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Tliia is the time of yeer when the Irintïng offices are all hummlng. Fred Andrés bad acollar bone broken yesterday, by being thrown out "f John roetz's delivery waj The sewiiii,' machine eontesl of the Daily Times elosea Thursday evenin?, July l'L', at 0 o'clock p. m. My boy, Uien1 is 110 s;i.e r.irnn' [or you aftei1 night exeept the chimney corner. - IÍ. J. Burdetrte. The 3d wanl Sunday Bchool, tliat meet.s in the :!l ward srliool building, luid a fino picnic Saturday afternoon, on the boulevard groYe. Wm. l'eldhauser, employed by Hutzel & Co., feil quite a di.stance .Saturday, by the Bldppimg of a ladder -ivhile at WOrk in the cellar oí the Ann Arbor BrewlDg C5o. Be Waa quite badly brutsed. On Triday Sheriff Brenner arreffted a man named C. C. Mclntusli, oí York, who was taken to Kansas City, MOv, oai a requisition, where he is charged wjth forgery. lie waa known there as Charles Sinith. Frank. L. Osgood, son of C. M. Ocgood, of this place, fell through a hatclnvay on tho steamer Panther, of ■vhich he was steward, while ín Chicago, recenüy, and is now in a hospital there, recovering írum Uis i,ijuries. Errn iach was married yesterday morning to Misa Alice C. Miller, daugbter oí 8, G. Miller, Esq., Rev. J. W. Bradsfaaw officiating. The conple are well known in the city, and will receive th'' congratulatione oí the public rally. Jim '■r. erspirntlon, A n ■ 1 milldens to th li reí air Bninmer bfething and SlrtHtisn. The Omega, the Hiijli School publicrtion, will be place 1 on sale to-day. bím Mary SeaboU la att&nding the lees ol 81 . Mary's AcadMonroe. ■■- . il i !.'■ -id ward, was called i Del roU v, aa a Dalted States jurar. ' : ; iii-f 1 ba remted Ure Wm. Humi property, cor. E. Ann and ". State sts. and wiil resido there liereafï er. The eierk oí Ann Arbor town wlll recelve woodchuck and sparrow M-aip oex1 S.t t nrday. in the court hOUSe basement. John M. RheJnharcH burled In Foresi Hiil Oemetery Friday. He was T-'! years oíd, a lint ve oí (I:-:1niaiiy. and leavea a wife, daughter and thi'.'c son-. We onderstand Üiat Clay (reene is contemplating the erection of a block oí two bi he coi aer óf E. Aun and -". Fourtli Ave., aud tha one of them has aln ady been rent( d. Conratb Brothers, market gardenei-.-, on ave., lost among otlici- gpardem truok, aboui ;() tomato planta by liif liail storm !at Thursi'.ay. ::..n ol whitoh were in blossom. On Saturday last .Miss Lizzie S. Brondage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brunda Aun Arbor town, died Funeral sei ' held Monday afternoon from tlie Leland church. Next Sunday tliere will be a unique service at the -M. E. church, to be known as Oíd People'a Day. Theyoung le and the children each have spi - eial daya, and why shouldn't the oíd people liave one? Everybotly a invited to vvelcome tíie veterans. The last quarterly meeting of tkia conference year will be held at the M. E. church in tliis city on Saturday evening, July lt. At that meeting will be read reporta frona all the church officers, and ms for tiie year will be held. It will be a very important meeting. Joiin Schulte, formerly flreman for Heinzman & Laubengayer of thia city, ras drowned Sunday morning at Scio. He was in a boat ii ii tl when near the land Httempted to jump on shore, btít went inío the water and never carne up agnin. lie leavea a wife and two children. Next Bunday -moriüng vill be Veti'a l;.iy 'in the M. E. church. The church v. i;i be hancteomely decorated and easy wlll lie provided for very aged people. The pastor wlll a post-lude to tile sermón, on 'The Common Council the Serva nt he Saloon." Supervisor Eugene Oeeterlln, o: the .:■! ward, wae chosen chalrman oí the board ol trustees of the state Ar■ Buind, tit it-. state meetli Jnckson the ut her day. The bunil ! ilistrilmted S41,(J33.3[) to wldovra duriiiig' the paei year, and nis about $400 left in its treasury. A young girl whose name we were inr able to learn, was quite seriously in jured Monday evening by being knocked off the sidewalk by a bicycle, at the corner of N. División and Lawrence sts. Tlie bicycle riders in that seetion of tlie city are very lawless in tliis respect, and it ia a wonder more accidenta have not happened. The anniKil Uanquet of the High school Alumni Associatiou wlll be held on Friday eveaing, June 23, in the High. School hall. Toasts will be responded to, and musie will be. furnislied liy tlie ('hequamegon orchestra. AU alumni and friends of the school are cordiaily invited to be present. The iKinquet begins at S o'clock. Rev. ('. M. ('oberu gave lite last lecInre on lüble st ories last Sumlay c ejiiog, to a large audlence. The story of .lonah was treated in such a manner t ha t tlie skeptie's view of it made liim ridlcujous. He