless and hungi-y people in East Carrol], Moorehouse, West Carrol] and Madison parishes in Louisiana, ani'. the .sutVerin's and privations they were were appalling. Damki. Lakkins, probably the oldest man in Ohio, died in Uellevue, aged 107 yeai's. A PANio in a crowded church at Uarmershelm, Bavaria, was causad by a cry of fire and four children were tratnplcd to death and twenty-seven women reeeived fatal injuries. HoKTiCLi.TUKAL hall at l'hiladlphia w,:s burned, a loss of $100,000. The lirm of Weaver. líetz & Co., one of the largest and most. important in the coal business in Chicago, has suspended witta liabilities of ÜUO,000. a Christian Haberkis, aged 72, of Boanoke, Ind., whlle temporarily insane killed his wife, aged 70, and then toolf bis owd life. Thx tdg John A. MacDonald, whioh left Kingston, Ont., with a raft for Quebeo, waa piven up as lost with her crew oí eight men. PROHIBITIONI8T8 of Chenev. Kan., ■lis and liotcl bars. deBtroyinff the fixtures and spilling the liquors. John Slkrpkb, oí Massachusetts, has been appointed consul general to Colombia, and W. A. Anderson, of La Wis., to Montreal. Laugk numbersoí Mohammedansare said o be preparing to emigate from India to America. Tin: percehtBgea of bie baseball clubs n the National league for ti. e week ended on the follows: Pittsburpli, .c. and, .647; Hrooklyn, .865; St. ,.;-2; Philadelphia, .822; Boston, .520; Baltimore, .520; Cincinnati, ,462; Washington. .44!): New York, .440; Chicago, .40U; Louisville, .214.


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