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CARTER'SI CURE Eick Headacho and relieve all tho tronbles Incident to a bilious Btate of the system, Buch aa Dizziucss, Nausea, Drowsinosfl, Distress aftcr eating, Pais iu the 8Ue, to. Whilo thcir most remarkablo bucccss has been ehown in curiag SICK Headache, yet Carter'g Littlo Liver Pilla ara equally valuable in Constipation. curing and proenting tlïisaunoyinff coraplaiut,while they also correct all disorders of tüOStomach,stiTOUlate the livor nd regúlate the bowelg. Even if thcy only HEAD Achethey would lo almoBtpriceless to those who Buffer f rom tliiadiatrossiïigcumi:taint; brflfortujmtely theirgoodiicasdoes notend hero.and thoso trhooncetrythemwillfind theso littiopillnvaluOblela eomany waysthat thoy will not bo willing to do without thcm. But after aUeicli head ACHE Is the Viane of so many livoa that here la where we malie our great boast. Our pilla cure it while otbors do not. Cartcr's Littlo Liver Pil'.s are very email and very easy to take. One two puls inakea dow. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, butby their gentle action piense all who tiaothem. Iu vial3at25cents ; flvofor $1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLP1LL. SMALL POSE. SMALL PBICE ASTHMA ' -. GURED. but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwill give instant ivlieí. 25C and 50c Blzes. Kample ma ilod f ree. .At drugi-tü or in ai led on receipt of price byTho Peerless Remedy Co. Gobleville, Mich 0E9L DIEFFENBACH'S iör PROTAGON CAPSULES, ivv pure Cure for Weak Men " Jrvim Cq proved by reportaof leadinnphyOlK - JA y? Hu:i;tns. State age iu ordering. KHMb aH 511'rice. 91 Catalogue Free. fB v. EB & ÉP% A f% -A safe and speedy f AuÉH ,'IS W Ifl cure for Oleet, t JB U i M A VI Ntrlcture and all '5 unnatura] discharges. Price SS. WP fiREEXSPECIFICii.Tod ftl waad kln I1neaPN, Sinttnionn Sores andHyphllitlc AtfVctlons, witii outmercury. Pnce, $2. Order f rom THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. L5. 18 Wiatopsin Street, MLLWAUKEE, WIS. Michigan Píentral " The Basara Fallí Route." TIME TABLE (EBVI8ED) MAY 28, 1801 CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. ö ■ ï ; ; := i : I :::::::: o : :::::::::: :Sí3CBSSS i :::::::::: ■ L I - 1 - " -J g s ;:; jjs g ás ; i i j ! s ■a c. : : : t é. : : : : ►i ?.? ! i' ÍS : ÍS 15 :9.: I S " í 6 " " " i c a m ; fl s : : : : " : . : m éi ás á Éá i i : s K d i á. m ::::: L Bá j ES 6 : j j S, a : a fc : : : =5íi :3 = ?.'L= ú L2Sí?? : : :SS á ==' ; ; i ; isa ; á S2 : i :s : :S8 SS8S8 ;S58g - b j i i jéá m es i Mis " c ■ ■ '■ '-O.X ■■ =- ...a t Sí:: :SG :S8 3 SS :32 : i SS S5 óíd : : :i; ü "- :n?í : : :?i É SS : : j j :SS E E L 3 a ó. i : : :' 3 : : j ] á ai 8S : i 5 : :5S ■ 8S : S : : :8 -ï : ; : : :l-?j '' : í ■ -o- ES j B I m ■' I i ! ! ■ : : -: JU S" 8Sgs jsssa ; & sa :sa ; ;s ñ cí - i i !LL Q : - at os ■ " LS S JS S 3 á o. = : a 3 88Í!82SSSS S :8BS6S8888 t-c'fl''wi:-í:'H't:ciái3Ío2- tÈ i i : i i i '■■i i !!:!!: II = :::::: .rr-r a t s I'! j:: gjj E ÜilllÜij O S3 " c ' 'w :::::: g : : k : : u : k : : : : : - - : ■ : o ■ - - ■S-Öo : ■ b a : : o : :s S : : : : : 0 Z' ' :neT3'a c ■ ■-. ■ ■ .1 á:"-:5iio Oü-5:-S53 P3Lg ggllxSSiil G. V. RUGÓLES. H. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ana Arbor . TOLEDO n AnnarboK (j AND [[ J J) NORTH MICHIGAN iT RAILWAY. L-J - TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT sxT2rx).Tr. 2vit.Tr i-i, ia93. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard time. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:15 A. M. 6:45 a. x. 12:ló P. M. 11:45 A. M. 4: 15 p. M. 9:00 P. M. Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo onlv. V. H. Bennett, G. P. A. K. S. Greenwood, Api EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PLLS. T A TYTTT'C! TRY le Drcs "PEjLjÜLJJIÜiO RIODICAL" PILLS írom Paris, France. Established in Europe 1S39, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Mouthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They ahvays relieve. Any druggist, 2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., wnolesale ageuts.aud 11 other druggists 1q Aun Arbor. These pills are warranted to brineon the"chanpe'' GET TICKET - OF - W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. Andyou are entitled to achoieeofTheHome Instructpr, the Life of General Sherman, or the Life of I'. T. Baruiira (free). when cash purebase to the amount of (15.00 lias beeu made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR, I.A11GE OCTAVO, 478 PAQE3, ILLÜ3TRATBD. A compendium of usefiil knowledge necessary for the practical uses of every-day llfe. A complete and perfect gulde to llfe In publlo and private. THE LIFE AND SEEDS OF GEN, W, T, mui. CROWN OCTAVO, 568 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED. A graphlc narrativo of hls boyhood and .■nrly life, educatlou, career In Florida and california, military achievements, Ufe as a Citizen, last slckness and death; wltli fine steel portrait. THE LIFE OF F, T, BARNUM, The WorldRsnonsd Showaas, CEOWS OCTAVO, 520 PAGES, I I.LUSTRATEI). His early llfe and struggles, bold ventures and brilliant success; his wonderrul career. hls wit, genius and eloquence, his life as a cltlzen, etc- to which Is added hls famous book, "The Art of Money Qetting." W. F. LODHOLZ 4 A 6-BROADWAY. 1692


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Ann Arbor Courier