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Hnfzel's Water Bad ! A very important inveiuiou nhicfc will bc hailed with delight by every body usiüg a stove or range for hot water circolatioa. Alter years of ex perienre we have sncceeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect VVATEK BACK. It overcumes all the present trouble; of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulatt in watei backs, often making them useless and in great many instances beconaing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range I can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using cit) water for hot water circulation. Can be used in anj stuve. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Watei Bark Mason & Davis Co's. ranges foi sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvernent. Everybody cali and examine (hl useful inventior. HUTZEL & CO., Pliutnhfrrn ,ivri UinnitUm. ANN ARBOB, MICP. JNO. BAUMCARDNER, sJ CO o - MONUMENTÜL ï GEMETERY o BUILDING g .„„„„ Also, Stone Walks. - Estimates clieerfully furnislicd. Cor. Detroit and Catherine Sts..ANN ARBOR, MICK, r jflafe VjhJm descriptivo %wWKWI B pain ph let, SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION cure. The suocess of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists aie aiuhorized to sell it on a pos. itive guarantee, a test thatnoother cure can successfully stand. That it inay become known, the Proprietor.-', at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Couh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whoopinir Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumntion, ne it. Ask yoar Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Pnce lo ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If youi Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets Onlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies j Ottier Chemicals are used in the preparation of W.Bato&W Breakfast Gocoa, which is ábsolutely pure and soluble. It has more than tkree times the st.-en.ffth of Cocoa mixed witli Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and 13 far raore economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easili DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers evorywhefe. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass. Do yon Know? That tnore ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause-Indigestión, Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, and Malaria usually attend it. Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator is a vegetable specific for Liver Disorders and their accompanying evils. It cures thousands why not be one of them ? Take Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigorator. Your Druggist vvill supply you. THE BEST Blood PurefierI IN THE WORLD. 9 1 WHY SUFFER with that ehronic f 1 disease? Do you want to die? fc phur Bitters will cure you as it lias P ■ thousands. . Wiiy do you suffer yith that g ÍFOUL, OFFENSIVE BREATH? fc m ■ ■ ■■■ ■ iiiini ■■■■■miiiniiiiMfc ion nced not if you uso iSulphur m j Bitters. They never fail to cure. (á Operativos wlio are closely con fined in the milis and workshops; clcrks L v'ho do not have sufficient exercise, 91 jiand all who are conflned imloors, m. m should use Sulphur Bitters. They Y { will not then be f WEAK AND StCKLY. Is your Breath i m pure. Tour C S Stomaeh is out of order. Sulphur B j Bitters is the best medicine to take. fe i Sulphur Bitters will build you up Jj and niake you ' & STRONG AND HEALTHY. fe J At the dawn of womanhood, f 3 phur Bitters should be used. L ppnd 3 2-rpnt stampa to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boa ton, Mass., lor best medical workpublished WORK FOB US a few ckiys and you will '■■■ itariled :it the unespected success tuut wil! rewurd youreflbrta. We P'iiuvt'ly have besl b i sí) i -- to offer an agent il ai eau be found on i tbia earth. 45.00 profït on 975 00 worlh if business is belng easilv nnd honorably made b1 and pald to hundredfl of men, w i ti ■. glrli In our employ. You can make mouep faster at work for us t huii you bare any a of. The business ia so easy to íearn, and ínstructíona bo simple and plain( that all sacceed from tlw start Those wbo take h'-lil of buainess ro:ip the advantage that artoes fromtbe sound reputatioii oí one of the oldest, most suocessful, and largest publishtng houses in Anit rica. Secure for yuur-Ht 1 1 ie proftts that the business so readïly and bandsomely yields. AU beginners suooeed grandly, aud more than realize their greatest expectations. Those who try ii iiinl exttctly at we teil them. ïiiere i? plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them to begin' at once. If you are airead y employeil, but huve a few Ppare moments, aud wish to use them to adrantAget then write us at once (for tMs is your grand opportunity), and recelve full particularfl by return mail. Addressi Tlll'E & CO., líox No. 400, Augusta, Me. IS5 Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasaut and refresbiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effècts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.Y. CSLLETT'S Quickest and Best NONE BUT MAGIC WILL WIAKE BREAD THAT PREVENTS DYSPEPSIA, NO OTHER EQUALS OR APPROACHES IT IN LEAVEN1NG STRENGTH, PURITY, AND WHOLESOMENESS. Garfield Tea ssg Cures SlckHwKlache.Kentoresroumk-iion.SaYcs Doctor,' Bills. Saniplorrco. 4skkikij,Tk ...31 W.á5thSt.,N.Y. Cures Constipation


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