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After July First

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stat'' Game Warden ffámpton hai IfiBued the rollowlng circular resrardtng i int the tógtelatare clld In regard to tlic Osb .-ii.i game lawa : To the Public : In reply to maay Inquliries I would state tiiat n:nu' ol the bilis making changes In the seaaotja during whlch certain tteh may be caoghi and cerbaln Icinde ol cmu1 may be taken beiiiiiif liiivi. The open seasons are ae EoUowb, tii samo as ander the lawa of 'Hl : Deer, lower peninaulQ, trom Nov. B bo Nov. 25 ; uppr peaiowila, between Sept. 25 and Oct. 25. Wftd turkey and iiuaii, Nov. 1 to Dec, 15 fcucluslvei I'arti-ii'.i;i'. lower i)ciii:iiila, NQV. l.tjo Dec. 15 inclusivo, opper península . 1 to J;m 1. Woodcock, An.ï. 15 bo Dec. 15. Jackaripe, red-headed, blue-blU, eaamm back, wldgeon and pJn-tail ducka and wild geese bel wet a 8pt. l and May 1. Other wild water Fowl and sntpe between Bept. 1 and Jan. 1. Prarle ohlcken, proteeted until noxt year, toen open Beaaon tolnber and Octobor. Bpeckted trout and grayltag May i to Sept. 1. A great ïuiiny local acts ia regard io n.-hiiig were paseed, bat the general lish ïaw recommanded by the isiKTiiifu.-' amooiatloa and tin.' ii.-h comini.-si(nici-s, the fish shuie biil, and Ote blll prohibiting the fouling of ttehing waters, were among the measares which were not oooBidered. There is therefore no use of people writing about fisli shutes or saw (lust Ittstreeaw. A general law was pasaod proMbltlmg entii-i-ly the killing of MongoUao and EngUBh pheasants. A vcry important . hangt' in the líame warden law takes efleci .luiy Hrrt. 1'. continúes the present system by allowiaig the game and fish war(hMis in ach county, bat they wlfl be temed cciunty wardena under the imv law. Tlic state warden j.s also authorized to ippoint deputy wardens w In) oan serve anywhere, in the state, aad who receive three dollars a day from 1 lie state for the work they actually perl'urm under liis orders. Uut aa there eau uot be more than ten deputies at a-ny time, and as the whfOie amount expended must nut ex! tivu thousand dollars a year.the oííieo will not be desirable from a financia! puint of view. The law will. bowever, eaable the state warden to have vioiatioiLs prompt iy attended to hen the cin-umsi anees warrant gending a special deputy. Dader Mide new law it is mAde the dut y oí every game and Hsh warden in ihe stette in Bieae all neta and iishiiiíí appcuratue fouad in ose in viuiatiuiL ol law, and all game, etc, fonnd In poeBee8iod contarary to law.anddlsjiose of the saine as the court may direct. J'.very g-ame and (ish warden ii:i ihr rJght to arrest without warrant any person cauglit vioUiting the luw. Thoy also have the right to ■■sr.irch any persen and examine any boat, ronveyanee, vuhiclc, ïish box, f Mi ba.sket, game bag or game coat, or any otlier receptacle for game or, when he has good reaaon to believe that he will thereby secure evidente of the violation of the law ; and any hindrance or interference with su&h search and examination shall be lriina facie evidence of a violation of the law by the party or parties who hinder or iuterfere with, or to twnder or interfere with such Bearctl and examination." TliiB unusual power was i"'1 the wardaae so that vioiators would lo running the grcatest poHsible risk in trylng tO rvadc llic law. All OfllciOU8 ofttoer couLil of course niake himself and tbe law vrry object ionable ander ilils ])i-i)vision ; but if any law-abidiztg cltiaen bt evec needbesely annoyed aader this ciausf ot the law, the obiiuxidus oflicer will lc LmmeiUately reinovcil U tacte are reported to the state warden. It ie of couroe cd tital all law-abkUng sportemen and risiuTüii'ii wüi aaelei ihu wardena In Une emfewcemeat al the upon others by eheerfuJly furatehlag proof of compUaoce avhIl the law themgelvea, but except in Imperative c no [orolble seareiiee will be made witliout eearch warrant wlik-h the new law providcs tor. It is important to note in this cmuitction that "any perm.ii w in hinden, otetructs or Interterea wlth, or attempta to hinder, obMruct or toterlere witk the eaid game and fMl warden or any dcputy or connty warden in the discharge of liis duiies, " is liable to fifty dollars fiüie or thiriy days In jai!. These are Btftageni provtelolne, but no one avüI have any oi-easion to COmplain of llieni iï they olKy the law. The only otlier Important (ten and game law was ■■An act regulating the use, poMeoBion, tranBportatlon and ui' fisii and game." Ji takea fcjt August L'ïtH and furbidü the shipmont out of the Bt&te ol "any of the liirds, gaine ar Hsh or the killLng, taking or liaving in pOBMSSlon o! Whjch is at any time 0C at all times protoiblted." It tlierefore oppllea to graylimg, trout and all protected name namcil aliove. AiioUrt Bectlon ui tbe aet imiiid-i t lic sale of the saine OuxJog cio-cd seaeona, and is framed ii avoid the objectlona whlch caused supreme court t overthrow :i prevtooe law Lntended to secure the r-ami! ObJ 0 Tliis law is c(m-ilcrc(l of great iniportanoe by all wbo liavc st-udled the subject, (or 5i rcsti-icts Bbootlng to t.hü opem eeaeone by makin.tí it lmpoásible (ar the law-breakers to ais.)( tlicir saine. A new compilation oí th fii-h aad game lawa wlll be i-sui-d in August.


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Ann Arbor Courier