proved trom liisioi-y that tlie huge monsters of the Mediterranean Sea were BO Large that a whole horse was found itfcSldie of one of them. The conference of health offlcers at the hygenic laboratory ended last Saturday. ïhero were a number ol excellent papera ruad, and many valuable ideas exchanged. It was a gnat wonder to somc of the speakers tliat Ann Arbor was yet dfecusstng the aiivisability of allowing p-igs to be kept within the oorporatlon limite, to do the work of títts Boavengere. The AVasIitonaw Oouaty Horticultura! Society will hold its next meetkng on vSnturday next, June 4, at the usual place in the conrt house, at - p. m. Tliere will be au exhibition of etrawberries and cbrrlefi. Topdca foi' dlecuBslon will be on the iruits now rlpenlng. Transportation matters will come np and arrangeiiicins will be made for the shlpplllg of fruils 1 hrough the season. Wcmld it not le a good idea for the city to purchase enongh of tbc river at some convenient tocation to make public baths fur the boys, and then let thom bathe to their heart's contant ? It seems a sliiunc to prevent the kids froqj wasliLng the dirt off their bodies if they want ■ I {rom personal experience thia pencil pusher can assen tli.u going in Bwimmmg was one ui' the gi 1 ï í_r 1 1 1 r - of liis boyhood rlays. CJnder ;!iis practice ia an ent one. Til fl)l tile ypnr. of dnyl Tr mp, None are so brlght. só dreamy - ■ Aa Juue's witti aower's perfume Aud k'ow, and birds' s weet mlnstrelsy, Ami ctunsel beauty. Alltoosoon Thy daya gtide trom "-. June, swi-ct .i.; - " I ill " Ín Miel A Del r ii 'i'1)! ctive is in town looking mi gome theiving operations that have been going on al the M. ('. B. R. freight depot. Next Sunday traína will leave Ann Arbor for Zukey Lake at 9:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. in., retarning at 11 :00 a. na. and 8:00 p. in. The Courier lias been selected by the Auditor General is the paper in which to publish the list of tax sale lande for this connty. Ex-Sheriff Dwyer has sold his E. Catharine st house to a lady from New York. He contemplatea the erection of two more residencea in thai locality. The average Ann Arborite s preparing to depairt. Ho usuaüy, II he nu. takee his famlly and goee a fishIng all Bummer, ,-is bood as commencement is over. At the Register of Deeds office there are no dp ecorded becanse of the láw requiriug tlie treasurer's ■ that there are no tax tilles exjsting against the property. Consequently onr list of real estáte salea are not in this weel . John Jacob Astor has goue into the board of t lio Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern 1!. R. Co., and i is gtated that he now Controls the road. It is also Ashley's will continue as managers. Sedg w ick I 'ean, t' ttiia city, has resigned as a director. Mr. Afltor wil! probably be made president of the r lad. Jolm K. EoblBon, grandeon oí Hon. John J., and bod of Geo. Frank lïobison. botli iormerly Ann Arborites, is to bo sent by th egovernment to BuTOpe to take a course of two to be wat by tin' gxyvernment to Glasgow. He. is one of two gradúate of the Naval Aeademy at Ansrlected for that purpose. Quite au honor. The se wiiiij cliool, which is conduc'tfd by tliaritable ladies, and which meeta in the Courier building every Saturday, held its last meeting for the sunimer Saturday last. It te nue of the best charitable works that ie carried on in the city, and tbc ladies who niake it a success are deserving of the greatest iiraise and encouragement. I iicy ought to be so .!-s;sted that next fall they can cominence agalo witli ïruowod inergy and vJsror. At their recent annual meeting, the Unity Club elected the following offlcers tor the ensulng year : Pres., I.. G. Whltehead ; vlce prea., Misa Lucy E. Textor ; kov., Mr. Peckh&m ; treasurer, iïobert Phillips. rhe club propoeea to have a series o! Iccturea that will le superior to anything t!ï;it they have i - : b - Prof. Pavid Swing, ni Chlca.laiiu's Kay Applebee, the Shakesiiearean reader, Edward Everet! ü . ■■ and othere ol like reputation will be ini on the Ut. The price ol ro-n tickets win not exceed $1. A liail storm oí unusual torce carne down upon Ann Arbor toet Thursday aiternooD, at about 4:30 o'clock. It vas accompanded by a íierce wind, sheets ui rain, and sharp electrical pyrptechntós. A number oí tele]i1iiiiil's and dynemoe were burn ü out by the electricity ; while the wind and the hall, eepecially the latter, piayed sad havoc vritih gardens and regetattoü ol 11 kinds, and was reapooslble Uk niany broken window light-s In various parte of the city. It was as sa vage a display of power as the elementa have united to give us hereabouts in a Long time. The Pope Manufacturing Co. of Boston, Mass., Borne time since offered a Columbia expert bicycle to any teacher the lirst tu inform thein of any misstatemcut of tact whicli may appear in any school book s 1 : i ■ 1 i t ■ i ! in this country, etc. Under this offer there were Bis machines distributed, and now Mr. Pope has published a pamphlet recitine the errors in text-books that have been Bent n to him. Soine of these ■ sci m perfectly ludicrous and otbers inexcusable. The text-book publishers all agree to see thal tlie errors are proniptly corrected. At the price that ! text-books are go] the publishêra i ughl to give a períect article without any errors. 1 'ridny Leal uas t silver wedding anniversary oí Eev. and Ml-s. John Xeuinaun, ui Bethtóhem Church, and the oi-cashui was made vcry pjjeasant fo i'ueiii by the cougregatk. l'nknown to the coupèe, t'ic church liad been dccoratcd. and at 7:30 p. m., liell was runii tor the people to asseuibic. llicn Rev. Neumaon and famlly cic sciii Idr and ;i vcry pri and uuiisiKil niarria.nt! scivice gone tlrronigh with. Rev. J'aui Irion, of Freedoin, and Eev. Mr. Bclwettle, oí Manchester, oiiiciat inu. Among othec presenta golven the couple waa a liandsonití tea Bervice, the Kiít oí the J,adies' Society oí the church. The Xorthville Record has this local item that soine of our Ann Arïior boye wüi afipreclate : "Wc haven't grot mueli 10 .-;iy about the Ann Arlior s. Xorthvülo ball game of lasi Satourday aiternoon. "We 5ntended glvlng it about half a column noticü bttt "want, of time and spacc forbids," so to speak. Besldea thoee Ann Arbor feUowB beat us, don't you tnow. x"o one - tu kiiow wnat the score but it was about two to one, (two to ons dozen.) We cotild have mopped the Kfouud wltJi them had all oí our regular playera bcon home, and by tbe way, the round needed mopping the worst way." On the country roede now-a-days. you will flnd tho soil and mud all dumped in the center of the main drive way, as of yore. Tlie people of Bay County, havingbad ;i taste of good roads, propose to have more of them, and ït a recent election voted, by a large inajority, to go on witli the work. Tliere avüI be an ice cieam social next Tuesday evening, June 27th, at R. Waterman'a, 66 East Washington st, for the benefit of the Germán M. E. Church. Admission fifteen cents. Dutand W. Springer, of the Cleary Business College, Ypsilanti, has been engaged by the Ann Arbór School Board to take charge of the commercial department of the public schools next y par. There will be a commencemeni concert Wednesday evening, .Tune 28, by Mr. J. Erich Schmaal, Mr. II. Zeitz and Mr. silas ü. Mills. The concert will begin at 7:30. Admission 50 cents. Tickets on sale at usual places. On Tuesday evening at G o'clock Mr. Henry Schneider, of Detroit, and .Miss Louisa A. Waltz, of Ann Arbor, were united in marriage, Rev. Max Hein perfonning the ceremony, at the home of the bride's paren ts, Mr. and Mis Ludwig Walz, on W. Liberty sí. A large reception was given in the evening, and the bridle couple made the recipiënt cl' many valuable presenta. The couple left this morning for theii future home in Detroit. This morning at 7 o'clock prompt . ceremony w as performed at St. Thomas' church, by Rev. Fr. Kelly, that ui the lives ï Philip Q'Hara and Miss Lizzie Dignan. Mr.. O'Hara ia a prosperoua merchant of the Northside, and Miss Dignan has been with Mack & Schmid a number of years, and is a very popular young lady, making for herself a host of f rienda who will wish her all the suecess and happiness possible in her new life. Benj. Taylor, who was for many years sexton of st. Andrew's Church, died Tuesday very suddenly at the home of his niece, Mis. W'm. Cleaver, on Church st., caused by tlie bursting of a blood vessel. Mr. Taylor was about 61 years of age, and was a native of Ilalifax, Yorksliire, Eng. He leaves no immediate family, the nearest of kin being severa] nephews and ñieces, residiug here. Funeral Bervices will be held Thursday, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., from Si. Andrew's Church. The people oi [roowood in the ' I'., have been afflicted with a terrible epidemie "f typhoid fever. ïho cause was a mystery. Finally a citizen fllled a jug with water trom the city sapply and sent it to Dr. Vanghan, of this city, for analysis. He found the water full of typhoid germa, and some of these administered to a couple of rata caused their death inside of 24 houre. A Bearch of the water pipes at Ironwood revealed a large quantity of dead fish, crabs, etc., jammed into the inlel pipe, and Erom iliis source the city reeeived its aupply of Sisease. The experience of [ronw 1 niav be a lesson to otlier cities. Xot a partiële ï water in this city ehould be used until after it has been boiled and tlms pnrifled.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier